var/list/commands = list("Fight","Item","Run")
var/command = input(A, "Please select a command.","Command?") in commands // Base commands to use from
FightBattle(A, B)
Mar 2 2009, 3:27 pm
Hi, im trying to change my battle system from a simple command list promt to a skin button layout which pops up when in battle then goes away after the battle, but i havent got much knownledge on skins >_< tried some things but it just didnt work at all. How would i go about this?
In response to Spunky_Girl
verb? but all of these are procs... can buttons even call procs?
battle_sorters |
In response to Andrew001
Interface controls, such as buttons, cannot call procs, no. Only verbs. You're going to have to create a verb that calls the proc(s) you want the button to call.
Pass an arg from the button's command to the verb that executes the code for the corresponding option.