- Whenever he moves, he leaves tracks. These stay around for quite some time before they fade away, making it easier for Mr. Fox to find where he has gone.
- If he is unbothered, he wanders randomly. This I certianly want to change; I want this rodent to carry out normal rodent-like behaviours.
- If the fox approaches, he runs! He picks the fastest path away from the fox, and runs it untill he is a safe distance away. He's a deal faster then the fox is, so he has a bit of an advantage there. However, he is awefully slow in the river and cannot go through trees at all, while the fox can at least go through them at a reduced speed. I can tell you, this does not need much improvement! The rodent is very, very fun to chase.
Can you help me plan out rodent-like behaviours to add to this animal? I would be very much pleased if you would help me out, as realism is important to this game. :o)
-Lord of Water
I think those are the real basics. Many rodents tend not to be especially social, I would think, so you might have small clans here and there but as a rule they'd probably be indifferent to other rodents.
Lummox JR