You can't do anything to fix it, because you don't administrate that part of the website. I find this to be very typical: you think you're so big, that you split things up into divisions, and leave only a select few in control of the big picture.
We are split up into divisions, yes, but we are in good contact with each other. By the forums, email, or messenger. No one is left out of the picture, but not everyone gets special treatment.
You're not part of anything big as you haven't created many games, so don't kid yourself and keep to BYOND as a hobby. Until you've released a couple of games, there's no sense in generating an organisation that controls your "massive" development team.
We never said we were massive. And the main reason that no games have been released is because I am always working on them alone, and lose the motivation.
I still don't see the need to join an organisation which has multiple "divisions" like this. I believe RushSoft like any group of people isn't going anywhere unless they work together; instead you guys seem to split up into separate groups already.
Like I stated before, we are working together. Granted, we are working on separate projects, but in our free time we help each other out. For example, I made a new logo for them, and they made some new icons for me.
I'd expect that a company such as RockStar or UbiSoft has separate divisions, each maintaining a different game or engine. They have reached the size at which they need divisions and a strict organisation; you have not but I think you're over complicating things by pretending to be.
The only reason we are in different "divisions" i because they are doing a full blown C++ game, while we are doing BYOND Games. I do not wish to say BYOND is bad by any means, because frankly, to me, it's awesome, but everyone can agree that much better looking, feeling, etc games can come from games like that. We are actually not very strict; I am a very lax person, and anyone that knows me can back me up. The reason the website sounds like that is because I wanted to sound professional, to an extent. As you can see, the main RushSoft are lax too, but they had no intentions of sounding professional. Again, I will talk to them about it.
Perhaps the lack of assistance and people willing to join your team is hindered by this whole RushSoft thing. I would have no problems joining a team; but I do have problems joining an organisation such as RushSoft, especially if I'm going to be ordered about (as I expect would happen, since you guys are just a division after all).
Out of the many posts I have made asking for help, I have included RushSoft in the application, maybe 2 times. I work as a team with someone, and when I feel the time is right and they are good enough, I ask them if they want to be in it. If they say no, so be it. They don't have to join RushSoft to work with me.
I question the means you're going to use to release your Anime game, and I question the leadership of RushSoft in general if they've put you up to making Anime games over anything else; a genre that's been swamped with so many games already that it becomes very difficult for a team just starting to climb into the world of BYOND to produce anything that would become popular in it.
Look at GoA; it succeeded because Masterdan is experienced with developing Anime games. He's had to work a lot of years to get where he is now, and one could argue that position isn't even so cool as it's thought out to be.
They have not asked me to do any Anime games; those were on my computer before I joined RushSoft. Journey to the Grand Line is a copyrighted name I know, and it will change. It is going to be an original Role Playing game. There is also another non-Anime game that I forgot to include on the website, and it is called Marble Maze. It is going to be a casual game. You can find a more detailed description in the BYOND Casual section.
You're referring to RushSoft as a company. It's not a company because you're not aiming to make profit off of it; and if you are, then choosing to develop an Anime game is a bad choice IMO since you can't charge money off of fan games.
As stated before, we are not only making Anime games. I plan to make money off of the two others. That said, they come in first priority to being completed.
The hype that surrounds RushSoft is that you're pretending to be part of this company/organisation that somehow is supposed to be better than everyone else. People who join your group will be placed in a very strict hierarchy and will be expected to work a lot on whatever game you're working on- despite them trying to enjoy their hobby.
We never stated to be better than anyone, and if it seems that way, I apologize. We are not strict at all, there is just a small border between RushSoft and RushSoft BYOND. There is no hierarchy, besides myself being the leader. There are no "ranks" or anything of the sorts. If they join the team, they agree to work on the game that is being worked on, if it is high priority for being completed. If they do not wish to join the team, they are not obliged to do anything.
The problem is that RushSoft both sounds serious and ridiculous at the same time. You have this website with this big shot attitude of "we're going to make it big and be an awesome gaming <s>company</s> organisation" but at the same time I see words like "ur" creep up and the fact your entire focus is on Anime games isn't too promising for a group that is just starting its first steps in the BYOND world.
Also as stated before, my Anime games are last in priority. Journey to the Grand Line and Marble Maze are first.
From what I can see, BYOND is there for the hobbyists: people who want to create games, but not necessarily want to be too serious about it. You have a lot of freedom in what you're going to do and what you and your team are going to create, and you can do pretty much whatever you want. You shouldn't join a group like that until you're ready but instead create your own team, learning BYOND with your group as you go along your own path instead of branching off somebody else's thoughts.
Also stated before, we are not trying to be serious. There obviously has to be a bit of seriousness, but all-in-all we are very relaxed. We are not branching off of anyone's thoughts; we are making the games we choose to make, not are told to make. Unless we are told to make an Anime game, but that will not happen unless we start making money off of other games and want to make an Anime one for fun.
In a nutshell:
Why do I think your RushSoft BYOND division sucks (and even RushSoft is laughable)?
1) The site doesn't look all too professional, but you're trying to act as if you are.
I have talked with them, and they will be fixing the errors soon.
2) RushSoft boasts that ROonline is going to assist with hosting. Except ROonline appears to be a dial-up provider and I found zero references to any other "ROonline" site out there. Either it died, Google is lying to me, or both. Whatever the case may be, the lack of even a link to their site puts me off from continuing to visit yours.
I do not think you typed it in right. What you are looking for is RSOnline.
3) Speaking about being deterred from your site: the sentence "So PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT LEAVE!" is actually one of those sentences that is going to cause me to leave.
As stated before, it is being fixed.
4) The two divisions aren't properly linked together, which either means that RushSoft doesn't think so highly of you or you both haven't considered updating that part of the site yet.
They have not put the link in yet, but they are going to now. Like I said before, I just got done talking with them.
5) "A: RushSoft BYOND will specialize in non-anime games unless told to do one by its parent, RushSoft. The Anime games here were already in production before the head of RushSoft BYOND joined RushSoft, and this is a good way to finish them." As I said, Anime games aren't a very good way to start off. If the directive is coming from RushSoft, then my point has been clearly proven: you're losing your freedom by sticking with RushSoft.
As I said before, we have not taken any orders from RushSoft yet. Our main priority is Journey to the Grand Line and Marble Maze.
My suggestion to you: create your own organisation to put your team in, and be more serious towards players and less serious in general and towards other developers. (In fact, you don't even have to be that serious to other players apart from not making things up and maintaining your site!)
I am sorry to disappoint, but I am staying in RushSoft BYOND. It is not because I am in any sort of power situation, but because I find it fun. It's just how I feel.
I'd even be willing to help out. I've got a pretty powerful server behind me and I could host a website/forum for you. I'll even throw in SVN so your team can work on your first game (which I hope will be an RPG game and not an Anime game; RPG needs you more than Anime =P).
Your help would be much appreciated, and you would not have to join RushSoft BYOND. Our two main priority games are a Role Playing game and a Casual game.
I didn't realize that RushSoft was the end-all be-all of contests on BYOND?