Just log out and log back in on the website, pretty neat huh?
What login popup? I'm getting the same exact thing as before.
am I the only one that tried this on pager before realizing he meant on the website?
In response to Ill Im
I didnt even attempt to do it on the website. Whoops. But yeah, the first time I saw the pop-up I was a bit conscious of typing my password in.
Oh boy, a login interface which breaks Firefox's saved passwords feature.

Looks like you're still able to access the old page by opening the link in a new tab.
In response to Ill Im
Ill Im wrote:
am I the only one that tried this on pager before realizing he meant on the website?

Sorry about that. :(

(First post EDITED)

SuperAntx wrote:
Oh boy, a login interface which breaks Firefox's saved passwords feature.

Looks like you're still able to access the old page by opening the link in a new tab.

Actually I was annoyed that Firefox still asked me if I wanted to save my password, do you have the latest version?

@Leur: I was a bit cautious as well, but it talked about the Byond Locksmith and my web browser notified me that was being accessed so I felt secure about it. (But of course I saw locksmith after I typed it in >.> a daredevil perhaps?)