Just a question I need to know before I go out and blow $100.
As everyone with an X-Box 360 knows, there was a huge update to the interface that requires tons of space to download. I downloaded it, but there is another update I need to download which I cannot do. Why? Not enough space, that's why. I deleted everything off of my memory card, and still, not enough space. I cannot even get onto X-Box Live without downloading it. I guess I need to go and blow $100 on a hard drive. Stupid Microsoft.
I was wondering, does the hard drive work on all X-Box 360's? I pretty much got mine when it first came out, and I was wondering if the hard drive would connect, and work on it?
Thanks for any help.
![]() Jan 29 2009, 5:27 pm
![]() Jan 29 2009, 5:38 pm
As far as I know, they use the same type of harddrive connectors on every 360.
Yes, they should all work. Your memory card needs to be 512 MB in order to have the new xbox dashboard installed on it (or just get a HDD).
Stupot wrote:
Yes, they should all work. Your memory card needs to be 512 MB in order to have the new xbox dashboard installed on it (or just get a HDD). I saw that dashboard update on a YouTube video, and all I can say is... my 360 will never be connected to Xbox Live. |
Stupot wrote:
That's a shame, because it works very nicely. Considering you have to pay every month just to use it, I'd hope so. |
Stupot wrote:
That's a shame, because it works very nicely. I don't understand why they went from their dark, slick "slice" layout to that goofy bright-coloured mess with a Mii-esque avatar. If I'd wanted that, I would have bought a Wii. The only thing I can figure behind this Dashboard "update" is that they're trying to please everyone by saying "Our games may mostly be dark shooters, but we have a bright happy dashboard! Why buy a Wii now?" What they don't seem to understand, though, is that not only do different groups of people gravitate to both consoles, but by trying to please everybody they don't. |
Mobius Evalon wrote:
I don't understand why they went from their dark, slick "slice" layout to that goofy bright-coloured mess with a Mii-esque avatar. I think it is because they added so much more stuff to the X-Box 360, such as movie downloads, a ton more add-on downloads, arcade games, and a whole other mess of stuff. They have so many new things on it, and I think they wanted to make it easier to navigate, and have everything download and run a lot smoother, and I must say, it does. |
Dashboard is free. Marketplace, demos and trailers are also free.
Back on subject, any official XBOX 360 HDD will do. With the exception of internal hardware revisions all XBOX 360 consoles are the same (ie, newer consoles have better motherboards). The only difference is what accessories are bundled in with the console (or in the case of the Elite, the colour of the console). That said, if I were you, I would ring Microsoft and hassle them about it before I went out and brought a HDD. I'm not sure where they stand on it now, but there was a point where the official policy was that nothing on the 360 was allowed to require a HDD. You really shouldn't be forced into buying a HDD just so you can play online. |