Somebody tell me how the heck Reakwon became the DBZ god?
He made 1 or 2 good games and then everyone suddenly worshiped him? Someone please tel me how this all came to be.

No, you have it a little backward. He ripped a couple good dbz games by dracon and became a dbz god, worshipped by 10-12 year old kids that think they can hack him if he doesnt give them immidiate and permenent gm powers, because they are 1337 hackers that should be feared.
In response to Jotdaniel
1337.... what the hell is that, and ... if you know this, and they know this ( that he ripped a few games) why do they still worship him. Are they that stupid?
In response to Sitting Bull
1337 to leet speak for well, leet. Its stupid and childish and ive never talked like that. And, yes, they are stupid.
In response to Jotdaniel
leet= elite
Sitting Bull wrote:
Somebody tell me how the heck Reakwon became the DBZ god?
He made 1 or 2 good games and then everyone suddenly worshiped him? Someone please tel me how this all came to be.

I became really popular by DragonBall Zeta. And, jotdaniel, I helped zeta from day one, when he gave the whole ownership to me, I recoded it. Basically in you're post, Jotdaniel, you're saying I can't code. You're about 100% wrong there.

But yes, I became rather popular by Zeta and my demos 'Text Demo, Hud Demo, and DW name selection demo', and also the Realm of Mordor.


[edit] No one becomes a gm for threatening me with there l33t hacking skills, they just get banned. [/edit]
In response to RaeKwon
Fair play. If somone threatened me I'd get their e-mail address, which would lead me to their IP with my super-email-web-browser-thing (and yes, it does really exist) and ban their IP from all my games.
In response to Hazman
Hazman wrote:
Fair play. If somone threatened me I'd get their e-mail address, which would lead me to their IP with my super-email-web-browser-thing (and yes, it does really exist) and ban their IP from all my games.

I have a IP ban code, feel free to implement it in you're game:

Ban(mob/M in world)
set category="Wizard"
set desc="Ip Ban / Key ban someone."
people += M
banned += M.client.address
M << "You have been banned."
world<<"<B><I><font color=yellow>[usr] Ip / Key banned [M]!"
ban_list += "[M.client.address]-[M.key]"
set category="Wizard"
var/T = input("Which address would you like to unban?") in ban_list
world<<"<B><I><font color=yellow>[usr] Un Ip / Key banned [T] from the save file!"
if(copytext(T,check_letter,check_letter+1) == "-")
goto unban
ban_ip += copytext(T,check_letter,check_letter+1)
check_letter += 1
goto start
usr << "Unbanned."
var/list/banned = list()
var/list/ban_list = list()

People have had problems with hecklers in there games, you can use this to if you can't make you're own ban.

In response to RaeKwon
Thanks for the thought, RaeKwon, but I already have an IP ban thingy from Spuzzums S_Admin.
In fact, I make most of my game map with a mapsave code and the create verb that comes with s_admin.

In response to RaeKwon
Ok, so I was having a bad day. You ripped at least one game of his. Though I'm hard pressed to believe you helped on zeta from day one with your previous activites as cappa kyle. I would like to give dracon a little more credit than that.
In response to Jotdaniel
Hahaha, i don't know much about the DBZeta story or RaeKwon's story, but I do know that a lot of people hate him because he is respected so much at this community.

Personally I don't hate anyone in this community no matter how amazing or stupid this person is. All I know is that when you're at the top, someone is always trying to shoot you down. RaeKwon is at that position right now, he's at the top i guess. People will always put him down EVEN if they like his games!!!
In response to Elliot Leonhart
Elliot Leonhart wrote:
Hahaha, i don't know much about the DBZeta story or RaeKwon's story, but I do know that a lot of people hate him because he is respected so much at this community.

Personally I don't hate anyone in this community no matter how amazing or stupid this person is. All I know is that when you're at the top, someone is always trying to shoot you down. RaeKwon is at that position right now, he's at the top i guess. People will always put him down EVEN if they like his games!!!

I have been insulted by people that are addicted to my games.

In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
Ok, so I was having a bad day. You ripped at least one game of his. Though I'm hard pressed to believe you helped on zeta from day one with your previous activites as cappa kyle. I would like to give dracon a little more credit than that.

When I was cappa kyle, I ripped genesis to make Majour. Been stated many times, I also ripped DarkAgesB as Cappa Kyle.

Actually, me and Dracon came up with the idea of Zeta when Dracon started coming on BYOND steady, and I helped him code it when he had troubles.

In response to Elliot Leonhart
It wouldnt be difficult to do what Raekwon has done, hell unless hes obsessed with making complicated solutions to simple problems in his code, hes got a very simple to make game in the form of zeta. Hes not respected at this community much if any by anyone that counts. Hes not at the top of anything, and to tell you the truth zeta is at the low side of mediocre.

(this post has nothing to do with RoM, which I havent played as of late and wont judge till I have thoroughly done so)
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
It wouldnt be difficult to do what Raekwon has done, hell unless hes obsessed with making complicated solutions to simple problems in his code, hes got a very simple to make game in the form of zeta. Hes not respected at this community much if any by anyone that counts. Hes not at the top of anything, and to tell you the truth zeta is at the low side of mediocre.

(this post has nothing to do with RoM, which I havent played as of late and wont judge till I have thoroughly done so)

Have you played zeta recently? There is 70 people online 'Popular again since version 26'. I have taken it into consideration to make it really advanced i.e. Advanced menu systems, and the rest, but I will not be doing that to zeta. I have had votes on it, ect, and people think itll take to long to go threw the menus rather than go to a mob and click Buy. Which, as they think, is more efficient.

RoM doesn't have any advanced code in it neither, it's just a run of the mill as well. It does consist of some pretty nifty features though. I actually don't like advanced menu systems in my games. But I am very much capable of doing it.

And yes, I am very respected about the community. Alot of the games I enter, 90% of the people in them are like hey RaeKwon! and the other 10% are like Oh god, it's raekwon. Which, chances are, are people I told they cannot be a 'GM' in my game, and have a grudge against me since.
By the way, Jotdaniel, do you have a grudge against me cause I ended up not helping WizDragonW with his game?

In response to RaeKwon
Then the ripping of your games is a case of ironic justice(err Poetic?)... an eye for an eye.

In response to Elliot Leonhart
No, he's not really "at top", since there is no such as, "at top", in this community. Raekwon just tends to be annoying at times.

In response to RaeKwon
Lol....I have no reason for a grudge against you. WizDragonW came to me with that idea, well it wasnt muchof an idea, and I went as far with it as I could without him actually thinking of more ideas for it. I got tired of coding something I didnt have any idea for, and I wasnt getting anything from him either.
In response to RaeKwon
I became really popular by DragonBall Zeta.

I made Zeta originally... wooo... I hate Zeta... may it burn in hell for all eternity.
In response to Jotdaniel
Yeah, I agree with jotdaniel. Looking at "your" "Zeta", I didn't see me in the credits one bit. I deserve a lot more than that, seeing as how I made most of the icon and coding you edited off of.
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