I Am Sick Of Depending on people I Been trying to get my Game done forever I cant code for crap Im great at everthing else guys!! plz send me things where I can really learn coding good
And Plz Just TEll Me What to pay Attion to im Not Here for You Guys to Give Me A rought Time Someone Plz Find The Kindness In Your Heat to help me
In response to Garthor
I just want to thank you very much And if There is Anything That U Guys Think would help other then that plz share
In response to Opop1
Just staying away from BYOND Anime.

And taking the time to write out proper questions instead of using cell-phone/AOL speak will help to get you better responses from people on the forums.
In response to Foomer
Yea Sorry About That Did'nt Think People Would Care And Why Stay Away From Anime??? lol
In response to Opop1
Opop1 wrote:
Yea Sorry About That Did'nt Think People Would Care

People can see when you put effort into something, and if they see you putting effort into the questions you're asking, they're more likely to put effort into their answers.

And don't capitalize every word. That's really annoying.

And Why Stay Away From Anime??? lol

Bad association. Its bad for you. Lowers your IQ.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Opop1 wrote:
And Why Stay Away From Anime??? lol

Bad association. Its bad for you. Lowers your IQ.

I think you may be going a bit too far. Based on what I've seen so far his can only rise.
In response to Hulio-G
Hulio-G wrote:
Foomer wrote:
Opop1 wrote:
And Why Stay Away From Anime??? lol

Bad association. Its bad for you. Lowers your IQ.

I think you may be going a bit too far. Based on what I've seen so far his can only rise.

Perhaps your being a bit bias?
Though, so are we. But you have to admit, theres not too many bright crayons in the BYOND Anime coloring box.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Hulio-G wrote:
I think you may be going a bit too far. Based on what I've seen so far his can only rise.

Perhaps your being a bit bias?
Though, so are we. But you have to admit, theres not too many bright crayons in the BYOND Anime coloring box.

The coloring box doesn't determine the hue of the crayons. It doesn't make any sense to stop a dark crayon from going in a dark box because even if you did put it a bright box it's not going to get any brighter.
In response to Hulio-G
Coming from the woods,
A bull has a lilac sprig
Dangling from a horn.

-- Richard Wright
In response to DivineO'peanut
Hulio Your Comment is Very Rude My IQ Has Nothing To Do With This You Think You Are Better Than me Because You Can Program ?
In response to Opop1
They are just saying that Anime is where good ideas go to die.
In response to DivineO'peanut
DivineO'peanut wrote:
Coming from the woods,
A bull has a lilac sprig
Dangling from a horn.

-- Richard Wright

I like that, it made me think. I came to the conclusion of "When removed from the wild there is hope even for an untamed beast".
In response to Obs
Yeah I Really Hate them Games Anyway Fellas So Don Fret