As for the store problems and many of the compatibility problems, those where fixed. I haven't had the browser or store crash on me in months. I've yet to try a game that didn't work(Granted, I have one of the old 20Gigers with the emotion drive).
I have had problems with the six-axis controls and randomly dropping out for a few seconds. It is very annoying, but it only happens at my house, not at any friends, so I must assume it is related to the high amount of bluetooth interference(I believe there are a about 6 bluetooth devices in me house).
And as for the turning on problem, it sounds like a hardware problem. I've seen the same problem in PCs and it is normally related to a bad power supply. This stuff happens, and I expect Sony would have took it for repairs, had you sent it. I've had several harddrives and mother boards DOA, so I expect nothing less from any computer hardware, including the PS3, 360, and Wii. However, the 360s problems stem from bad design, and a simple mishap of a few consoles during construction.
Yes, all systems have bugs. Everything has bugs. But I think Sony released a great product with few bugs from the start, and did a great job of fixing all the important ones fast. The only big ones remaining are related to the backwards compatibility, which I honestly believe Sony is working on.
Your knowledge of the PS3 is clearly out dated, and seems rather bias.
I would honestly like to know how I'm trying to be so stereotypical.
I don't like that excuse. "It is technology, it happens" isn't a valid excuse for me. It didn't happen with my Nintendo Wii or my Xbox 360, it did happen with my PS3. That is like those damn LCD devices that say burnt pixels are common. When I pay a lot of money for something, I expect perfection and nothing less.
Granted that, I know other people MUST have had problems with their Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360, but that isn't my problem, that isn't what happened to me, I can't use other peoples' experiences to form my own opinion. What happened to me and how I used my hardware is what forms my opinion. I would have never have sent the PS3 back to Sony. They told me I would have had to wait 2-3 weeks just to get my PS3 reviewed, fixed and sent back. When I pay $600 for something, I expect speedy service. That is why I went out of my way to go back to EBgames and simply exchange it. Just because you haven't run into a game that didn't work doesn't mean that it applies to everyone. I had the 60GB model and even after the updates that were supposed to fix problems, I still had games randomly freezing, lagging sound effects with FMVs and more. Honestly I don't know why it is so hard for Microsoft and Sony to just make sure the damn stuff is 100% backwards compatible. I mean I never had any of these problems with I had my PS2. The fact that Sony pulled the emotion drive just to save a few bucks really burns my ass. The Playstation 3 is already loosing a large amount of money on sales anyways due to the production costs Sony has to suffer, what is a few extra dollars? It is like Nintendo not putting a damn ethernet port on the Nintendo Wii, talk about being a cheap tightwad! You seem rather bias yourself, but I would just assume that is due to different experiences. No gamer is going to have the same opinion. |
I don't mind admiting, I'm a fan of Sony's consoles(Not a fanboy, because I have no problems seeing flaws).
You shouldn't make a big deal out of what could have been a hair falling into the circuitry or any number of things. When I get monitors with dead pixels, I get them replaced at no cost to me, no matter what a company says their policy is. If I get DOA parts, I get replacements at no cost, no matter what the policy is. It is the problem with technology. This is very advanced stuff, and there are millions of parts on a PS3, 360, and Wiis that can die, and when the do, they normally cause all kinds of problems. I expect as much. I can't expect every console to be tested before it is shipped out. And 2-3 weeks recovery time is actually pretty good. One of my co-workers has had his 360 at Microsoft's repair depo for two weeks and they still haven't got the thing fixed(By "at" I mean they confirmed they received it two weeks ago). So it happens. I don't really blame a company. It's hell'a annoying, but it's the breaks. And if you can't handle it, stop buying technology now. You seem to have a hatred for the PS3. I have clearly point out that the majority of the reasons for your hatred are either out of date, or simply a problem that all consoles share. I can't blame you for having a sour taste in your mouth, but everytime anyone mentions the PS3, you jump in acting like it's a spawn of satan. I do have my bias, but I try to not down consoles I don't like. I will tell you things I rather dislike about them, but I wont act like they killed my puppy. |
I don't hate the PS3, but it has in fact put a sour taste in my mouth. I hate myself for shelling out for the system when I did, I could have easily spent the $1000+ on something that I would have been happier with, instead of turning around and selling all my PS3 stuff later for almost half the price I bought it for.
I have always been a fan of technology and always will be, but if you think I am ever going to give them a break, well, think again. When I pay as much as I have to for current tech, I expect it to be flawless and I give them no room for excuse. I don't care how advanced the tech is, or how many parts are on it. The fact that Sony told me they weren't going to exchange my PSP with another because I had dead pixels sent me in a outrage, as soon as I talked to a manager about it, they agreed to make the swap. When I had talked to the guys on the phone on Tech Support for my PS3, they told me that I would have to pay for the shipping. Excuse me? I just spent $600 + tax on your hardware, it breaks in a few days and you want me to pay for shipping? I think not. I shouldn't have to pay for shipping and I shouldn't have to wait that long. The same thing was going on with Microsoft, but suddenly they started not only paying for shipping, but most repairs. When my friend called them up, not only did they pay for all the postage, but instead of simply fixing the broken Xbox 360 (the warranty WAS out of date) they just sent him a brand new one, free of charge and it all took about a week for him to send it out and get it back. That right there is pretty damn good service. Funny thing is, the Xbox 360 died almost exactly one year from the date my friend purchased the dang thing. And the problems I pointed out are not out of date, many of the problems I reported in this thread are still common problems with many PS3 owners. I will eventually get another PS3, when most if not all of the problems are ironed out and Sony get it's head out of their butt. I waited almost 2 years (Like a year and a half?) to get a Xbox 360, I can wait awhile for the PS3. I never worry about buying Nintendo hardware on release date. Because I have never had a problem with Nintendo hardware ever. I know that is the Nintendo fanboy in me speaking, I can admit that, but most gamers, even ones who dislike Nintendo can also agree Nintendo makes some of the most sturdy, cost effective hardware ever. One time I left my Nintendo Gamecube near an opened window and when I came back it had rained and filled my Gamecube completely with water. I drained the system, let it sit for two days, when I turned it on, it worked perfectly. I honestly would never expect that from either Microsoft or Sony. |
Revenant Jesus wrote:
The same thing was going on with Microsoft, but suddenly they started not only paying for shipping, but most repairs. When my friend called them up, not only did they pay for all the postage, but instead of simply fixing the broken Xbox 360 (the warranty WAS out of date) they just sent him a brand new one, free of charge and it all took about a week for him to send it out and get it back. That right there is pretty damn good service. Funny thing is, the Xbox 360 died almost exactly one year from the date my friend purchased the dang thing. That's because a whole load of 360s suddenly all developed the same fault with no warning or way of telling which would and which wouldn't. The only way Microsoft could retain their customers and keep new ones coming in was if they replaced any that broke. It wasn't a 'hey, we designed it bad, we apologize' moment, it was a 'hey, if we don't do something about this then no-one's gonna buy 360s in case they brick'. |
Oh you are so silly.
No the PS3 never crashed while I was playing any other games than Oblivion(then again that game is glitch city anyways). It just crashed when I was updating Resistance: Fall of Man. >_> ... HOW DOES A GAME CRASH WHILE UPDATING. |
That's a good question, and I've yet to see it happen. Was the updater in the game or downloaded from the PSN? Anyways, you make it sound like the PS3 is riddled with bugs, which it is clearly not. Of course, all software/hardware has bugs. My XBox and PS2 have froze on my a number of times. These things happen. But he is asking which console he should get, so if both consoles have a fair share of little bugs of that sort, well, you can't rightly use it as a con for one console without mentioning it as a con for the other.
Ah, well then. Watch out X-Box users! Billgates is comming to take your money! Oh god! Did you know that X-Box is the only console service that costs money to subscribe to? Thats not cool at all! Play for free is my motto! If I payed the damn pricetag for your console and its games I expect to get free service! So everyone says that PSN is gay and makes you jump through hoops to play games.... I have yet to see a hoop. Real or metaphorical. So those claims are a bunch of bullcrap. I'm not saying that PSN is the most comprehensive online service.(We all know microsoft has buttsecksed the market in that corner) But its free and it works. So who cares.... FREE I SAY!
Also, if I may say one more thing. The pricetag for the PS3 isn't steep when it comes to real gamers. Why? Because, by the time the console has ended its life you and I both know you'll have bought said console ten times over in games. I'm damn sure I did with my N64 and PS1. Don't even get me started with my PSP. I'm not looking for alot of XBox exclusives either. Really, exclusives aren't really important when you can get your hands on all of the good games that aren't going to the wii because they're too intense. That right there is satisfaction enough.... Sorry to say it but it is.*Awaits prosecution* |
WarLin wrote:
Did you know that X-Box is the only console service that costs money to subscribe to? Thats not cool at all! The pricetag for the PS3 isn't steep when it comes to real gamers. So real gamers shouldn't care about the cost, unless it's for a service. |
Nay nay, Only Real Gamers that are CHEAP have to care about things like services. MMO's turn me off for this reasons. That and they're boring... yeah
WarLin wrote:
Ah, well then. Watch out X-Box users! Billgates is comming to take your money! Oh god! Did you know that X-Box is the only console service that costs money to subscribe to? Thats not cool at all! Play for free is my motto! If I payed the damn pricetag for your console and its games I expect to get free service! So everyone says that PSN is gay and makes you jump through hoops to play games.... I have yet to see a hoop. Real or metaphorical. So those claims are a bunch of bullcrap. I'm not saying that PSN is the most comprehensive online service.(We all know microsoft has buttsecksed the market in that corner) But its free and it works. So who cares.... FREE I SAY! Yeah, but Xbox live offers a pretty complete and comprehensive online service to their users. They have a very strong online community. Not to mention, for the paid service they tend to throw freebies your way. I have download a few free movies off of Xbox Live during special events. They also occasionally give away games and hold contests. Xbox Live is a pretty good online service and I am more then willing to pay to use it. Also, if I may say one more thing. The pricetag for the PS3 isn't steep when it comes to real gamers. Why? Because, by the time the console has ended its life you and I both know you'll have bought said console ten times over in games. I'm damn sure I did with my N64 and PS1. Don't even get me started with my PSP. See, now you can't take your own experiences and force them on other gamers. I only owned like 5 Nintendo 64 games in my entire life time and most of them I bought them used on sale at a video rental place. The same can be said for the Playstation 1. The PSP I didn't even bother after trying about 3 different games I sold it. The PSP's game library is completely lacking and horrible. I owned a Playstation 3, I gave it a chance and it just ended up dispointing me. When you pay $600 out of your own pocket for something, trust me, you really want to give it a second or third chance, but when the game library sucks as bad as it does for the PS3 right now, it simply can't be helped. Will I ever own another PS3? Signs point to yes, but not until it does a massive price drop and has a better collection of games for it that make me want to buy the PS3. I'm not looking for alot of XBox exclusives either. Really, exclusives aren't really important when you can get your hands on all of the good games that aren't going to the wii because they're too intense. That right there is satisfaction enough.... Sorry to say it but it is.*Awaits prosecution* You should be looking at the exclusives because that is one of the big selling points for any system. When that system and that system alone has that big mega hit for the year, it is going to make you want to buy that system even more. There has yet to be a single game on the PS3 that isn't on any other system I want to play. I can't really see why you even bothered trying to talk smack about the Nintendo Wii. The fact is, right now Nintendo is doing the best out of all three companies and as it stands, if sales keep going up, it will break the old record for most sold systems. The Nintendo Wii is a powerful system. Maybe it isn't as powerful as the Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3, but the Wiid doesn't take your wallet, grind it up into tiny pieces and then burn it either. Nintendo Wii has it's own brand of games that are all fun on their own terms, and that is good enough for me. |
I really don't understand this 'OMG EXCLUSIVE' mentality. Just because a game is only available on one platform, that doesn't make it any better than a game available on a variety of platforms. Sure, they can spend a little longer on the game instead of having to port it (or write it three times for three consoles) but none the less.
If I made a game called 'Springtime for Hitler' and it was only available on the 360, would that make you want to play it? |
XBOX 360 all the way, and if your any good at coding then check out XNS and make your own games for the XBOX 360 and share it online with other XNS users :D . 360 is just to innovative for sony to ever catch up with. Besides 360 have more ‘pro’ and ‘competitive’ gamers and is marketed towards more mature audiences. This is something Japan itself as a minority recognizes and have on a number of occasions admitted that the Western gamers are of finer quality. Almost all Japanese games follow the same kind of gameplay and its quiet distasteful to see that they can’t get out of that kind of mentality |
The way I look at exclusives, is it gives people incentive to buy that particular console over another one, especially if they cannot afford to buy all of the consoles.
Other than that exclusives are lame, and if you want to play a particular game you either have a borrow a friends console, or buy a new one. For example I don't want to buy a PStriple really (too expensive), but I really want to play MGS4. |
Now see, thats only partially true. Exclusives are fun, but have you even glanced at any of the exclusives for the PS3? Some of them are legacy games from long running series that people love to play(Otherwise they would have pulled the plug on it by now). Such as the Rachet and Clank sequel. Other games that have a great reputation from the developers like Drakes Fortune made by MadDog. If you don't know who they are they made the Crash Bandicoot series and did a damn good job of it. Well until all of the spin offs. Then theres Metal Gear Solid 4. I know people who are going to get the PS3 just for that game. If you haven't played an MGS game I suggest you do right now. There are plenty of PSN games to keep your attention for awhile and the new Socom game is comming out soon for it. Lets not forget Warhawk.
The PSPs library is nowhere lacking OR horrible. You just didn't look in the right places. Go get a few capcom games like Megaman PoweredUp or the Capcom classics collection. Then go get Tekken Dark Ressurection. Instead dismissing everything as lame just because you're used to something else take some time to look behind all of the hype would you? I own a DS and a PSP and I'll tell you right now I play a hell load more games on my PSP than DS... Then again thats probably because most DS games are based on a cheap gimmick that doesn't really work.(Metroid Prime Hunters would have worked ALOT better with thumbsticks) I am however, impressed by a couple of its games. I'm not saying the XBox 360 doesn't have its exclusives, but do your research before you start sticking your ass out at Sony. Sure the Nintendo Wii is doing great. Does that mean I'll buy it so I can play the obscure library of games that actually interest me? No. I'm glad Nintendo has finally found a market to get more money from. Thats great. Do I even hope to change your mind? Hell no. I'm just a Sony stooge and your a Microsoft Monk.(Or Nintendo nerd... we'll figure you out eventually.) |
Exclusive games don't leave you with buyer's remorse without sucking in their own right. Multi-console games tend to come out better on one system than another. You end up paying the same amount of money for a game that performs worse.
Maggeh wrote:
For example I don't want to buy a PStriple really (too expensive), but I really want to play MGS4. It's funny. I'm not willing to pay $1,000 (AUD) for a PS3, but I'm willing to pay $1,100 (AUD) for Metal Gear Solid 4. |
Pacchiana2 wrote:
I dont no which one to get most ppl say to get the ps3 but theres a lot of games on 360 I would defintely buy a ps3, sony is now doing what they do best and putting out games that appeal to all types of gamers. Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, and Rachet and Clank Future are the games that appeal to me the most right now. Games like Haze, Unreal Tournament, WarHawk, Eye Of Judgment, and SingStar are some games that might appeal to gamers with Hardcore/Unique tastes. Oh, and all of the games above are either out right now or coming out in the near future. I would be on the 360 bandwagon right now if every J-RPG/Smash Hit Blockbuster game weren't ported to the ps3 or already Avaliable on the PC as well. Oh, and the hardware is unreliable too. |
The bugs for the PS3? Even after the updates, I was having problems getting it to play past generation titles. It was still having issues with some of my PS1 and PS2 games. The PS3 online store would constantly randomly crash on me for no apparent reason. They also had to currently post an update for their sixaxis controllers because they weren't working like that should.
One of the biggest issues I had, was about 3 months ago when I purchased my PS3, it would randomly refuse to turn on. Sometimes I had to try to turn it on 20 or 30 times before it would actually boot up. After it booted it, it would play fine for the rest of the day, the next day I'd get the same thing. I had to travel like 3 hours out of my way to exchange it at the place I bought it from.