In response to DarkView
Naturally. :P It probably doesn't help that I'm one a card-carrying member of STIGMA, the Secret Terrifying International Gay Moral Agenda. We, along with the Jewiccan Religious Cooperative, have spent centuries secretly orchestrating the return of Cthulhu, who is actually a front for Satan.

Hey... if I control the world, why do I have this crappy little apartment?
In response to Hedgemistress
Look, I believe in everything and nothing sometimes. When I'm really confused, I just go back to being the same old Discordian I always was; everything is true and permissable. Atlantis is real and it's not real. There is no goddess but goddess and she is your goddess (or is she?). Problem with good 'ole discordia is that nothing gets done because me and all my discordian friends are just lazy bums. (or are they?) But I have an open mind to most things. The only reason I'm more quick to believe an independent source as opposed to, say cnn, is because the independent source isn't controlled by the government (or is it?), whereas cnn is moreso controlled by the government. and this is a fact; the government DOES limit what we know, as they see fit to tell the general public. so not always does it have to support my idea: i set out wondering what atlantis is and why it is in lots of esoteric and conspiracy websites and books. im not satasfied with an answer yet, and thus i decided to put the notion past you fine lads. get it?
In response to Hedgemistress
Well maybe my outlook changes a lot. I realized that free will is good and integral to existence and all, but the rationalistic system of imposed anti-jesus theology the government imposes on us is hardly what i'd call free will and freedom of speech. i've come to the conclusion that they want us to worship satan.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
Naturally. :P It probably doesn't help that I'm one a card-carrying member of STIGMA, the Secret Terrifying International Gay Moral Agenda. We, along with the Jewiccan Religious Cooperative, have spent centuries secretly orchestrating the return of Cthulhu, who is actually a front for Satan.

Hey... if I control the world, why do I have this crappy little apartment?

Jewiccan!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!hahahah that's a good one!

hey maybe i should just go to chatters and talk about this conspiracy stuff....oh well, dont' worship the devil kiddies, it's not good for you, hear?
In response to Anarchy Robot
Ah... okay. I'm going to resume not responding to your posts, then. Two Discordians adopting opposite stances is going to turn every thread into a monster.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
Hey... if I control the world, why do I have this crappy little apartment?

Duh, to throw us off your trail of course.

Hang on, if your STIGMA rules the world, how can my DWO, DarkWorldOrder, be ruling the world through the front of Dragon Warrior Online? That's the problem with secret societies...
In response to Hedgemistress
You're a fellow (or are you?) discordian? That's pretty cool. Well, then just Hail Eris and All hail discordia to you! You're my new best friend!

like a tree planted by the river, we shall not be moved
In response to DarkView
OH NO! Not good 'ole DWO!!! And I thought those cat's were legit!
In response to Anarchy Robot
Don't I get any say?
In response to Anarchy Robot
Anarchy Robot wrote:
oh well, dont' worship the devil kiddies

I never got worshiping the devil. To worship the devil, you have to acknowlage god exists, which means that your an absolute idiot.
Not because you belive in such things, but because your going for the guy who outright hates you. It's like covering yourself in BBQ sauce and inviting Hanibal over.
In response to Hedgemistress
Don't I get any say?
In response to Anarchy Robot
I've come to the conclusion that they want us to be Christian. Because, you know, the fact that "God" is in most old documents. I also suggest you realize that if your parents and/or preachers hadn't told you that the bible is undeniable fact when you were young and impressionable, you would never have believed that crap. S'true.

This is the part where you cite an uncredible source to dispute my claim that Christianity is stupid.
In response to DarkView
Hey now, don't be pissing god off like that. He's a nice guy but when you piss him off he tends to wipe out your entire family.Hmmm....kinda like the moffia...
In response to Garthor
Oh got you! My parents never did anything of the sort! They don't go to church and aren't practicing religions of any kind. I believed in god after I went on a quest for meaning and the answer to life. And they want us to worship satan because the worship of satan is just as old as the worship of "god" or christ. Look at the mormons for example ....oh shoot i've gone too far...
In response to Anarchy Robot
Anarchy Robot wrote:
I believed in god after I went on a quest for meaning and the answer to life.

Two things:

First, you obviously were young and impressionable when you did this, and thus, you were brainwashed by some preacher (I say that too much).

Second, there is no meaning to life. It just is. While you are wasting your life praying to your imaginary invisible guy, hoping that after you die, something good will happen, and making yourself depressed by convincing yourself that there is somebody else trying to make you unhappy. I, on the other hand, will be having much fun mocking people like you while you waste your life.
In response to Anarchy Robot
It's not anti-jesus, it's just non-religious. The government is controlled by the people it serves. They can't mention jesus because that will upset all the other religions who don't belive in jesus.
Like if they were to say "[Indian god] is great" it would annoy you because they were pushing [Indian god] on you when you are Christian.
In response to Garthor
Oh, and I forgot to mention that you obviously chose Christianity because it gives you the happiest answer to your question, not because it made sense. Hell, eternal bliss for a measly year or so of praying to some invisible guy? SIGN ME UP!
In response to Garthor
Wow dude, that's pretty rude of you don't you think. I'm not impressionable by anyone, if you knew me, which you don't, you would know that. Life does have a purpose, because nothing exists without purpose. I can't believe that you are so apathetic and atheistic while at the same time you claim that you have supreme knowledge and that you are correct, and the millions who have died for their cause were wrong. Jesus did exist you know, but I guess you just think he was a crazy man right? Where did all the stories from the past come from? Eh? I think preachers are bad because they only want money. But I do believe that the Almighty created us for so many reasons.
1. we are special as a species and our place on this planet is most unnatural, just as god has said in the bible that he has given us dominion over the earth, so it was.
2. i can't believe that the universe just existed one day. that lacks sense and reason. physics can't explain it, and scientists themselves have said that it takes more faith to believe in that then in god.
3. there is supernatural stuff in the world, and while you might disagree and think that everything is explainable, some things just aren't explainable, because the earth is older and more mysterious then man will ever know.

i could go on and on, but i respect the fact that god gave you free will and you can choose yourself. i only ask that you give me the same respect i give you. but of course, it's still your choice.
In response to Garthor
Christianity...the following of christ...People follow christ so that someday they might attain eternal happiness in the kingdom of the almighty god. god isn't an invisible guy, but what do you care. no i looked into other religons, but they had flaws. for instance, all the kings and places and people mentioned in the bible are historically accurate and, on occasion, acrheologists and historians have used the bible to understand the past. religions like, the church of jesus christ of latter day saints (LDS [mormon]) for example, is based on a tribe of jews living in new york at the time of ancient rome. there is no evidence of this whatsoever and in face, every piece of evidence from the mormon religon is nowhere to be found. catholicism was a blatent form of control used to get money from the masses and control the world. heck, look at the "history" of europe when the catholic church virtually controlled it. besides, that religon doesn't even preach what is written in the bible. other scientific and mystic religons just get traced back to gnostic worship of lucifer, so i didn't want those either. buddhism was more of a lifestyle then a religon, but it had stupid things in its doctrine like the earth was on the back of a giant turtle, so that religon was out too. musilm religon and judeism were somewhat about monotheism, and yet they preached war and were, sadly, just another means of controlling people. because of all this it is little wonder that people have said things like "religon was invented to keep poor people busy". and stuff like that. i think that the bible has meaning, what with it being the oldest book in the world, and it is real and authentic, so i feel like i should at least listen to my ancestors; heck, they might be right for all i know. i feel bad for you, but im sure you don't care.
In response to Anarchy Robot
Anarchy Robot wrote:
Wow dude, that's pretty rude of you don't you think. I'm not impressionable by anyone, if you knew me, which you don't, you would know that. Life does have a purpose, because nothing exists without purpose. I can't believe that you are so apathetic and atheistic while at the same time you claim that you have supreme knowledge and that you are correct, and the millions who have died for their cause were wrong.

What about the millions who died for their own, distinct causes? There have been millions of Muslims who died in pursuit of their own vision of a universal religion of brotherhood and peace (and probably quite a few who died more recently for altogether less noble causes--but the Christians' hands aren't entirely clean, either), millions of Jews who died just for the sake of being Jewish, and presumably millions of Hindus and Buddhists who have also died but which I can't put my finger on any specific cause for due to my Western-centric knowledge of history (although I know that India has had its fair share of clashes with the tide of Islam). Not to mention all the lesser religions which have been decimated or even wiped out (through conversion or genocide). What makes you correct and them wrong?

Jesus did exist you know, but I guess you just think he was a crazy man right?

There's not that much evidence of Jesus' existence, and most of that comes from contemporary writings. If we assume that all contemporary writings are true, then the Roman gods must have all existed as well. Contemporary writings tell us that Caesar Augustus was a god, too, and all in all the miracles ascribed to him seem a lot less far-fetched than those ascribed to Jesus.

I still believe that Jesus was a real person, and a really good guy. If standing up and saying "Hey, let's get together and quit being a bunch of jerks to each other" is being crazy, then the world needs a lot more insanity. As for, you know, the claims of divine birth and everything... hey, I don't think Caesar Augustus was crazy, either. If you want to get people's attention, you just do what you have to do.

Where did all the stories from the past come from?

Why, they came from God, of course. And Allah, and Jehova, and Buddha, and the Aesir, and the Olympians, and whatever you collectively call the various major Celtic deities which I am too lazy to look up, et cetera.

1. we are special as a species and our place on this planet is most unnatural, just as god has said in the bible that he has given us dominion over the earth, so it was.
2. i can't believe that the universe just existed one day. that lacks sense and reason. physics can't explain it, and scientists themselves have said that it takes more faith to believe in that then in god.
3. there is supernatural stuff in the world, and while you might disagree and think that everything is explainable, some things just aren't explainable, because the earth is older and more mysterious then man will ever know.

Just because something is inexplicable doesn't mean that it's supernatural (nor is the converse true, for that matter). For over half a millenium we have been able to explain the appearance of the sun rising and setting in the sky, but for untold thousands of years before that, no one had any concrete explanation for it. Does that mean that supernatural forces moved the sun during that time, and that when Kepler and Galileo started poking around the heavens that the sun suddenly started obeying the laws of physics instead?

i could go on and on, but i respect the fact that god gave you free will and you can choose yourself. i only ask that you give me the same respect i give you.

Getting Garthor to give anyone respect would be miracle enough to serve as concrete evidence of the existence of a higher power.
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