![]() Feb 13 2003, 6:15 pm
In response to Krosse
In some styles leopard is called panther, that's the only other one I know of.
There can't be a "best" martial art, considering they all have weaknesses based on the user. The considerably strongest martial art is developing with what you can do, and training will get you to be able to do more actions meaning you can develop more ways of self defense.
I recommend(If you have the money.) taking a fairly large container and filling it with sand, then punching the sand 100 times a day, every day, for a month. Then you add some gravel into the sand and mix it around, punch that 100 times a day, every day, for a month. Then take out the sand and just add in gravel, punch that 100 times a day, every day, for a month. And finally take out the gravel and put in large rocks, and then punch those 100 times a day until they are condensed into gravel. Just keep punching the rocks and switching them out as they are minimized. This excersise will develop the muscle fibers in your arm which help you punch, raising stamina, strength, and speed. Also, the callases in your fist will develop, hardening your knuckles and making them very powerful.(You might need to spend more time on each session, such as 100 times a day for perhaps 2 months, just so you don't cause injury when adding in harder substances. Or, if your knuckles are already very soft, I recommend starting out at about 20 - 50 times a day instead of 100 times, then based on the number change, just extend the amount of days you do it.) Unfortunately, me not being able to obtain sand from any local garden shops, I use a soccer ball tether with a net and a fully pumped soccer ball, then I punch it over and over directly in front of me and keep it from blurring off its direct coarse. This helps hand eye coordination, and toughens the knuckles. The side affect is that my knuckles are scarred and almost permanently turned to a red-like color. <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
I believe you are talking about Tae Kwon Do.... Jeet Kun Do is definately not for show, and whoever told you this was either mis-understood, lied to you, or had sources which lied to him. Jeet Kun Do is based upon perception instead of speed, body weight, and force. It's goal is for the user to be able to percieve the attack and counter it with the attackers own negative energy, causing them to be harmed/stunned and with a loss of energy, while the user is barely winded. The level of style and grace required for this art is what brought Bruce Lee to the big screen, and when he settled down from work for a while, he started developing techniques himself, because he felt like he was a million steps away from being the best.
Escrima is alright if your into more of an American style, since the usual American feels that size wins the fight. Using body weight to win against someone who knows how to counter most moves which requires weight to be thrown(Such as pulling your arm back to punch, and swinging your shoulder out to throw in body weight.) is just a battle lost to the guy who uses his weight as his skill. <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
Tae Kwon Do is definately not for show, its taught to the korean military for self defence(or at least used to be). I might be wrong about the Jeet Kun Do though.
I believe you mean it fires .50 calibre shells.... I also don't think there is a black powder rifle which fires .50 cal shells.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
I believe I meant it fires .50 calibre balls of lead. I know what im talking about here, and obviously, you dont. And no, there is no black powder rifle with fires and sort of shell, if the gun fires a shelled round then it uses smokeless powder.
I can't say I take an actual martial art, but I do box. If you wanna be the the best shape of your life, take up boxing. Just like martial arts you will learn to defend yourself, but with alot quicker results. Your speed, strength, endurance, and stamina seem to increase daily making you feel alot better about yourself. There is nothing like going to school one day feeling like with your training nothing can harm you.
<font color=crimson> Marijuana |
Boxing is a martial art, even though it's not an eastern art, it still uses fighting. I used to box, it was fun but kung fu is way funner because you get to move around alot more, where as in boxing you only use your fists and is based more on strength than skill, even though it does need some skill, it takes a lot longer to master an eastern art than boxing.
Boxing is extremely cardiovascular as well, and if its not for you, your a horrible boxer. What do you think all that moving around does?
I never said it wasn't, all other martial arts are just as cardiovascular if not more. But I don't try to get my cardio in with other things, running is the best thing for cardiovasculars, if your too lazy to run than you shouldn't be doing too many sports or martial arts or whatever.
You can assume that I don't know jack about guns, but I do, and I have never heard of there actually being .50 calibre balls of lead. The reason why I said I don't think there is a black powder rifle that fires .50 calibre shells is because I already knew that black powder rifles do not fire shells. You also have to consider that you can't classify a gun as a .50 calibre rifle, but more as its type name when made, not the type of round used(Shell, pellot, ball.). For instance, the Desert Eagle is not automatically assumed to fire .50 shells, since it usually is created to only fire .45 and .357 rounds. That does not mean I will call it a .45 or a .357, since the Colt 1911 is a .45(Also assorted), and the Magnum is a .357(Not sure if assorted, I am not a big revolver fan.), which can cause confusion.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
http://www.tcarms.com/mlrifles/enc209x50/ (not a rifle in strict terms, but still black powder, muzzle loading, and 50 caliber) Thats just two examples, although you can sabot a .44 or .45 caliber ball to fire out of a 50 caliber. The sabot increases the circumfrence of the ball to 50 caliber. If you still dissagree I shall have to smack you. |
I'm afraid your still missing the point.... You can't just call it a .50 calibre black powder rifle, since that is the type pellet it fires, and not the actual gun type. I have little care for what is basically high-powered beebee weaponry, meaning I have little knowledge on it also, but as you felt it was safe to assume and go out of line as to saying I don't know what I'm talking about, I felt it was safe to assume that there is no ammunition type such as a .50 calibre pellet. I never disagreed(There must be an argument to disagree.) I was simply stating from my knowledge on low edge weapons that there is no pellet that is made which could be fired at the speed equal to a .50 calibre round. My other point was that you should not call a weapon by it's calibre, but rather by it's given name(In your case it is alright to call it a .50 since that is used in one of the guntypes names used in the example websites, T/C Omega .50. Considering you did not specify though, it could be anything.)
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |