I used to be able to find a side scroller library or resource that had gravity and movement that executed gravity without pixel movement and without my icon constantly staying in one state.
I don't want pixel movement because it lags, and forum_account's library on it give both pixel movement, and when I try to move my character, it doesn't include the whole animation of the running state, and if I try to change the code, it completely freezes my character.
What I have in my source is a gravity proc that basically is just a situation with it making them move up a few tiles with the step() proc and changing their dir to whatever dir they were before using client/North()
It would really help me if you guys could provide some kind of explanation to how to create the gravity proc and make the movement animation work even when I hold down the left or right buttons.
![]() Aug 13 2011, 7:52 pm
![]() Aug 13 2011, 8:03 pm
Learn to properly use FA's sidescroller library. Tile based sidescrollers are terrible, and it's not that hard to get used to.
Robertbanks2 wrote:
Learn to properly use FA's sidescroller library. Tile based sidescrollers are terrible, and it's not that hard to get used to. Sorry if I'm being a dick in saying this, but I want something that won't lag with many people on. It's commonly known that pixel movement code lags the games majorly. Not only have I experienced it, but a whole list of other people I know who have. Especially Tylight. He wanted to make a Jump Byond Stars game and he told me when I decided to help "I do not want pixel movement. It lags the game horribly." It's not about the simplicity of the code, it's just the lag and issues I would run into while using it. Especially since when I move, the icon will get stuck on frame 1 instead of animating the movement. So please do not misunderstand where I am coming from here. I just want something that will not lag people and something to fix the problems I run into to get the icon to animate correctly. Hell, it doesn't let me move if I even mess with the variable for defining icon states while moving standing jumping or climbing. |
I've worked with the sidescroller and pixel movement libraries on several projects. Used properly, they don't lag at all. Unless you're spamming unnecessary mobs everywhere, it doesn't even hit %20 on a half decent CPU. Last I checked, unless you're getting 100+ players on a server at once(which I very seriously doubt is the case) or you've taken a source and tried to shove PM into it, pixel movement shouldn't be an issue.
As to the graphical issues, pixel movement icon functions built in, you simply never bothered to take the 30 seconds it would take you to learn to use them. It's as simple as renaming your movement state. If you can't be bothered to use this properly, and in doing say rid yourself of any lag or other issues caused by negligence and misuse of the library, a simple while loop checking get_step(SOUTH) and reducing the player's y variable by 1 if there is nothing dense under it will solve your issue. |
If you don't know how to implement gravity, then learn physics.
Gravity is a constant acceleration. Acceleration is a change in velocity. Velocity is a change in position. On the other hand, you could easily just fall at a constant speed, and no one would care otherwise. Basically, all you have to do for that is have some sort of loop that causes the mob to constantly move SOUTH. e.g. mob Something or other like that. You could have posed your question a little better. Instead of pointing out certain libraries or whatnot, you could've just said, "How do I implement side-scroller gravity without pixel movement?" |
At Robertbanks2
It still doesn't solve the issue about it only staying at frame 1 of my running animation. If I do rename my movement state, it will show the movement, but it stays at frame 1 instead of going through the other frames. And sorry if this is mean, but I really take offense to the part where you say "or you've taken a source and tried to shove PM into it" because I hate rips. Especially if they are crappy. My goal in BYOND is very simple: Make rips a thing of the past. My tactics: Create a whole new guide with images and cool things that people can comprehend. I didn't learn via guide. I learned through hard studying which nobody is willing to do, so my guide will explain things that any user can possibly understand with screenshots to what it should look like. That idea of submissions being hidden and deleted if ripped is good and all, but it's not good enough to completely get rid of the idea of ripping. The whole reason people rip is simple: The guide is too complicated for them to understand. I am not a person who likes to steal sources and call it my own. I would rather give up Narutorox Gaming to a complete stranger than to make a rip. And I would never give up Narutorox Gaming to a complete stranger. |
My guess is that you have the icon set to loop once, rather than indefinitely.
On the topic of teaching. For the love of ****, don't. If you can't handle basic gravity, don't try to teach people. Leave it to the programmers who can at least handle the basics. |
That's all fine and good, but if you can't do something as simple as the question you've asked, then I don't think you should be teaching or making a guide at all.
Basic rule of thumb. Don't edit libraries. If you want to try changing it a bit, make a backup so that you can return it to normal. They were made that way for a reason.
It won't lag with many people on. I had 15 AI's moving every 30th of a second and the CPU was 10 with FA's demo
Complex Robot wrote:
That's all fine and good, but if you can't do something as simple as the question you've asked, then I don't think you should be teaching or making a guide at all. I told you I had a string of code, but it wasn't good. It still worked the way I want it to, it's just like it seems it can be glitchy. Besides, don't judge based on one thing. I am not saying I know everything DM-wise, but I know quite a few things, as well as introducing Byond to the first Ace Attorney game (see my youtube channel for the gameplay of a demo of the game) as well as I am introducing a new game that is aiming to be as big or bigger than NESTalgia (I had read their guide not too long ago and I decided I wanted to make an original game like it said.) Again, do not judge on one topic. You have yet to see what stuff I am capable of, regardless of my age or experience. I was a noob 2 years ago, but I changed as you can quite clearly see. I have changed a ton since those two years I was a noob who didn't know [stuff] about DM. I am not the same noob as I was two years ago. Besides, I never said I was doing this alone. I also am gaining a team to also help in this new revolution in Byond gaming. Infact, Icon Ultima is the most accepted rip out there for a reason. It's got ripped icons all over the DMI, however some of their stuff may be original, it doesn't make it completely original. It looks as though it has ripped icons and code from different games in different areas in small parts. Edit: Oh yeah on a side note: The regular DM guide on this site doesn't say anything about making platformers or let alone even a gravity proc, so it would be useless trying to say I can't make a guide because I couldn't accomplish a good quality platformer gravity code. |
You have yet to see what stuff I am capable of, regardless of my age or experience. Perhaps, but we've seen that you AREN'T capable of a creating very simple system that should be easy enough for someone claiming to have the level of skill and knowledge that you do. I was a noob 2 years ago, but I changed as you can quite clearly see. I have changed a ton since those two years I was a noob who didn't know shit about DM. I am not the same noob as I was two years ago. That's wonderful. It does not, however, change the fact that you are unfit to teach others the language. Infact, Icon Ultima is the most accepted rip out there for a reason. It's got ripped icons all over the DMI, however some of their stuff may be original, it doesn't make it completely original. It looks as though it has ripped icons and code from different games in different areas in small parts. How is this relevant to you being unfit to teach people DM? Edit: Oh yeah on a side note: The regular DM guide on this site doesn't say anything about making platformers or let alone even a gravity proc, so it would be useless trying to say I can't make a guide because I couldn't accomplish a good quality platformer gravity code. No. See, if you knew enough about programming or the language, you wouldn't NEED to be told how to do something this simple. All it takes is a basic understanding of the language and how to handle computational logic. Will your guides cover every conceivable thing anyone could ever want to do with byond under every circumstance and every way it could possibly be done? No, they won't, because that would serve no purpose except to allow kids to copy paste together games. The DM guide doesn't give examples of how to do everything you could potentially want to do with the language because then it wouldn't be a guide, it would be a compendium of every conceivable proc that could be useful, and would have at least a dozen different ways to handle gravity displayed. The issue at hand is that you obviously don't understand the language or computational logic well enough to teach others, regardless of what games you have designed(and not finished). Once you have more than a demo and a couple of ideas, you could use those as evidence of your skill, but until then they don't count for much. |
Robertbanks2 wrote:
My guess is that you have the icon set to loop once, rather than indefinitely. Also, from what I've seen, FA's pixel_movement is like 4x the speed of regular movement? Something like that, so set the delay of your icons to 4/10, or else they move quite fast. |