What sports are you curently in?
I'm in:
Water Polo
and possibly
Wrestling or Swimming
Apr 18 2002, 3:12 pm
Apr 18 2002, 7:28 pm
I'm a nerd :P I sit infront of my computer screen away fiddling with my game. No sports for me!
In response to Thief Jack
How sad...literally.
In response to Thief Jack
Heh, this reminds me of something I came across the other day:
-AbyssDragon |
In response to AbyssDragon
hey the comp guy is a big tan line lol what a freak he needs to get some sun before he turns albino and gets colon cancer...oh you didnt know? lack of exercise puts you at a higher risk of colon cancer
In response to GreenDice
sports = bad;
I never go outside unless its to get in the car... to drive to extranet cafe.. (Local Gameing Arena) |
In response to Winbiko
Diagnosis....Colon Cancer....
In response to GreenDice
why colon cancer?
In response to Winbiko
I play Basketball,I won the Basketball shootout for my grade :).
-Kappa the Imp |
Before I got sick and had to be sliced up. I was in football and wrestling. And I was going to play baseball.
In response to Kappa the Imp
Kappa the Imp wrote:
I play Basketball,I won the Basketball shootout for my grade :). They dont keep scores in your league... Everyones a winner! |
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Before I got sick and had to be sliced up. I was in football and wrestling. And I was going to play baseball. oh im sorry...i bet your asking yourself "why did they have to take MY legs?! why god why?!!!!" |
In response to GreenDice
They cut open my 6 pack...okay okay so it as a 4 pack but whos counting :P
In response to GreenDice
Just because it has been known to cause Colon cancer it doesn't mean he will get it..
In response to Nadrew
what causes colon cancer? sitting on your butt?
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
They cut open my 6 pack...okay okay so it as a 4 pack but whos counting :P 4 pack of what? beer? |
In response to Nadrew
i said promotes meaning if you sit on your arse all day its worse for you
In response to Winbiko
Whats a colon?
In response to Strange Kidd
*punch punch* look it up