Extream Gaming Studios. Homepage.
I started on this webpage yesterday so dont expect any thing to good. Plus I am not that good of a web designer.
I know Extream should be spelled Extreme. But I just named it Extream instead, dont ask me why.
nothing there, awsome! i learnt how to read This page canno tbe displayed
Once again, good job :)
- RaeKwon
In response to RaeKwon
Mmm, Geocities error pages even come with a nice layout, too.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Mmm, Geocities error pages even come with a nice layout, too.
Sorry I added an s at the end that shouldnt be there.
The one above should work :)
In response to Green Lime
You have no idea how bad the page looks in low resolutions.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
You have no idea how bad the page looks in low resolutions.
Sorry I suck at website design.
In response to Green Lime
Sorry I added an s at the end that shouldnt be there.
The one above should work :)

Looks good to me!