Well my acc is being hacked by a guy named lunar185 he does this trick that he gets on my acc somehow and he makes his email on my acc and he sends forgot password emails ...
I don't even know how to respond to this....
The first step you should take is to reveal the security leak that was used to obtain your data. This could range from accepting a malicious file, to blunt out sharing accounts and everything in-between. Only if you can ensure that once the password and email are changed, there is no new access to this data, there is any sense in actually changing it.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
I believe what the OP is trying to articulate is he used a false e-mail address when he made his account, the person in question who is stealing his account info MADE that e-mail, and is sending "Forgot my Password" emails to the e-mail that doesn't actually belong to the owner.
In response to AJX
AJX wrote:
I believe what the OP is trying to articulate is he used a false e-mail address when he made his account, the person in question who is stealing his account info MADE that e-mail, and is sending "Forgot my Password" emails to the e-mail that doesn't actually belong to the owner.

How on earth did you come to that conclusion? I honestly didn't understand his post at all.

The info might be easily guessed, or he told someone. I highly doubt an illegal tool like a keylogger was used for something as stupid as this.
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
AJX wrote:
I believe what the OP is trying to articulate is he used a false e-mail address when he made his account, the person in question who is stealing his account info MADE that e-mail, and is sending "Forgot my Password" emails to the e-mail that doesn't actually belong to the owner.

How on earth did you come to that conclusion? I honestly didn't understand his post at all.

I speak ... whatever the hell language he happened to be speaking. Assuming I was right, that is.

The info might be easily guessed, or he told someone. I highly doubt an illegal tool like a keylogger was used for something as stupid as this.

Funny story, keyloggers aren't inherently "illegal." But that is neither here nor there. It sounds like this situation was probably him sharing account info.
In response to AJX
Don't you have to verify your email with byond though?
In response to Leur
Leur wrote:
Don't you have to verify your email with byond though?

Decently sure that's a negatory.

At least I don't remember doing it back when I made my keys, quite some time ago.
In response to AJX
You do and always have had to verify your email address by entering a verification code or clicking a link.
In response to Stephie
Well CAN U DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES it only go to one email addres only one cause [email protected] my old email was changed ... so just make it send to one email [email protected] Possibly [email protected] ethier one would be good thanks you very much i look foward into seeing ur decsicion
In response to Maxluismiguel2202
Your sign-up email will always remain as a receiving pass recovery email address because of security reasons, such as someone taking over an account then changing the send-to email address.
In response to Leur
Well cause i lost that email please just give it one chance i just got my acc hacked once
In response to Maxluismiguel2202
Except without your original e-mail, you can't reasonably prove that you aren't attempting to hijack the account. And no, begging isn't proof.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
You do and always have had to verify your email address by entering a verification code or clicking a link.

Hmm. Mebbeh I'm just crazy then.
This has already been discussed in [link].

Let me summarise that thread for you: Take it to the support form. There's nothing we can do about it.