Currently it is operable and works, but there are a few things I need to fix/figure out how to do to make it perfect in my opinion and allow me to advance the code so here they are. Thanks in advance for any help!
1. I need to be able to allow multiple characters to be logged in from one key(Currently have no idea how to do this)
2. I need to be able to edit rooms while in game and have them save for the next time I boot the game.. Heres what I got for area codewise super basic
rname = " "
rname = "The Courtyard"
desc = "A courtyard "
east = "Lounge"
3. I need to be able to set up entirely different stat panels depending on what race someone chooses, I'm sure this is easily done and I looked over the reference but still couldn't figure it out exactly.
4. My final problem is I need to reload the player into their last known location, now for movement I use loc not x y z since there is no map, so I tried
Logout() // Upon logging out..
src.old_loc = src.loc
pl_savecharacter(src) // Call the save character proc
If I can get those things fixed I'll be nearly complete with the project and can go into refining and building the appearance of the thing... Anyway thanks again