In response to Revenant Jesus
I'm fully aware that snaking was put in by the devs, but that doesn't excuse that's a broken element of the game. In fact it ruined the the online aspect of Mario Kart DS because it essentially became who can snake better using the Yoshi Egg cart. It becomes boring, and isn't fun, and then most of the time when you beat these losers at their own game they quit so you don't get the points for winning.

I never said I couldn't learn how to snake (in fact the opposite. Stop making such retarded assumptions that people suck at the game in any topic where they're complaining about a very broken gameplay element. Actually I'm more inclined to say that the people that purposely take advantage of all these broken gameplay elements in all of these games (Such as the combo from Halo 2, or using Akuma in SF) suck too much at the game themselves that they have to resort to easy-to-learn tricks that ruin the game for everyone else.

And no, you can snake in almost every single Online MarioKart DS track. Some are harder than others, but you can snake every single one, not to mention if you end up with a group of snakers (which all anyone that plays Mario Kart online anymore are) they'll always pick the same levels.
Illusionary Tactical Unit wrote:
Advanced tactics eg. wavedashing is part of what makes smash bro's fun. It's not an end-all guaranteed win, you need a lot of skill to actually use it.

I don't play Smashbros but with Mario Kart DS that's the difference; if you snake decently against a normal racer, you ARE guaranteed to win. Seriously, where's the challenge in lapping people twice in a minute every game you play? I admit it takes skill, but if snaking is the only way you can possibly win, then you just suck at Mario Kart. And yes I DO despise snaking because there are plenty when I want to have a challenge racing normally. Despite all this, I still in fact stay in the game, letting them get their little cheap wins in even though I can easily logout and rob them of their "wins" but snaking is still pretty lame.
In response to Rugg
One name comes to mind: Dylan!
In response to Chibi-Gohan0
It costs less than the launch price of a PS3 to get a Wii and 360, which certainly wasn't anywhere near $900.
In response to Maggeh
Oh boy. I mentioned him above.

He is a funny guy. I decided to hate glitches, tournaments, and items-off people alot more.



In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
He does have a thing for the Wii (and an interest in the 360 as well), but MGS4 is suppose to be his last MGS game. I doubt the Wii will ever get a Metal Gear game unless it's a port of MGS2/MGS3 or a spin off. There's a lot of Rumors about MGS4 being on the 360, whether they're true or not is not known (It's known that the Konami executives want to put it on the 360).
In response to Rugg
Or maybe those people actually enjoy it?
In response to Maggeh
And I enjoy Nintendo.
In response to Rugg
Clearly you missed the point of my post.
In response to WarLin
WarLin wrote:
Yes, yes it would. Except the speaker on the Wiimote would be converted to give out signals instead of receive. Nyahahahahahaha.... Yes... perfection.

in five years you will find this post and posts like these and read them and just shake your head

even if you weren't going to, you will now that I've mentioned it
In response to Rugg
Rugg wrote:
PC couldn't simulate the Wii.

True, but it could emulate and even surpass the Wii's specifications quite easily. There is nothing that the Wii has that any modern PC can't do, and do it better.
In response to Maggeh
Of course they were removed. What I said was that people will find new ones. It's not like they're hacking the game, they're simply combining moves to gain speed/add more damage. In fact, I very much doubt they'll all be removed; chain throwing, for instance seems unlikely to be taken out, because that would require removing throwing.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Yeah, it is the difference in Mario Kart. I know you didn't comment on Smash Bros., but just to compare, the difference is that: not only does it take real skill (Basically a mastery of the game, + goood reflexes) to pull off, but it isn't a guaranteed win. If you use items, go to most stages, or use a proper handicap, you could easily beat a pro. So, unless you're playing in stuck up tourney matches, it wont really matter.
In response to Rugg
Yeah, I hate when people get so annoyed based on a video game. But still, it's kind of irrelevant to the "glitches" in melee. Every game has annoying players like that, and it's not as if it's exclusive to the "glitch" abusers either. You, for instance. You're doing the same thing those annoying "glitchers" do by insulting the way they've decided to play. If you don't like the way they play, ignore them and don't play them; it's that simple.
I wouldn't play them. I play Super smash for fun.

Items? Hell yeah. Also I hate fox :)
In response to Rugg
Fox can be fun in very high pokeball battles of death. You can get the pokeballs faster, though ice climbers is still better.
I guess. I used Luigi in melee, and umh.. Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff is GREAT for combos.
In response to Rugg
I play without items, seems more of a competition amongst friends. But if we want to joke around we put on items.
In response to Nishiatsu
I have a low drop rate on items.

As for stages, I choose whatever stage I like. Which is usually the temple (big stage.)
In response to Nishiatsu
Nishiatsu wrote:
If you are saying SSBB is over hyped, that is the most [I like profanity] ever. SSBB deserves everything it has going for it. It is packed with a lot of features according to Bros. Dojo. I wouldn't be surprised if Brawl gets more online players than Halo at any time.

...apparantly it is over hyped. You don't see it yourself, there any difference between Halo 3 and Brawl in the sense that people overly love them? There isn't. The Halo fans rave over the next Halo release, the Super Smash Brothers fans rave over the next SSB release. There's no difference.
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