~True, but like Tom said alot of BYOND's money comes from anime games. I honestly do not think BYOND can take a hit like that at this moment, but I know nothing so yeah.
I think you are overestimating the effect of the front-page on existing players. Truth is, we changed the entire site around a few weeks ago and it hasn't changed our numbers one bit (traffic has declined a little as expected due to the season-- kids being back in school-- but pretty much everything is the same). The fangames are still there; heck they are still even listed. People will still play them. The main difference is that, hopefully, new users will see the other games a little better now, and new developers will see that making original game is an option to attract players by virtue of the increased visibility.
There are a heck of a lot more people out there looking for fun original games to play then there are looking for a crappy Naruto rip to grind in.
~Pls tell me a few. Not that I play naruto rips. But like i said above i think only decadence and sunday the 19th are the only original games that interest me so far.
I think he's referring to the general public, not the current BYOND audience. Most BYONDers are fangame-players because they found BYOND through a fangame search. We're trying to change that.
~True, but like Tom said alot of BYOND's money comes from anime games. I honestly do not think BYOND can take a hit like that at this moment, but I know nothing so yeah.
SilkWizard wrote:
~This is VERY true but with majority of the community already fixed on making anime games. There needs to be some leverage like weaning the community off the whole anime fixation onto better "original" games. So far very very very few original games interest me and im not alone.
~Pls tell me a few. Not that I play naruto rips. But like i said above i think only decadence and sunday the 19th are the only original games that interest me so far.