loading GaladoriaOnline.dme
GaladoriaOnline.dm:82:error: ): expected }
GaladoriaOnline.dm:76:error: location of top-most unmatched {
GaladoriaOnline.dmb - 2 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)
That's the error, and technically, I have no idea what the problem is. Here. I'll put up the parts of my code that might mean something.
name = "GaladoriaOnline v.1"// Sets the name.
view = 7// Sets the size of the screen
mob = /mob/character//Sets the mob the player is gonna be.
mob/create_character //the default mob
sleep(20)//Waits for 20 half seconds
alert("Welcome to GaladoriaOnline v.1","Welcome","Ok?") // brings up a box with OK
world << "<b> \red [usr] has entered the Game!" // tell the world who logs on
src.name = input("What is your name?","Name",src.key)//this for a new key when you enter the game
var/a = input("Where are you from?","Nationality") in list("Galadoria"))
usr.nationality = "Galadoria"
Problem description:There's something wrong where it says Lognin(), that's the GaladoriaOnline.dm:76:error: location of top-most unmatched {
var/a = input("Where are you from?","Nationality") in list("Galadoria"))
What's the problem exactly?
u just can use two ")" if u putted switch(input(
...:::Pirata Inmortal:::...