I would like to see some sort of 'HUB Statistics' page added to the site. It basically shows a heap of differnt things, like 'Most Popular game', 'Longest Hosting Session', ect.
I wont bother explaining any fearther since its a pretty basic concept. Not the greatest idea but it would still be interesting to see stuff like what the top 5 most popular games for the week are.
Jul 27 2002, 8:57 pm
Jul 28 2002, 6:44 pm
kinda like www.newgrounds.com has, it has it so you can vote, and if a (flash) game or movie is voted up, its listed with some others. There is like game of the week, and movie, and so on.
In response to Scoobert
Then we'd just have DBZers hitting vote and vote and vote every 3 seconds. Besides, thats what BYOND 100 is for. (Forgot the Addy)
In response to Sariat
well drugfilms.com (a less mature version of newgrounds) made by Tom fulp aswell, has a system based around you get a certain amount of dollors when you first login, these are then donated to creaters....
wait thats almost whats going on here. i got an idea hows about you can see how much peeps have donated =D |
In response to Sariat
well, thats why you make it so you can only vote once per game(not day like Newgrounds.com) That way everyone gets one vote per game. And make it so to make a key, you have to give a valid email address(make it check for returned mail, not make it so the person has to check theres.) So email adds can not be used twice.
Dog Man wrote:
I would like to see some sort of 'HUB Statistics' page added to the site. It basically shows a heap of differnt things, like 'Most Popular game', 'Longest Hosting Session', ect. Agreed. Hopefully we'll get a chance to spiff up the website and hub sometime in the future. We always seem to be backlogged with stuff to do, though! |