Truthfully, I believe all this whining about it being illegal is just wrong. I mean, does FUNimation really care if people make their own little fan games based off of Dragonball? I think not. I believe it encourages them to watch Dragonball and buy their merchandise. Besides, if it is illegal, who cares?. It's not like the FUNimation police are going to bust down your door and delete your game.

BYOND stands for Build Your Own Net Dream. If people choose to dream of making a Dragonball game - let them. Hell, Last time I checked, there was a thing called <font color = red>f<font color = white>r<font color = blue>e<font color = red>e<font color = white>d<font color = blue>o<font color = red>m<font color = white>.
Because there are some constructive comments on this thread, I haven't closed it. However, this is a warning to all the parties who flamed to stop.

In particular, Lucas Gates and Seige1010: Stop attacking people, and stop using bad language. If you can't do that we'll show you the door.

To everyone else, if you post here, please don't let it degenerate into a "DBZ sucks/no it doesn't" debate. If you have comments on the list of games itself or any of the games therein, it's another story, but please keep your comments constructive.
In response to Stimulus
Stimulus - I think that's enough, eh?... egging him on will only start another flamewar, and then I'll have to use the secret moderator phone and call for backup again (thanks Mod for the editing).

Just let it go - eventually he'll go bother someone somewhere else, ok?
Guess what, FUNimation DOES care. They shut down a Quake 3 mod based on DBZ (Bid for Power), and I'm sure they would shut down these games which are MAKING MONEY OFF THEIR COPYRIGHT.
In response to digitalmouse
I will leave it as is, but I would just like the Mod to know that he was making a hacking threat and should be punished.
In response to Stimulus
The name of the program is "Back Orifice" and it was developed as a remote admin device, but script kiddies got hold of it and are using it as a backdoor into people's computers. Here's a common attack over an instant messaging service:

Suspect: Hey, I just made a new game, I want you to test it out.

Newbie: Wow, what kind of game is it?

Suspect: It's an action/adventure game, a lot of fun too!

Newbie: Cool, email it to me or send it to me, I want to try it.

Suspect: Sure.

<Suspect sends the backdoor exe renamed to Game.exe to the Newbie>

Suspect: It might not work though, depending on your computer.

Newbie: Ok.

<Newbie runs Game.exe, and doesn't see a game pop up, but the backdoor is opened on some port.>

Newbie: It didn't work!

<Suspect logs off of instant messaging service, and records Newbie's IP address>

<Suspect logs in to the IP address and messes around, deleting files, recording keystrokes, shutting down the computer, etc>
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Guess what, FUNimation DOES care. They shut down a Quake 3 mod based on DBZ (Bid for Power), and I'm sure they would shut down these games which are MAKING MONEY OFF THEIR COPYRIGHT.

They didn't shut it down - they just made them make original characters.

Besides, these games are very small. These games aren't as huge as Bid For Power. I think you are just saying this because you want the games shut down. I believe if I talked to a person from FUNimation, they would say the same thing as I said in my previous post. But that's just my opinion. Some people don't repsect other's opinions.
In response to Garthor
Bid For Power, was shut down because a substancial amount of Dragon Ball Z Fans were playing downloading it. Funimation saw it as a challenge and got rid of it.

How many millions of people would be happy to play the same 2d rpg renamed about 20 million times?
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
..and I'm sure they would shut down these games which are MAKING MONEY OFF THEIR COPYRIGHT...

That's why DragonBallQuake will live on because it is a free mod for Quake - a fangame mod which does not infringe on the profits of the owners of the Dragonball rights...
Lucas, i dont have any right to "keep myn" For the fact there is better DBZ games on the hub then myn. I don't spend all the time doing "special features" for the fact i dont care, Its a DBZ game! =P

As for Ken - You have never tryed any of my games. DBFO isnt just all train this and that, and it's only alpha. I was about to say hell with it. But somone told me to stick with it, Well abunch of people.
So i will, all my codeing experience is going into DWN. not any DBZ game, as for i dont realy wanna beat DBEO cause its the origional, and good dbz game on the hub currently.

I got an email from FuNimation staff, you are allowed to have fan games. You are not allowed to charge for people to play the dbz game.
You can have a "donate for stats" in your game, if its only acouple dimes.
As he said in his comment. Whats afew dimes ever goona do?

In response to RaeKwon
I knew Funimation didnt care if they Did there to greddy whats some dimes gonna hurt and thes games are fan games like silent sad they just make more people wanna buy there merchandise Funimation should be happy that people wanna make a fan game about there series and for the guy who said bid for power got shut down umm it didnt they just made original chracters
In response to Seige1010
Bassically the letter summones up like this.

No charging people to play fan games

You can have a "Donate" Command in-side the game.

You cannot copyright any DBZ mob icons AKA "Goku, Vegeta, Bulma ect..."

If your donation thing is $3 + Then thats getting out of hand.

If it's like 50 cents, or $1 No problem.

You must include FuNimation as the rightfull and founder of Dragon Ball Z/GT

By making fan games, and not chargeing, Your getting people that never heard of DBZ interested in it, Inwhich means buying lots of merchindise from FuNimation like DBZ action figures, movies, and DBZ games for GameBoy advanced ect..

Im sorry but DBEO is better than than RaeKwons...=P
In response to Dracon
See Chris my friend. My game isnt even close to 10% done, that is why it is never seen unlest I am alpha testing it :-p You may be a quick one at producing games, But Im aiming for at least another month before it is actually in a playable state, Yes this means all known bugs are removed, It has a point, and it wasnt a waste of effort. *Gives you a stare back*


P.S: If you wish to continue, you know how to contact me.
In response to Cinnom
Haha, that had to be the best reaction I've seen. Thanks for gettin' me to laugh a bit, Cinnom :)
By the way, DBEO is a good game.
In response to Soccerguy13
Exactly what i said...

In response to RaeKwon
There license for GT hasnt taken place since Akira Toriyama didnt make it
Heh... I'm hurt that DBTC didn't make that list...
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