ID:274923 no dice...this is so stupid...not even a hint of a smile came to my face...i would expect something better from a 2 billion dollar company
Are you talking about the art?
In response to Sariat
th.....they stole sariats best artwork!!!
what ya talking about? I laughed my arse off.
In response to Geo
cause you see your what people like to call a fanboi...
In response to Sariat
No they made fun of porch monkies
In response to Dareb
do i know you?
In response to Dareb
th.....they stole sariats best artwork!!!

It MUST be byond's tradition to insult Sariat on every post. It's amazing a commmunity who is 40% sarcastic arse and 60% annoying manages to thrive.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
cause you see your what people like to call a fanboi...

mind speaking engrish?
In response to Geo
In response to FuZzY DiCe

Now your saying it slower, if your saying "fanboy" so sue me. Just because I like something doesn't mean I am a fanboy. Your probably one of the people who hates Microsoft because you have a miserable life and have no one else to blame.
In response to Geo
i have all 3 systems...if you thought that was funny you have a shallow sense of humor and/or thought it was funny because you think the xbox is the best system ever...i happen to have all 3 and xbox isnt my 1st pick...i would expect something better from a 2billion dollar company like i said...i mean you dont see the other consoles making fun of others...
In response to Geo
Geo wrote:
th.....they stole sariats best artwork!!!

It MUST be byond's tradition to insult Sariat on every post. It's amazing a commmunity who is 40% sarcastic arse and 60% annoying manages to thrive.

True that, Geo. Thanks for backing me up.
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Geo wrote:
th.....they stole sariats best artwork!!!

It MUST be byond's tradition to insult Sariat on every post. It's amazing a commmunity who is 40% sarcastic arse and 60% annoying manages to thrive.

Waitaminute. Since when does Sariat count as 60% of the community?
In response to Leftley
Leftley wrote:
Sariat wrote:
Geo wrote:
th.....they stole sariats best artwork!!!

It MUST be byond's tradition to insult Sariat on every post. It's amazing a commmunity who is 40% sarcastic arse and 60% annoying manages to thrive.

Waitaminute. Since when does Sariat count as 60% of the community?

Amen To That Brotha!

In response to DBHavenMaster
DBHavenMaster wrote:

Amen To That Brotha!


Oh, now Sariat only has to be 59% of the community.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
i have all 3 systems...if you thought that was funny you have a shallow sense of humor and/or thought it was funny because you think the xbox is the best system ever...i happen to have all 3 and xbox isnt my 1st pick...i would expect something better from a 2billion dollar company like i said...i mean you dont see the other consoles making fun of others...

Ok.... your point? I never said "X-bux is the bestest systum evur!!11!" and never said it was better than the others, just thought it was pretty funny because I never exptected something to come out of the pipe. It's my personal favorite, and it doesn't have many games out yet which have earned a title unlike the playstation 2 and gamecube. The only real game that has been given a major acknowledgement is Halo, although it is showing good promise such as Deathrow, Fable (project Ego), and some others which I can't think of because I just got mutilated in fallout 2. It's not really the other consoles that have to make fun of each other, their fans do it for them. I see more playstation 2 fans saying stuff to people who have a xbox. People who like gamecube the most rarely ever say stuff like that from what I've seen, infact I've never seen a gamecuber say anything like it. I don't really have a shallow humor, just a broad humor.
In response to Garthor
wow, this is just.... sad.... people jump him on every post. It's like they just sit, watching the monitor and refreshing every 30 seconds to see if he posts.
In response to Geo
Geo wrote:
wow, this is just.... sad.... people jump him on every post. It's like they just sit, watching the monitor and refreshing every 30 seconds to see if he posts.

Actually, that statement sounds more like sariat to me.
In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
Actually, that statement sounds more like sariat to me.

I think my point has been proven
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