Ok this is for a 2x3 mob. I just overlayed the different tiles using the pixel_x and pixel_y vars but u cant make the overlays dense so how will i go about doing this. People suggested invisible objects here on the forum but i am not really sure how to go about doing this can anyone start me off?

You make invisible objects the same way you make a multi-tiled mob made out of multiple objects, you just don't give them icons.
In response to Garthor
Sorry to bother you but can you start me off Garthor. I need a starter then once i get the idea then i can do the rest..
In response to Soori-99
In response to Garthor
Thanks Garthor
In response to Soori-99
No problem. Later I'll work on one for a mob of more than 2 pieces, which will be somewhat more complicated.
In response to Garthor
There, it's now updated for mobs of 4 tiles, or even more, if you know what to do. It's not very well documented there though. I'm too tired.
In response to Garthor
Sorry again but in your demo it says there are two .dm files but i only received one.... I am in no hurry so you can update it later if you want
In response to Soori-99
Strange... maybe I didn't package it correctly?
In response to Garthor
Okay, all fixed.