Dec 6 2002, 4:41 am
How would the host of a game get some special verbs?
Dec 6 2002, 1:10 pm
use the demo or it might be a library i dont remember but i've seen one before
HOST="" mob/Stat() usr.verbs.Add(/mob/Host/verb/Host_Boot) usr.verbs.Add(/mob/Host/verb/Start_Game) usr.verbs.Add(/mob/Host/verb/Host_Change_People_allowed) usr.verbs.Add(/mob/Host/verb/Host_Summon) usr.verbs.Add(/mob/Host/verb/Host_Summon_All) HOST=usr.key usr.verbs.Add //HOST VERBS// mob/Host/verb/Start_Game() set category = "Host" world.visibility = 0 world.status = "Game in Progress" world<<"<SPAN STYLE='color: red ; font-size: 20pt ; font-weight: bold ; font-style: '>THE GAME HAS BEGUN!</SPAN><STYLE>" mob/Host/verb/Host_Boot(mob/M in world) set category="Host" del(M) usr<<"You Booted [M]" mob/Host/verb/Host_Change_People_allowed(n as num) set category="Host" maxpeople=n usr<<"You changed the number of people allowed to [n]" mob/Host/verb/Host_Summon(mob/M in world) set category="Host" if(!M.client) return else M.loc=usr.loc mob/Host/verb/Host_Summon_All() set category="Host" for(var/mob/M in world) if(!M.client) ..() else M.loc=usr.loc mob/Host/verb/Host_Mute(mob/M in world) set category="Host" if(M.Muted==0) M.Muted=1 M<<"You have been muted by the host" else M.Muted=0 world<<"[usr] has been unmuted by [M]" //MOB VERBS// mob/verb/Say(msg as text) if(usr.Muted==1) usr<<"..." else world<<"[usr]: [msg]" I think this is what you are looking for. Tell me if there are any errors because I didn't bother to compile it. |
In response to RainZero
Its a very long time from your post, Rain Zero, but i still have a question. How can you receive host verbs if you are hosting it?
In response to Unknown Person
The host would be the first person to logon... because at first they'd just be running, then they'd hit the 'Host' button.
In response to Nova2000
Not always - if you get unlucky, it's possible for somebody else to connect first when you reboot the server.
A more reliable way is to check the value of <code>client.address</code> to see if <code>client</code> is the host. If <code>client.address</code> is null, equal to <code>world.address</code>, or equal to "", then the client is the host: <code>var/client/host=null //Global var that says who the host is client/New() if (!host && (!client.address || client.address==world.address || client.address=="")) host=src .=..()</code> |
In response to Crispy
There is a problem, when i use that code, this happens.. var var var It points to the "host=src" part.. Anybody able to help me> |
In response to Unknown Person
No client, just address.
In response to Garthor
Whoops, my bad. That's what happens when you transplant code from mob/Login() straight into client/New(). :-)