
for(var/mob/Mobb/A in view())
if(A.owner == usr)
set name = "Release"
set category = "Techniques"
var/mob/Mobb/A = new/mob/Mobb
A.loc = usr.loc
src.amount -= 1
A.owner = usr
usr<< "You Released it!"

Problem description: The mob WILL NOT MOVE. I have even copied and pasted other work that I have done that is EXACTLY like this, and all of those work. But, for some reason, this wont. Any reason why?

(I have also used walk_towards in place of walk_to. It still doesn't work)
Have you overridden client/Click() elsewhere without calling the parent procedure?
In response to Nickr5
No, and this is the only mob it won't work for. All the other mobs I have programmed for exactly like this it does work for.
In response to Koriami
wow , this is a common problem that I as well as others have encountered. My solution to this problem will be to set the mouse opacity to 2.
In response to Tales Number TwO
Still not working... is all the code right or is it all wrong...?
In response to Koriami
Figured it out, thanks for any help