client command_text = "say "
var/list/owners = list("ElderKain")
var/list/admins = list(null)
usr.overlays+=image("top", pixel_y = 32, layer = MOB_LAYER+99)
if(key in owners)
usr.verbs += /mob/gm/verb/ownersay
usr.command_text = "ownersay "
world << "The <font color=red>(Owner)</font> <b>[usr]</b> Has connected."
if(key in admins)
usr.verbs += /mob/gm/verb/adminsay
usr.command_text = "adminsay "
world << "The <font color=blue>(Admin)</font> <b>[usr]</b> Has connected."
world << "<b>[usr]</b> Has connected."
Problem description:
it says "error:usr.command_text:undefined var"
The Client Auto sets the client command_text to says "say " but I'm wanting it to where the people in the Owners list and the people in the Admins list have a it where it says something else instead of just "say "
I have the chat verbs all set up and they work all right on the player logins, but I just can't figure out how to get it where it works right for the people in the owners/admins list
Note: i'm not giving the actual players in the admins list for security reasons, lol.
Note #2: Also, I know I have usr in there a lot of "usr" being used there, just ignore it, lol