Hello, I'm working on a game currently and the game had placeholder icons(I'm a second coder) I made my own icons(Which personally aren't bad) and seeing my own work really gives me an encouragement to keep working on the game. I am wondering, what helps people work on their game, good original code or icons.
Also I want your opinion on Place Holder icons, I have experience with them and its not pretty(Finished game, too many icons, didn't want to work more so I deleted game files out of frustration).
Nov 8 2007, 11:26 am
Nov 8 2007, 11:51 am
What do you mean by helps people work on their game? Inspiration maybe?
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I mean when you start a game, what keeps you going.
In response to Poal
Knowing that there are other people who are interested in its progress and are looking forward to seeing it.
(Even if they aren't aware that it exists yet.) |
What tends to help me is having an iterative process. I need a light at the end of a tunnel when I'm writing code or else I'll get discouraged (or end up with questionable experiments ). Once there is a proper environment to test game mechanics in, I'm usually fine.
Creating mock-ups with the new skin functionality might help too, but it's too early for me to tell. |