The Simpsons is probably my all-time favorite.
I watched Saturday Night Live regularly from 1979 or so until 1998 or so, so that's a favorite. I liked SCTV too, but it was cancelled not long after I started watching it.
Married... with Children was a lot of fun.
And King of the Hill, though I haven't seen an episode in a long time.
There are only three TV shows I go out of my way to watch, in order of priority: Farscape, Enterprise, and X-Men Evolution.
I used to watch Dark Angel too, but my satelite package doesn't include a channel that shows it, and from the early episodes I've seen of the second season, I'm not missing much. There are tons of other shows I'll watch if I happen to catch them, but I rarely use the TV these days. Buffy, Beastmaster, BattleBots, any Star Trek series rerun, and about 30% of the series reruns on SciFi channel. Beastmaster and Buffy are the only series that are better than the original movies. (Don't watch the Beastmaster movie sequels, just the first one. They get worse each time.) As you can tell, fantasy and scifi are my favorite genres. |
Gughunter wrote:
The Simpsons is probably my all-time favorite. Ditto for me, except the SNL. Married.. with Childern ROCKS! They show it twice a day here in texas :) |
I'm not really a fan of anime either, but I watch a fair amount (or used to, rather. I don't really watch much of anything anymore). I think about half of my interest in anime is that I find it genuinely engaging and enjoyable, and the other half is akin to morbid fascination--like the whole staring-at-car-wrecks thing. It's just too weird and too bizarre for me to look away. I'm in utter awe, stuck trying to figure out what could have been going through the animators' minds when they thought it would be a good idea to have a group of demons tentacle-raping a bunch of young schoolgirls piloting massive mecha that they're using to save the world (in a way only schoolgirls could) from aliens.
-AbyssDragon |
I "hate" anime in the same sense that I "hate" sports. I have no interest in it and I can't stand it when people are talking about it all the time.
"I don't care about the yankees! Shut up!" |
I like the Simpsons and King of the Hill, because they are really funny.
I also like "That 80's Show". Reason? Tuesday. :D -Rcet |
Beastmaster and Buffy are the only series that are better than the original movies. <COUGH>Highlander</COUGH> |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Beastmaster and Buffy are the only series that are better than the original movies. <COUGH>Highlander</COUGH> I enjoyed the Highlander series for a while, but I don't think it was better than the movie. Many orders of magnitude better than the sequels, but the original movie is one of my favorites. |
My Favorite shows would have to be
Fresh prince of bel-air Save by the bell(old class in highschool) family guy The simpsons Yu-Gi-Oh Dragonball Z Pokemon i used to watch mega man but they took it off the air(or so i think any ways) Jackie chan adventures well as you can se most of mine are cartoons oh yeah i forgot one Johny Bravoi like then all cuz they are either funny exciting or just plain cool ~Richter |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Or what I thought was actually the most clever song there (but which took longer for me to remember the lyrics): I loved that song (the marriage episode was the last one I've seen). They have to release that episode's soundtrack! My favourite song from there would probably be... GILES I've got a theory That it's a demon A dancing demon; neh, something isn't right there. WILLOW I've got a theory Some kid is dreamin' And we're all stuck inside his wacky broadway nightmare. XANDER I've got a theory We should work this out. ALL It's getting eerie What's this cheery singing all about? XANDER It could be witches Some evil witches (sees Willow and Tara looking upset) Which is ridiculous 'cause witches, they were persecuted; Wicca good and love the earth and women power and I'll be over here. ANYA I've got a theory It could be bunnies. (crickets chirp) TARA I've got a- ANYA, interrupting, metal Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway? Bunnies, bunnies, IT MUST BE BUNNIES!!! (long pause) Or maybe midgets. WILLOW I've got a theory We should work this fast... GILES and WILLOW Because it's clearly could get serious Before it's past. BUFFY I've got a theory... It doesn't matter What can't we face if we're together? What's in this place that we can't wither? Apocolypse? We've all been there. The same old tricks. Why should we care? ALL What can't we do if we get in it? We'll work it through within a minute We have to try We'll pay the price It's do or die... BUFFY Hey, I've died twiiice. ALL What can't we face if we're together? What's in this place that we can't wither? There's nothing we can't face... ANYA Except for bunnies... And I, too, love the show's dialogue. For example, I love this little gem: Snyder: Just remember, lift a finger against me, and you'll have to answer to MOO. Buffy: Answer to moo? Did that sentence just make some sense that I'm not in on? Snyder: Mothers Opposed to the Occult; A powerful new group. Buffy: And who came up with that lame name? Snyder: That would be the founder. I believe you call her Mom. Enough reminiscing. Buffy's on right now. Ta! =V |
Oz: Do you guys steal weapons from the military often?
Willow: Well, we don't have cable so we have to make our own fun. Willow (talking about Bizarro Willow): It's horrible! That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and... skanky. And I think I'm kinda gay. Buffy: Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person it was. Angel (starts to correct): Well, actually... (catches look on Buffy's face) Yeah, that's a good point. Willow: Yeah for a minute I thought you were gonna make an expression. Oz: I felt one coming on, I won't lie. Xander: Oz would've gotten it. He wouldn't have said anything, but he would've gotten it. Tara: It's sorbis root, it was supposed to confuse him, but... it just kinda made him peppy. It's not supposed to mix with anything, you think he might be taking prescription medication? Spike: Yeah, that must be it. Giles: Good god, I hope he doesn't try to operate heavy machinery. Glory (standing over the decapitated Buffybot): Did anyone else know the slayer is a robot? Buffy (from behind her): Glory? You're not the brightest god in the heavens, are you? Giles: Can you move? Ben: Need a... a minute. She could've killed me. Giles: No, she couldn't. Never. And sooner or later Glory will re-emerge, and... make Buffy pay for that mercy. And the world with her. Buffy even knows that... and still she couldn't take a human life. She's a hero, you see. She's not like us. Ben: Us? Giles (holds Ben's nose and mouth shut until he dies) |
Dark Angel-Max kicks butt
Simpsons-funniest thing there is I used to watch McGiver, he was cool with all his antics, but I can't watch that anymore. My fave movies are: Jurrassic Park The Lost World Jurrassic III Sphere Congo(you can probably tell by now that i am a Micheal Crighton fan) Star Wars All the cool medieval movies about Robin Fitzooth(aka Robin Hood and Robin of Locksley) and Ivanhoe, also ones about King Arthur, Camalot, Merlin, ect.. My fave books are: Jurrassic Park The Lost World Shere Congo Timeline(heh, all these books up to here are by Micheal Crighton) MYST:the book of Ti'Anna MYST:the book of D'ni(im also a fan of MYST) all books about medieval times and similar things My fave games: almost all medieval type RPG's Sci-Fi stuff flight simulators Starcraft(it is great, i can tell you everything about it, even how many hp almost every unit has) My fave foods: All pastas(pasta is great) I think you know enough about me now, thats even more than just my favorite show. |
Shandra Leigh wrote:
hi!!!1 i've been byonding off and on awhile, but i haven't really been serious or posted before... nothing to worry about, most of the people here arn't what i call "serious". this forum seems to be the "chat place" for byonders, so i thought it would be a good place to introduce my fine feathered self. feathered?! my name is actually sandra, i'm 15, and i like computer games... don't we all.... but my passion is actually tv shows. i think you can learn a lot about people by looking at the shows they watch... not just what they watch, but why. so, i was wondering... what's everyone's favorite show, and why? i dont watch too much television, but i usually watch the discovery channel and history channel when something interesting is on (and thats usually always), such as world war 2, world war 1, robotics, extra terrestrials, hypnotism, ect.. another one of my favorites would be differant so called "anima's", mainly Gundam, though i don't prefer gundam wing, but usually Gundam MS. i mainly like Gundam because i think the idea of a gaint humanoid robot is neat, and like to study the mechanics of them (i built the Dom Tropen model kit which is standing tall and proud on my desk, in a pose where it is holding the rocket launcher at me sideways while the torso is kind of turned toward me.). i also like the discovery and history channel because it discusses allot of very fascinating and interesting things with good arguments and reasons, ect. i also beleive one can know others by the games they play. i play Ultima Online on a free ROLEPLAYING shard known as Mytharria ( which is mainly player run. there is only a couple of npcs and players make (yes I said make, not place deeds) their own towns and houses or hire others to, and has allot of neat things (players can litterally craft just about anything). it has a brand new map and a small starting town, and about 6 continents (2 or 3 large ones). well, i've been advertising long enough now, now on to other games. i play Return to Castle Wolfenstein allot, along wiht Red Alert 2 with the Yuri's Revenge Expansion. I also like Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. every once in awhile I play Diablo 2 expansion also. right now im also trying to free enough space to re-re-re-re-re-install half-life and some mods (yes, I must have deleted and re-installed it over 10 times). if anyone has any questions or would like to contact me, my aim is GeoParadox |
Married.. with Childern ROCKS! They show it twice a day here in texas :) i agree with that..... i get the show in florida too, but i wish i was still in Texas.... |
I can't watch MacGuyver anymore either, because I can't figure out when or if the reruns are on around here.
But 1-2 seasons before the end I started watching it, and I was weirdly fascinated with it. It wasn't until later I realized I'd had a crush on the main character. Hey, I was in junior high. Z |
Six Feet Under - Amazingly interesting, fantastic acting, and the best opening credits/music ever (hey, I'm a composer... I have different priorities than you!)
The Amazing Race - Makes me cheer for people I don't even know
The Simpsons - Still the funniest writing on television, after all these years
The Sopranos - I simply forget these are actors when I'm watching... where does HBO get these people??
That 70s Show - Yes, I was there... the 70s really were like that!
24 - Has its ups and downs, but I like it
Best show ever on TV:
The Prisoner - 17 episodes of incremental intrigue and confusion