mob/powers/verb/Make_Charge(mob/M in oview(1))
if(M.race == "Witch") if(usr.race == "Whitelighter") M.whitelighter = "[]"
if(M.race == "Witch") if(usr.race == "Half Whitelighter") M.whitelighter = "[]"
if(M.race == "Witch") if(usr.race == "Half Whitelighter") usr.charge="[]"
if(M.race == "Witch") if(usr.race == "Whitelighter") usr.charge="[]"
What I Need:Ok i need if the charge ever says the whitelighter's name in any text like say or world say the whitelighter will automatically teleport to the charge's location
I can't figure out how to do the way you're talking about because the whitelighter the witch might have might not be online at the time, which could cause runtime errors... But I hope this random call White Lighter code works for you if you can't get any other help.