My results for this are just awful... To me, at least
~HP: 662, EXP: 90392, Magic: 681
HP: 663, EXP: 95099, Magic: 682
You have gained a level!
{Level: 99 - Five Stat Points Acquired}
~HP: 663, EXP: 95099, Magic: 682
HP: 664, EXP: 100000, Magic: 683
You have gained a level!
{Level: 100 - Five Stat Points Acquired}
"~HP:" Represents the HP before
"HP:" Represents the HP afterwards...
So what is the formula you use and how could I possibly fix my formula?
Also, if this is in the wrong category, sorry, didn't know whether to put it in BYOND Discussion, this, or Code Problems...
var/Rand3 = pick(1,2,3)
var/OriginalHP = usr.maxHP
usr.maxHP = round((usr.str*OriginalHP)/1000)
usr.str += Rand3
if(OriginalHP >= usr.maxHP)
goto Recheck1
Same as Magic.
Your stats also seem to be quite high. Bear in mind that in Rogue you have to be at an extremely high level just to get into triple-digit hit points, and by extremely high I mean like 20 or so. If you've got level 100 built in there I think your characters are leveling way too often and the stats are all just too inflated. Bigger numbers are just too hard to balance.
Lummox JR