A lot of the games on BYOND (Anime mostly) has been following 1 common gameplay style. Train. Train. Fight. Die. A very 1 dimensional concept to a 2 dimensional game. When I train, what am I training for? What do I accomplish by having a strong character and what will I get for that? In WoW players have fun leveling up, try to make that self-train verb into a plethora of wonderful and intuitive training ideas. No part of the game should feel like work. Mining, digging or whatever shouldn't be a pain, no matter what the benefits. Try to make everything fun. I'm just throwing my two cents in. Imagine it like this.

I'm a noob. I read your guide and I'm off to build my character.

If you picked a self train verb: Clicked self train. My guy is doing something with his arm and my stats are kinda increasing... Oh wait I have to rest to start training all over again.

-Half an Hour into it: So.. Bored... Gonna... Hit... Close...

If you picked a bunch of training methods and mini-quest to help the player increase: I need to lift some weights to make my guy tougher. Oh wait I also need to jog some to get his energy in check... I need to find this -orb- to give back to that dude... I need to tap the -A- and -B- buttons alternatively to lift the dumbbell...(Or: SOMETHING REALLY AWESOME YAY!!!![for those who do not like the above.])

-Half an Hour into it: Cool. I'm on another side of the world to do this quest...

Sorry if I sound a bit biased, but creativity will make the perfect game. Anyways I hope to find some new and really creative games. See ya!
The concept of "training" is moronic.
In response to Garthor
I guess that is true. But what I meant was character building.
In response to Govilku
No, character building is filling out a character sheet. You were talking about mindless, repetitive tasks with no variation in order to make a number increase. Which is dumb.
Those concepts you mentioned sound just as tired stale and boring to me as the ones your trying to get rid of. I'd exit out of either one of those example games you mentioned and never look back.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
The concept of "training" is moronic.

Yea it's tired and stale. I was going to post my view on it but I just decided not to.
In response to Dragonn
This is just me but do you guys do this too?:
You start playing a game that sounded kind of cool but as soon as you soo that the entire game is spent around a punching bag you immediatly log out.
That's how bad i think this game mechanic is.
In response to Dragonblix
Try a game that is not based on an anime. Problem of repeatedly "training" with no other game play but PvP involved solved.
Most of these games are ripped from one or two sources that used this as the sole game play mechanic. The people who are claiming the game as their own don't know the first thing about programming so they can't really change much about the game, and no real programmer would dare help them. Plus plenty of people still play these crappy games and all the owners want is to be the GM of this game so they can have some sort of artificial power or artificial respect from their players.

I don't know of any games that aren't fan games that use this "training" method and PvP as the only game play. The only game that should be able to even get away with using this method is some sort of one VS one fighting game. Fight Night is a good example of a franchise that does this, as well as Ready to Rumble.
In response to Ulterior Motives
Ulterior Motives wrote:
Most of these games are ripped from one or two sources that used this as the sole game play mechanic. The people who are claiming the game as their own don't know the first thing about programming so they can't really change much about the game, and no real programmer would dare help them.

Plenty of real programmers would dare help them, the issue is that the kind of help they want isn't the kind of help they'll get.

Sometimes I think it would be beneficial for someone to actually release something that would be easily modifiable by beginners, so that they can make what they want without necessarily having to learn how to program. Really, it's an unreasonable expectation for pre-teens.
In response to Garthor
Well by helping them, I meant actually digging through their terrible code to add things in. I should have been more clear as they get help on these forums all the time. It's funny you should say, "Sometimes I think it would be beneficial for someone to actually release something that would be easily modifiable by beginners, so that they can make what they want without necessarily having to learn how to program." I actually was going to do something like this. I was going to program a DBZ game with pretty much just a straight modular design for everything so people could put in whatever they wanted even with extremely basic knowledge of DM. I was told this was a bad idea though as it will just inspire more fan games.
In response to Ulterior Motives
Ulterior Motives wrote:
I was told this was a bad idea though as it will just inspire more fan games.

Not really, no. People who wouldn't have ripped wouldn't use this anyway, it's an improvement over ripping for those who currently rip / would have ripped and choose instead to use it, and the people who wouldn't have ripped and choose to use this probably wouldn't have chosen to program "legitimately" in the first place, due to the high barrier to entry. I MAY inspire more but o
In response to Garthor
Well also I'm not exactly at the level to be releasing something like that. If someone picked up on some sort of bad programming practice from me, that would make the idea almost mute. As the secondary purpose aside from promoting games of a higher quality would hopefully be to teach. Teaching someone wrong is worse than them not knowing at all in my opinion.

When I post help on the forums it's out there in the open where if I mess up someone can correct me. If someone learned something bad from a project like this they might not learn better.
In response to Ulterior Motives
I'd contribute to such a project, but I feel I'd more than likely just drag it down.

Also, do you mean it'd make the idea moot? o_o
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
Also, do you mean it'd make the idea moot? o_o

Yeah, I didn't know the correct word, mute didn't seem right but I didn't feel like Googling it either. =P
In response to Ulterior Motives
Ok, I admit i was asking for trouble with that title. But I just wanted to discuss different ways to "Stat Gain" or whatever you possibly want to call it. Don't care much for the terminology. I hate most DBZ games but I have found 1 or 2 slightly enjoyable. A lot of Anime games are very simple and bland. But I just wanted to discuss more ways to help a player increase a variable without losing interest. I hope that explains my motive a little better.
In response to Govilku
Well for one, why DOES their have to be grinding? Look at the DBZ fighting games on the consoles, you don't grind, if something will increase stats it's equipment or items you get while playing. Every character has base stats... I mean really, why can't ANYONE try this?
In response to Moonlight Memento
Well for one, players like to feel a bit more free. Second that would put a limit on characters, either that or end up with vastly similar characters among each player. The player wants his/her own story. Get personal.
In response to Govilku
Uh, no. What you're saying is, every character should play EXACTLY the same but have different stats.

Again, you are not reading. In BYOND Anime games everyone already does play the same, it just ends up on who sucked who's little-man to get GM powers, or who has less of a life.
In response to Moonlight Memento
The only thing I discussed was Stats and variables. I said nothing about the character origin or character handling. Jumping conclusions. And yes when you have a simple game the person who has no life or "sucks up" will have the best stats. But you can balance a game and make every player different where instead of fully relying on a stat it relies on skill or cunning. Just saying that there are different ways to approach it. But once again we drifted off topic. You stated something that is not about the stats or variables that control certain abilities or effects a mob.
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