(1)You gain Experiance points to get levels per so many Experiance. When you gain experiance it is by killing ur apponent or enemy and only then. Gold is useally done this way simply cause it shows that he had so much gold in its hand or on it. But this is an upfall that players can only gain exp of they can only kill. While most people would think u would gain exp just by fighting a tuff enemy.
(2)When u gain exp through hitting of the enemy. This seams more realistic but when you fight a strong monster and hit it once u might gain more levels that was ment to. So to do this type or style it is usally when you die u loose so much exp to keep the exp level in balance with the style.
What type of style would u suggest for my RPG game coming out?
![]() Apr 18 2003, 7:46 am
The second idea with a modifier to experience thrown into the monster's variables. A standard monster would give 100% experience, while a monster with massive hit points would give, say, 75% experience or less.
I use a strange combination of the two, and take into account what Spuzzum mentioned. I give experience per hit to characters for dealing damage to creatures. It takes the damage done to the creature and compares that with the creatures max hit points, then multiplies this by the creatures overall exp reward. Basically, it gives the player a fraction of that particular creatures exp reward based on how much damage the player did to it. I don't believe in just handing experience out for hit and run tactics though, so I store the experience gained in a list and run a check to see if the battle is over and if it is, who won. If the player has defeated the enemy by either killing it or rendering it incapacitated, the experience from the list is then added to their actual experience. I just don't like the idea of people becoming big and powerful without ever really having "accomplished" something persay. I also have exp rewards for quests however, so it's not merely gained by killing things.
The first of your suggestions allows people to weaken monsters down to near death and have newbie characters get the last blow and level quickly, I'm not a big fan of that either. |
DerDragon wrote:
I use a strange combination of the two, and take into account what Spuzzum mentioned. I give experience per hit to characters for dealing damage to creatures. It takes the damage done to the creature and compares that with the creatures max hit points, then multiplies this by the creatures overall exp reward. Basically, it gives the player a fraction of that particular creatures exp reward based on how much damage the player did to it. I don't believe in just handing experience out for hit and run tactics though, so I store the experience gained in a list and run a check to see if the battle is over and if it is, who won. If the player has defeated the enemy by either killing it or rendering it incapacitated, the experience from the list is then added to their actual experience. I just don't like the idea of people becoming big and powerful without ever really having "accomplished" something persay. I also have exp rewards for quests however, so it's not merely gained by killing things. My game will have an afterlife so if some one fights to the very end but dies. They should still gain the same exp cause they learned with in the fighting experiance in the battle of what to do and what not too. Just cause they die doesnt really mean they should forget every thing they know. The first of your suggestions allows people to weaken monsters down to near death and have newbie characters get the last blow and level quickly, I'm not a big fan of that either. Actually the monsters exp would be all the same. Just because a noob would hit him 1 doesnt mean hes gaining so much exp. But I get ur drift maybe I could compair the stats of the attacker to the stats of the victum. I just dont know how hmmm. |
Well I may not have fancy sayings to help my case, but if you hit a guy once and run away your not going to get much done.
However you could make it so that the amount of exp per hit you recive goes up on a sliding scale. That way you cant go running into a fight with the strongest monster in the game then get in a sucker punch and run. Another way of doing it could be too add up the exp per hit like someone said, then times/divide it by a number depending on the outcome of the battle. Winning gets you double, running gets you half, dying gets you normal. |
To avoid hit-and-run tactics, you can use an "attack of opportunity"-like system. If you run away, then all nearby enemies get one chance to attack you, without you being able to block it as well as you normally would (you've got your back to them, after all).
Multiplying the experience by the attacker's percentage of damage taken ([max health - current health] / max health) would reward players for attacking while damaged. Stopping to heal could decrease the experience gained by the next hit.
Dividing the experience by the victim's health percentage (current health / max health) would make the victim's worth increase the closer it is to death. (There might not even be a need for a death reward.) Hit and run tactics then become RP and looting activities instead of powerleveling. |
Going one step feather into this would be cool. Rather then having it so that you can get attacked easier if you hit and run make it so that you get given sort of descriptions based on your fighting style.
Ie, Hit and Run, Fight til you fall, fight weaklings, fight stuperpowers, ect. Then give them all certiant disadvantages, for example a player who fights weaklings is likily too preform bad against a stronger enemy, or a hit and run tends to gain less experience from running then the average player. It would take a lot to get this system to work out well, but it would be worth it. |
How about something like FFX (I think it was FFX that had this), where a fighter/warrior character would get experience for damaging or killing enemies, and a magic user would get experience for casting spells or healing people. I suppose this system could easily be cheated (especially the spell casting/healing part), but you'd have to find some way prevent that.
Or, you could have a variation of that. Everything could give experience, and each character has a variable that determines the percentage of experience they get for certain things. A warrior might get 100% experience for killing an enemy, 75% for damaging it, and 0% for casting spells. |
DarkView wrote:
Going one step feather into this would be cool. Rather then having it so that you can get attacked easier if you hit and run make it so that you get given sort of descriptions based on your fighting style. You just explained some of the basics in my Battle System for the RPG. It will have diffrent fighting styles by hand and weapon. So lets say u do one style it is less likly a chance u will get away with one hit and then run with out getting yailed ur self. As for the style that like the hit and run there will be defects with that like Low damage or bad attack chance. |
Well, yes, but I look at exp as a reward for accomplishing something, theoretically, you learn something from attacking and running away, and to respond to Green Lime, you learn a heck of a lot from getting killed, but in a world where you can come back eventually, kamikaze isn't such a bad idea. I just try to draw the focus of the game away from making the biggest baddest character of them all through any means necessary, and I can see too many people running up to dragons with sticks over and over again until one day they're eating dragons for breakfast because they've learned from dying a million deaths. Haha, I could go the route where if you flee a lot, you get really good at fleeing. A soldier who runs away from the battle isn't learning how to fight, he's learning how to avoid it.
Hehe, yes, and I use those, same goes for spellcasting, fighting unarmed (unless you're a monk or have some kind of natural weapon), and entering the space around someone who is armed and ready to attack you.
DerDragon wrote:
Well, yes, but I look at exp as a reward for accomplishing something, theoretically, you learn something from attacking and running away, and to respond to Green Lime, you learn a heck of a lot from getting killed, but in a world where you can come back eventually, kamikaze isn't such a bad idea. I just try to draw the focus of the game away from making the biggest baddest character of them all through any means necessary, and I can see too many people running up to dragons with sticks over and over again until one day they're eating dragons for breakfast because they've learned from dying a million deaths. Haha, I could go the route where if you flee a lot, you get really good at fleeing. A soldier who runs away from the battle isn't learning how to fight, he's learning how to avoid it. When someone dies in my game they can come back through Spells or enchantments or other magic they cast them spells like leaching which lives of another person tell they make a brew with a courpse which lets them enter that body. But if u dont do these things ur going to be were ever your going for a long long long long long long .....*5 years later after saying long* long long long long long time. |
Well, then I guess your system wouldn't be too bad. In Maeva, we'll have portals that will allow you to return to the world with your experience set to what it was when you last gained a level. There will still be an afterlife where you can hang out and wait to be resurrected. You won't get any equipment back when you go through these portals,as you'll be generating a new body, but the worst that could happen, as our deity of lawful evil suggested, is to require you to write an essay on why you died and what you'll do better next time. No, we aren't going to be that evil. People over level 20 are going to lose a level any time they die and use this respawn method, as levels over 20 by D&D standards are epic levels and quite frankly, nothing short of a deity or another epic character looking to end your life for you should result in your death at that point.
But when you're using a concept as broad as "experience", how can you honestly say that you don't gain experience from discretionary tactics?
Oh and one really important thing I forgot to mention. Dont make EXP and levels the real decider in winning a fight, make equipment play a key role.
That brings up a new problem, beggers. Anyone familiar with online MMORPG's is familiar with beggers. People who sit there all day whining over world chat that they dont have any good items and someone needs to give them good items. They really suck. A lot of the time this begging technique actually gets results, usually because they wont stop talking until someone gives them heaps of gold and items so some rich uncle oldbie gives them it. A way of beating this is too make it so that there are stat requirements on items. Ie, you cant wear the helmet of Gourge until your magic resistance and magic power are at a certiant level. In RP terms that just means that too use a item with that much magically power you have to be quiet good with magic or else it just wont work. Having stat requirements helps in a lot of ways. Mainly preventing someone from training too get their pysical stats up, then just covering their weakspots with teh right type of armour. Although wearing a magic proof cloak when your a barberian may be a good idea out of character, in character it isnt. There have too be some items that arent stat based, these would probably work best level based. This is a pretty long post considering I just wanted to add one point to the conversation... I think about this topic too much.... |
DarkView wrote:
Oh and one really important thing I forgot to mention. Dont make EXP and levels the real decider in winning a fight, make equipment play a key role. Hehe I always thought of doing this too. I allways thought of it as in real life if a person has a super blade that weights like 200LBs its more likly for a person to cut them self or drop it if they are not strong enough. |
Like you said, it's more realistic.