your girlfriend codes(and I'm assuming plays) video games! you have the most perfect girlfriend in the world!
Hey, I code and play video games! Why can't I be somebody's girlfriend?
Canar wrote:
your girlfriend codes(and I'm assuming plays) video games! you have the most perfect girlfriend in the world! Hey, I code and play video games! Why can't I be somebody's girlfriend? Guy? |
Nadrew wrote:
Poor Z. If I wasn't umm this many :: holds up alot of fingers:: years younger than you... Trust me. It's worse if you think you might be many fingers older. Then you can't even make smart remarks without being paranoid about time in jail. ;) |
Guy? According to this scientific analysis from the Internet, I'm lonely and aloof. Is it wise to tamper with the fate the stars have decreed? Day of the Abstract Thinker Pisces Pros Theoretical, Sensitive, Generous Cons Dispersed, Aloof, Lonely |
According to this scientific analysis from the Internet, I'm lonely and aloof. Is it wise to tamper with the fate the stars have decreed? I foresee that you will see someone you haven't seen in a while. |
Zilal wrote:
Canar wrote: and thus the dantom dating service was born... ;) |
There I got PSP from Gazoot and remade my banner in it, keep your eye out for it and tell me what you think.
Those darned normals -- they keep cramping our style, showing off what they call "lives". Well I don't care! I am happy and fulfilled doing nothing for a living!
Teehee. =)