Ok this message is too Nadrew and all u other coders who think ur all that and can rag on newbies, Nadrew sayed to me that ragging on newbies motivates them, that may be so but, that dosnt motivate me and I think lots others agree. I have seen posts for help and u tell them rude crap that is pointless, and nadrew told me my posts are pointless cuz they have typo's and I see stuff about that too u guys go off wondering off the subject about somting rude like talking about the persons typo's... I DONT CARE ABOUT TYPOS. Now I know its not good for ur typing and it helps ur typing skills but thats there problem NOT UR'S. I know I will get responses to this that are gonna be rude but I dont care so u can tell me that I dont know shit and that im stupid and every thing else u guys tell newbies. I can jsut imangine u guys as newbies, I dont think that u would like it if people that were experienced ragged on u and crap and u guys dont know ur self cuz u arnt newbies, you were though but still it changes over time, Nadrew if u just found out about byond yesterday and u wanted to make ur game u dont know if u would be confused or not and I bet u would ask some kind of qeustion that would have a reply that u is rude and u wouldnt like and u would say somting back. So my point to this whole thing is why dont u people that know what ur doin, MIND UR OWN BUSSINESS and just help if u can dont rag on them about there typo's and how they ask questions if u can help and want to just do it, if u dont want to help then DONT REPLY cuz u guys do it all the time, a newbie will ask for somting and if u read it and u dont like the way its wrote u will give them crap that has notin to do with what they asked, and u guys tell me and other who ask it motivates them, maybe for u but not all, so tell me the point to being rude to newbies?


Stealth2k :oD
I like monkeys. They're cute and fuzzy and they throw things.
In response to Foomer
Well foomer that was off the subject but It isnt rude. I know u had to say somting so :oD
In response to Stealth 2k
Rude? Naah, that wasn't rude. Telling you to shut the bleep up would be rude, though I'm quite sure it was off subject. I found it rather humorous, obviously, because I wrote it.
Stealth 2k wrote:
Ok this message is too Nadrew and all u other coders who think ur all that and can rag on newbies, Nadrew sayed to me that ragging on newbies motivates them, that may be so but, that dosnt motivate me and I think lots others agree.

Uhh.. Nadrew is completely wrong here. "Ragging" on newbies doesn't motivate me at all; it actually makes me feel guilty. I remember when I was a newbie, toiling away with useless blocks of code like this:
icon = 'teleport.dmi'
usr.loc = Locate(placeoftel)

I have seen posts for help and u tell them rude crap that is pointless, and nadrew told me my posts are pointless cuz they have typo's and I see stuff about that too u guys go off wondering off the subject about somting rude like talking about the persons typo's... I DONT CARE ABOUT TYPOS.

The typos are actually pretty annoying, but if you have patience, you can read through it all. I'd rather not read through a page full of typos, but if someone needs the help, I will.

Now I know its not good for ur typing and it helps ur typing skills but thats there problem NOT UR'S.

Once again, it is "our" problem because we have to read through it all.

I know I will get responses to this that are gonna be rude but I dont care so u can tell me that I dont know sh** and that im stupid and every thing else u guys tell newbies.

I actually don't ever recall anyone calling newbies "stupid."

I can jsut imangine u guys as newbies, I dont think that u would like it if people that were experienced ragged on u and crap and u guys dont know ur self cuz u arnt newbies, you were though but still it changes over time,

Once again, I can remember myself as a newbie. I don't ever cursing or yelling at the people who were trying to help me, though.

Nadrew if u just found out about byond yesterday and u wanted to make ur game u dont know if u would be confused or not and I bet u would ask some kind of qeustion that would have a reply that u is rude and u wouldnt like and u would say somting back.

As a matter of fact, Nadrew did ask some pretty stupid questions. Really stupid questions, in fact. But, at least he got over them and developed into a well-mannered fellow. I think.

So my point to this whole thing is why dont u people that know what ur doin, MIND UR OWN BUSSINESS and just help if u can dont rag on them about there typo's and how they ask questions if u can help and want to just do it,

Mind our own business, and yet still answer your question? That makes no sense.

You have to realize that we aren't hired by Dantom. We get no special privelages, or no compensation for our helping. We do it in our spare time when we want to. We don't have to be here and help newbies; but yet, we do.

if u dont want to help then DONT REPLY cuz u guys do it all the time, a newbie will ask for somting and if u read it and u dont like the way its wrote

Well, how would you like it if you asked a question, and we responded like you do:

"NO U IDIOT U GOTZ TO PUT IT LIKE DIS:!:!:!:!:!!!!!!!!!



Honestly, some people have asked questions like that.

u will give them crap that has notin to do with what they asked, and u guys tell me and other who ask it motivates them, maybe for u but not all, so tell me the point to being rude to newbies?

The point is to put them on the right track. We're not against you. If we were against you, you wouldn't be here, would you? There wouldn't be a forum here for code problems. If we were against you, we'd be flaming you constantly; but we're not, so we don't. We have better things to do than sit here and cuss and yell at people, much like yourself.

Please remember that we are just like you and he, only we've taken the time out of our relatively short days to help our fellow programmer. We're not out to get you; we've all been like you before: an unknowing, scared little programmer that doesn't know a variable from a rock. Remember that. We have lives too.

Well, I don't agree with the wave of rudeness common in the forum. Many are trying to imitate someone who is a true mistress of language and can weave a helpful post from seemingly derogatory posts. If you examine her style carefully, you realize she rarely resorts to blunt insults unless the person she's attempting to help is too blunt to understand anything else. The trouble with her imitators is that they go to the extreme right from the start, rendering the entire process fruitless.

However, I've also found that if someone is to undisciplined to learn the basics of communicating in English (or whatever their native tongue may be) they aren't going to be disciplined enough to design a worthwhile game. Good games don't come easy. They take time, effort, and organization.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
Good games don't come easy. They take time, effort, and organization.

Heh. Sadly, I have none of those. Maybe time, but not effort and organization :P

I just can't keep motivation. Bah.
If you're wondering the reason why people here tend to dislike it when someone talks with the us and the urs and the generally hard to understand language, think of it like this.

If you can't put a little effort into writing your question, why should they put a little effort into helping you in a decent way?


If you can't bother to write a decent question, what makes anyone think their help is going to be used in any kind of decent program? If not, any effort they put into it is fruitless.

BTW, writing in a decently understandable way perhaps learning to spell "you" and "are" properly does help you to get your questions answered by people who actually know stuff.

For example, the first time I looked at your post (Not suggesting I know stuff, mind you), I saw lots of "u" and "r" and said "I'm not reading this" and thereafter decided to respond with a thought about monkeys instead.
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz you do have some good points
In response to Foomer
LOL ya ur right foomer, I use R and U for saving time even though it dont save that much but y did u responde about monkeys?
In response to Shadowdarke
Awwwww, I'm blushing.

You did mean me, right? Actually, it's as much because of the the wave of imitators as because of the current trend in newbies that I've more or less stopped helping newbies. My personal style tends to get lost in the crowd here... if everyone's being mean, why would anyone bother reading my posts as anything but random flames?

I'm sure everyone will be happy to know that I'm writing a very long, very involved, step-by-step guide that forces you to learn how to code. There's just no other way to read it. You can glance at it and conclude that it's useless, but it's impossible to scan through it and find "the code" you need without bothering to learn anything, because it contains very little acutal code. It's basically just me in a bottle, where the bottle is a text file.
You think we don't remember being newbies, that we don't know what it's like to be a newbie? You're wrong. It's because we know exactly what it's like to be a newbie that we post the way we do.

The goal of every newbie is to become a non-newbie... to master the code. Now, who knows better how to do this... a newbie, or a master/mistress?

Stealth, imagine that we, the entire BYOND community make t up to you: will the code masters/mistresses teach the newbies the way the newbies think is best, or the way the code masters think is best? Would you say let the newbies decide how the code masters/mistresses will teach? If so, why? If the newbies know how to teach someone to code, why aren't they the masters/mistresses?

The most important thing we can teach you isn't "how to code blah blah blah blah," it's how to start thinking like a coder. In fact, until you learn how to think like a coder, we can't even teach you "how to code blah blah blah blah."

You might think you're a decent coder because you know "lots of code." That's like saying you're a good musician because you have lots of clips of music and you know how to mix them up a bit. Yes, it may be good enough for your purposes, but as long as you keep making music that way, you'll have to keep coming back to the actual musicians and asking them to make you a new clip, every time you find a new thing you need for a song. So, one day, instead of just handing you a new clip, your musicians say, "We're going to teach you how to compose." Yes, composing original music is more work, but once you've learned it, you can make anything you want.

It's like this: yes, we were newbies. Yes, we're no longer newbies. This doesn't just mean that we know how to code... it also means that we know what it's like to have been a newbie, and how we came from being a newbie into being a non-newbie. It's not just a matter of hanging around here a certain amount of time, or of "knowing [x] amount of code." There's actually a shift in your thinking you have to go from, from non-coder to coder. We have undergone this shift.

For the record, Nadrew isn't qualified to teach fish to drink, in my incredibly unhumble opinion... and he definitely doesn't have room to insult anyone. He may be (for all I know) developing into a decent coder, but he doesn't know how to think like a teacher. A lot of the people who are "teaching newbies" right now, though, are worse, because they don't know what they're doing, and they're teaching newbies all kinds of things that simply aren't true. You know the saying, "The blind leading the blind?" This is what I think of when I see messages from most people claiming to have mentored someone.

Actually, that's not what I think of. I think of Beavis and Butt-head copying the answers off each other's tests.

Anyways, to the point at hand: you (newbies) don't know how to code. We (gurus, code masters and mistresses, etc) do. This means that if you want to learn how to code, you have to be nice to us, and if we want to use you as foot stools or beverage coasters, we can. The alternative is teaching yourself to learn how to code.


Also, why do we nitpick about the way you write your question? Because coding requires that you express yourself precisely, say exactly what you mean, and don't take any shortcuts. If you can't do all of those things... without even thinking about it... you're never going to master coding.

Coding is language. Language is coding. If you do not have love and respect for language, you will never have "the feel" of the code.
In response to LexyBitch
LexyBitch wrote:
You think we don't remember being newbies, that we don't know what it's like to be a newbie? You're wrong. It's because we know exactly what it's like to be a newbie that we post the way we do.

The goal of every newbie is to become a non-newbie... to master the code. Now, who knows better how to do this... a newbie, or a master/mistress?

Stealth, imagine that we, the entire BYOND community make t up to you: will the code masters/mistresses teach the newbies the way the newbies think is best, or the way the code masters think is best? Would you say let the newbies decide how the code masters/mistresses will teach? If so, why? If the newbies know how to teach someone to code, why aren't they the masters/mistresses?

The most important thing we can teach you isn't "how to code blah blah blah blah," it's how to start thinking like a coder. In fact, until you learn how to think like a coder, we can't even teach you "how to code blah blah blah blah."

You might think you're a decent coder because you know "lots of code." That's like saying you're a good musician because you have lots of clips of music and you know how to mix them up a bit. Yes, it may be good enough for your purposes, but as long as you keep making music that way, you'll have to keep coming back to the actual musicians and asking them to make you a new clip, every time you find a new thing you need for a song. So, one day, instead of just handing you a new clip, your musicians say, "We're going to teach you how to compose." Yes, composing original music is more work, but once you've learned it, you can make anything you want.

It's like this: yes, we were newbies. Yes, we're no longer newbies. This doesn't just mean that we know how to code... it also means that we know what it's like to have been a newbie, and how we came from being a newbie into being a non-newbie. It's not just a matter of hanging around here a certain amount of time, or of "knowing [x] amount of code." There's actually a shift in your thinking you have to go from, from non-coder to coder. We have undergone this shift.

For the record, Nadrew isn't qualified to teach fish to drink, in my incredibly unhumble opinion... and he definitely doesn't have room to insult anyone. He may be (for all I know) developing into a decent coder, but he doesn't know how to think like a teacher. A lot of the people who are "teaching newbies" right now, though, are worse, because they don't know what they're doing, and they're teaching newbies all kinds of things that simply aren't true. You know the saying, "The blind leading the blind?" This is what I think of when I see messages from most people claiming to have mentored someone.

Actually, that's not what I think of. I think of Beavis and Butt-head copying the answers off each other's tests.

Anyways, to the point at hand: you (newbies) don't know how to code. We (gurus, code masters and mistresses, etc) do. This means that if you want to learn how to code, you have to be nice to us, and if we want to use you as foot stools or beverage coasters, we can. The alternative is teaching yourself to learn how to code.


Also, why do we nitpick about the way you write your question? Because coding requires that you express yourself precisely, say exactly what you mean, and don't take any shortcuts. If you can't do all of those things... without even thinking about it... you're never going to master coding.

Coding is language. Language is coding. If you do not have love and respect for language, you will never have "the feel" of the code.

Well I have to agree there Lexy, I have learnt alot from your words on the forum, and I have progressed little by little in the programming community to BYOND game coding.

Stealth, you need to be patient and you have to "want" to do this.
Read the FAQ, Guide and reference, I also must say the Blue Book is a definite hit, it is a really good book and it is very handful.

I have got it and I really like it. I also am a newbie at this but I take the time to read if I still cant find nothing that I need help on I post.

Please take time to read over things and I dont think you should go round calling people, I tried to help Black Mist, and I couldnt so I told him to go to the forums and post in here, all he did was do what you did, he called me for trying to help him and not succeeding in doing so.

Take in Lexy's advice, and also read the FAQ, Guide and reference and if possible buy the Blue Book :)

In response to Evil_SSJ4Vegeta
First off lots of you guys made some points that I didnt think about, and to tell you the truth I cant code, I can code turf in but that about it. So just thouhgt you would like to know that and im not ashamed to admit it, I have fun helping people make there games. :OD
The points made in these posts are true to most things on the net, where mass crowds are. If someone is deemed popular, or recognized by the community others will try to be like that person. Most of the time those people will get the wrong idea about what the person is REALLY saying. Sometimes they will end up being frustrated because no one listens, or keep going at it thinking that if they do this enough, they are destined to become known among the community.

This is true to most things in life as well, in my opinion(go with the flow, so to speak). Sadly, this can have very negative effects on the victims of these people, and eventually reduce the original person/persons message to simply another in the plot to "Insult the newbie", in this case.

I believe there is an exess of this in the BYOND community, due to the maturity level of the average player/coder, which is very likely to follow the example of anything that is popular. Weather they follow it like the original person intended to, or some completely different way does not enter the equasion for them(This is all guessing, from observing people not only here but a lot of places, most of which are MUDs).

In the case of Lexybitch, I think a lot of the people who are complaining simply deem her post offensive because they feel their incredibly large and concrete ego has been damaged. And so, in defense they go on blurting about things completely irrelevant to the topic on hand; like how Lexybitch shouldn't tell them that newbies are stupid, and that she shouldnt respond if she doesnt have something positive and super to say about them.

Alathon, observer of the crowd
In response to LexyBitch
Oh, oh, I want a Lexy-in-a-bottle! When will they be in stores near me?
In response to LexyBitch
LexyBitch wrote:
You think we don't remember being newbies, that we don't know what it's like to be a newbie? You're wrong. It's because we know exactly what it's like to be a newbie that we post the way we do.

*remembers* Hmm, I remember that time..... it was better than actually knowing the code because the slightist thing added to a game I was making fascinated me.

You might think you're a decent coder because you know "lots of code." That's like saying you're a good musician because you have lots of clips of music and you know how to mix them up a bit. Yes, it may be good enough for your purposes, but as long as you keep making music that way, you'll have to keep coming back to the actual musicians and asking them to make you a new clip, every time you find a new thing you need for a song. So, one day, instead of just handing you a new clip, your musicians say, "We're going to teach you how to compose." Yes, composing original music is more work, but once you've learned it, you can make anything you want.

hmm.... that's a rather good way of putting it.

It's like this: yes, we were newbies. Yes, we're no longer newbies. This doesn't just mean that we know how to code... it also means that we know what it's like to have been a newbie, and how we came from being a newbie into being a non-newbie. It's not just a matter of hanging around here a certain amount of time, or of "knowing [x] amount of code." There's actually a shift in your thinking you have to go from, from non-coder to coder. We have undergone this shift.

I think I've undergone "the shift" because I start actually knowing how to do almost anything in many different ways. the thing is it was at night, so would that make it a "night shift"?

For the record, Nadrew isn't qualified to teach fish to drink, in my incredibly unhumble opinion... and he definitely doesn't have room to insult anyone. He may be (for all I know) developing into a decent coder, but he doesn't know how to think like a teacher

hmm, I can agree there somewhat. Or you could have also said "Doesnt know how to teach a rock to stay" but either one would work.

Anyways, to the point at hand: you (newbies) don't know how to code. We (gurus, code masters and mistresses, etc) do. This means that if you want to learn how to code, you have to be nice to us, and if we want to use you as foot stools or beverage coasters, we can.

That isn't a very nice thing to do, as people are easily offended being called "foot stool"s and other names. I once tried to remove all emotions from myself as sort of a "experiment". Dont try to do that, really. Yeah I'm somewhat fine now but not really fully "recovered" so nothing bothers me as much in the morning and I tend to talk about useless subjects. I've done quite a few "crazy" experiments in the last 13 years.

The alternative is teaching yourself to learn how to code.

That's the alternative? That's the best thing to do, most fun also because while people are saying "I just made this code!" you can say "Did you learn it entirely from scratch?".

Coding is language. Language is coding. If you do not have love and respect for language, you will never have "the feel" of the code.

I can picture people walk up to each other and say this:
person1:"usr.bored = 5"
person2:"usr.bored = 5"
Teacher:"src.silence = 1!"
person2:"person1.talking = 1!"
Teacher:"src.silence = 2!"

The person who thinks putting laxatives in reserviors is somewhat funny-
He dont do that to JUST newbies, he does it to everybody. He even does it to me. He just likes to suck up to people that can get him places and then when hes there he starts to act like he is better than that person and starts talking his crap. Its just how he is.
In response to Geo
Geo wrote:
I once tried to remove all emotions from myself as sort of a "experiment". Dont try to do that, really.

Well, I consider myself rather mellow, myself. I still have emotions -- I know a funny joke when I see one and am genuinely amused. But, I am pretty darned adept at remaining as a neutral arbiter in just about everything I do.

I consider myself like Switzerland... the ideas are there, but they don't feel that participating in the struggle would help either side immensely.

Or, I could consider myself as something of a benevolent person restricted by certain ethics -- I'm willing to help people who deserve it (even to far greater proportions), but if I don't consider them to be in the right mindset I won't consider what their demands are.

Someone who thinks that sharpened popsicles would make the perfect murder weapon,
.-=[ Spuzzum ]=-.
I have no problems with typos or newbies and all of that. But I am very annoyed with morons who use AOLspeak. When I was reading your post and you used "ur" I read that as "you are" and it didn't make any sense. So you should type in a real language or not at all.
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