Well, I'm trying to use this code:
icon = 'inbed.dmi'
var/npc_options = list("Sure"="Go away anyway.","No" = "Go away")
var/npc_input_dialog = 1
var/npc_input_dialog_text = "Wanna hear something fascinating?"
But I think I'm missing something, because there's no errors, yet it doesn't work. I want to be able to use the number 5 to talk and do that kinda stuff. But, I'm not sure how to. Can I have some help, please? Thanks.
Oh, and the indents got all wrong when I pasted it in.
Aug 9 2003, 11:48 pm
In response to Crispy
It's.. A.. List?
In response to Rockin' Eli
I.. Know. That.. Won't.. Do.. Anything.. At.. All.. Just.. By.. Itself. I'm.. Asking.. You.. To.. Tell.. Me.. If.. You.. Have.. Anything.. Else.. In.. Your.. Code.. That.. Relates.. To.. NPCs.. Talking.
(Annoying.. When.. People.. Talk.. To.. You.. Like.. You're.. An.. Idiot, Isn't.. It?) |
In response to Crispy
I wasn't talking to you like you were an idiot. I was talking to you but with the impression that *I* was the idiot. Hence the spaces I put.. Which was supposed to mean I had no idea what you were talking about and was just saying something in response, not knowing if what I was saying made me look like even more of a fool. When you don't understand, you usually don't talk fluently in the subject like you know everything about it. Especially if you're being careful in what you're saying. "I... I don't.. I don't understand.. What you're saying." I thought it was obvious what I was doing. (And my problem is semi-fixed, no thanks to your making fun of me/you, though.) |
Are you using some kind of NPC-talking library? If so, which one? I need to know more about how your game's system works before I can go changing it for you. =)