In response to WarLin
WarLin wrote:

Speaking of things. SSBB looks like fun but I'm sure its over hyped. Halo 3 was. Now see, I don't say that because I'm a PS3 owner I say that because alot of my friends who played it said it wasn't All That.

If you are saying SSBB is over hyped, that is the most [I like profanity] ever. SSBB deserves everything it has going for it. It is packed with a lot of features according to Bros. Dojo. I wouldn't be surprised if Brawl gets more online players than Halo at any time.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Mario Galaxy is already out, but I simply don't have the money to buy it right now, but I have heard nothing but good things about it. Now that I think about it, most if not all Mario titles I enjoyed a lot. I am also waiting on Brawl and Resident Evil Chronicles.

Resident Evil chronicles is out now.
In response to Balmung_97
Mac Wins!!! oh wait err dam these kind of arguments sound the same.
In response to WarLin
Brawl isn't overhyped. It hasn't boasted things that it may do, it just reports specific features already being added. Compared to the last game: The characters/places look MUCH better, the number of characters has increased by a lot, items have a more wide range of effects (Nintendogs ftw?), there's online mode, more regularish single player modes, better handicap system, etc.. Even the quality of the characters has increased; as of yet there are no clones, and solid snake/ sonic have been confirmed. Really, the only possible bad thing I can think of is that we don't know if the gameplay has slowed down or not. Either way, this has the potential to be better than melee, which had a dedicated fan base for a long ass time. In fact, compared to other games like halo, it made HUGE improvements, while games like halo merely added a few new features. Not to say this will make the Wii better than any other console, but it certainly wont hurt anything.
Also from what I have read, apparently the they have a much more extended storyline now.
Yeah. I wish the small portion of people jumping at me would see this too.

Wii owners get their chance to gloat about a signifigantly improved nintendo game.

Judging by the updates/videos i've seen on the game, it will last a LONG time.
Rugg wrote:
Will Dominate Halo and the 360. Microsoft fans get a kick in the nuts Feb. 10th, 2008.

...and yet they all still suck compared to most PC games.
In response to Maggeh
Maggeh wrote:
Ok. I'll be sure to enjoy both Brawl, and various other hardcore awesome games on the 360 that the wii doesn't have by that time.

Regulating yourself to one console, and then trying to fight with other people who regulated themselves to one console is pretty stupid. Fanboys need to die.

Not everyone can/wants to spend $900 on two consoles.
In response to digitalmouse
I don't know Digitalmouse, a time is coming, that soon most decent games that appear on PC also appear on most home based entertainment systems. When I say that I think immediately of BioShock and HalfLife².

To be perfectly honest, there has never been that many PC games that I really wanted to played or enjoyed that much. I suppose I wish I could get Diablo 2 on my Xbox 360 or World of Warcraft, but that is most likely never going to happen.
I can rest easy knowing my comments put someones panties in a bunch~
In any case I'll try brawl when it comes out and I'll tell you if I like it or not. Yeah, I got ONE friend who could get a Wii. He worked all summer for it O_o... Well maybe the 600 $ bike didn't help much either but hey, what are you going to do right?
If I DO like Brawl then its obviously not over hyped but you know, I've played the last two and these final smash things... They look like they might ruin the game play and I'm more or less afraid of that. Lets not forget Nintendos stupid move with Mario Kart to make it so even a novice can beat an expert... yuck.(That means dumbed down gameplay) If I see that in Brawl then its finished.
Hell have you even SEEN what some of these fighting games have developed into? Its disgusting.
In response to WarLin
I honestly don't know what you are talking about. I really enjoyed both Smash Brothers games, I had no problems with either of them and the new one looks bigger and better then the older ones, I have no quarrels right now with what Super Smash Brothers Brawl looks like or is being developed into.

As far as Mario Kart goes, I also always enjoyed the series, never had a problem with the games, always thought the last was better then the one before it, and was always improving. Even if the game itself was easy to complete, I never got Mario Kart with the core game play in mind, it was always the multi-player with friends.
In response to WarLin
I suppose so, I do remember reading something about them slowing down arial gameplay, and I certainly hope they don't rape it trying to make things more "casual"
Fighting looks alot more face paced to me. Just look at some of the gameplay videos.


As for final smashes, whats wrong with them? Other than hardcore tourney geeks, I haven't seen any complaints against them. Its not like you can use them whenever you feel like it.

The levels look astounding. And I am also looking forward to its 1 player mode, subspace emissionary.
In response to Rugg
I think the final smashes look a lot like Hyper Combos from Marvel VS Capcom 2, and I loved that concept, store up enough energy until you can tear apart your opponent. There are always going to be people complaining about something. The other day, a bunch of people were complaining in Halo 3 because my friend was using the plasma sword, they were calling him cheap and saying he was ruining the game and was a total newbie.. Whatever, he was killing them left and right, who is the newbie, the person racking up the kills, or the losers complaining about the guy pwning them?
In response to digitalmouse
PC couldn't simulate the Wii.
In response to Rugg
Except with a bluetooth card, you can easily use the Wii controller on the PC as a mouse. Hmmm.
In response to Chibi-Gohan0
Then they shouldn't spend all their time annoyingly trying to justify their purchase.
In response to Rugg
I thought most of the new levels are really lame compared to some of the ones in melee and the original Smash Brothers. Most of the levels shown are just platform levels with pretty backgrounds.

Although some of them are pretty cool.
In response to Maggeh
Er? I was talking about brawl's levels. Unless you made a typo.

In response to Rugg
whoops, fixed now.
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