Hi I am a newbie.I was wondering how you would do a character choice.So far i have:
switch(input("What char","Character Choice")in list("Aragonian","Imperial","Sires")
But I have no idea what to do after the if("Aragonian") to make that user the aragonian mob.
ps:By the way I am sorry about selling ripped icons.
Oct 13 2002, 11:04 am
In response to Treasurecat
Unfortunately, setting the icon_state and some vars isn't enough. You might have two vastly different types of classes and such. You can set usr.client.mob to something else. Just make sure that the Login() procedure for selecting a certain class is under mob/Login or whatever, or you override it for the mob/Whatever, otherwise you get an infinite loop. EX:
BAD: mob var/intelligence var/charisma Login() src.client.mob = input("Class") in list(/mob/Ugly,/mob/Stupid) Ugly charisma = 0 Stupid intelligence = 0 GOOD: mob var/intelligence var/charisma LOGIN Login() src.client.mob = input("Class") in list(/mob/Ugly,/mob/Stupid) Ugly charisma = 0 Stupid intelligence = 0 world mob = /mob/LOGIN |
you probably dont need the if statement try this.
src.loc = locate(x,y,z)
src.icon_state = input("Choose your path.") in list ("path 1","path 2")
just make sure your icon state is the same as your chosen path i.e icon_state = Aragonian
later if you want different var for each you could use the if statement to add them at the Login() like so.
src.loc = locate(x,y,z)
src.icon_state = input("Choose your path.") in list ("path 1","path 2")
if("path 1")
intel += 5
if("path 2")
str += 5