Does equal your Byond key (or a guest's number) every time they enter even if you set it to something different?
If a client's mob has no name, it will default to the client's key. If any other atom has no name, it will default to the node it was defined as.
In response to Spunky_Girl
Spunky_Girl wrote:
If a client's mob has no name, it will default to the client's key. If any other atom has no name, it will default to the node it was defined as.

No. The default action of client/New() is to create a new mob of type world.mob, with a name equal to your key. If you simply move someone to another mob, it won't change the name of that mob unless you do that yourself.
In response to Garthor is simply the name of the mob not the key. The name can be changed any time but if the key is changed, last I checked(if you change a client's key), it will disconnect them.
In response to Ssj4justdale is the mob name, if you want know key you need use this: usr.key.

In response to Gohan Hosting
Depends on what the usr is. In BYOND I suppose there are client verbs and mob verbs. So depends.But Client does not have a var named name. So its a mob always.

Since usr is a mob it is which is may not be equal to
mob.key. is set equal to mob.key when it is created through client.New().