![]() Apr 1 2002, 11:30 pm
If a Client is in an area, how do you make it if another Client tryes to enter that area, it makes him do something.
That's pretty good code, though you'd be better off with a list. With a list, you can also save the hassle of Login() and Logout() by simply rechecking mob.client for every mob in the area any time it would matter. I find player lists can become dreadful nightmares if you overstress them by doing too much at login or logout; places like that are where the worst bugs creep in.
area Lummox JR |
Shadowdarke wrote:
SSJ4_Link wrote: |
You could loop through all the mobs in the area to see if one has a client, but that would be potentially slow. I'd give the special area a var to count how many clients are present inside.
clients = 0
Entered(O) // O entered this area
if(ismob(O)) // see if O is a mob
var/mob/M = O // make a mob alias
clients++ // increase the area client count
..() // do any other Entered() procs that apply
Exited(O) // O exited this area
if(ismob(O)) // see if O is a mob
var/mob/M = O // make a mob alias
clients-- // decrease the area client count
..() // do any other Exited() procs that apply
We should also change the clients count if someone logs in or out from a mob
// get the area the mob is in
var/area/A = get_area()
if(A) A.clients++ // increase the client count
..() // do other Login() procs that apply
// get the area the mob is in
var/area/A = get_area()
if(A) A.clients-- // decrease the client count
..() // do other Logout() procs that apply
// get the area the mob is in
var/atom/A = loc
while(A && !isarea(A))
A = A.loc
return A
Now, you just define the special area that makes the second client "do something"
Enter(O) // O tried to enter this area
var/mob/M = O // get a mob alias to O
if(M.client && src.clients) // if the mob has a client, and the area already has clients
M.DoSomething() // call M's DoSomething() proc
return ..() // return whatever Enter() would return if it hadn't been overidden