Alright, I played Resident Evil 4 on my uncles wii... hawt. I'd probably get the PC version though. In any case, this got me more interested in the new RE:5 coming out for the ps3/360. So I checked some of the big fancy game sites and the only loot I could find was five pictures and I'm not even sure they are of gameplay. The latest news on one site was from 2005 >_>.
Do any of you know anything about this elusive game?
Edit:Don't get me wrong, RE4 was not where I jumped in at. I started playing RE at Outbreak.
![]() Jul 4 2007, 8:29 am
Silly man, thats whats gamepads are for. If the game doesn't like gamepads they have gamepad to keyboard conversion programs.
Like I said, Wiimote > Gamepad. :)
Resi 4 has already come out on the Gamecube (thus can be played on a Wii with a GC controller)... the wiimote is better than using a gamepad, otherwise they wouldn't've rereleased it. |
True, the game was made for the wiimote, or how its setup at least.
I haven't had the opportunity to see what it would be like on the other systems so I really don't know how cumbersome(or not) it would be. |
Well to be honest I was really just encouraging you to get the Wii version because I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but if you want my honest opinion:
I imagine the controls would be well honed as it's such an important, big game, so I think the Wiimote could really help the game. I've played and completed the gamecube version about 3 times and I adapted to use the GC controller perfectly. Even though I was just using an old-fashioned control stick (Screw the last 10 years of gaming, control sticks suck!) I could easily shoot anything I needed to within a second or two of aiming. The game allows for quite a lot of accuracy and speed- the ability to shoot crossbows and thrown axes right out of the air, for instance. The game would be fine on whatever platform you get it for, so the most important thing is that you play Resi 4 (I'd compare it to sex but I'm a friendless virgin so uh). But if you liked the way the wii version played, get it on the wii (providing you already have one!). |
The Wiimote, being used like a gun, can in return be pretty cheap and in my eyes make the game a lot easier. Think of Duck Hunt, and how you could have the Light Zapper ( is that the name of the thing? ) right up to the screen, to pretty much never miss your target Duck. That's what it could be like for RE4. Now, as for playing, I'd prefer Mouse and Keyboard over the PS2 Controller / Wiimote. But, I'd prefer the GC Controller over all :)
Elation wrote:
The game would be fine on whatever platform you get it for, so the most important thing is that you play Resi 4 (I'd compare it to sex but I'm a friendless virgin so uh) That made me laugh. Anyways, I don't have a wii, my uncle does. Well I mean, I could mooch off of him for awhile but you know thats just not cool. If I do ever get a wii(Not likely, because although I like SPM and RE4, the 360 has Lost Planet and every other goody I'm looking forward to so I'll probably buy that first~) the first game I'm getting is RE4. However, back on topic! Someone find me something thats been leaked by capcom D:. |
Okay then, get it on the PC or 360. :)
(Also consider moving into your uncle's house. He has serious taste, man.) |
I haven't heard anything new about this at all for the past couple months; but you might be interested in RE : Ubrella Chronicles for the wii..Its more like House of the Dead, but it'll still have elements of RE(puzzles and etc). Thing is though, you said you're unlikely to get a wii.
Yeah it did alot of people at first; but from some articles(like in Nintendo Power), it seems like it'll still be pretty cool; you just won't be controlling your character..It'll have puzzles, branching pathways and etc. It mainly gonna further explain the T-Virus and whatnot; I'll have to read that issue again.
The only resources I could find for RE5 was from IGN: And from looking at the screen shots I would say those could easily be in-game screen shots. With the power of the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, the lines between Full Motion Video and in-game action is starting to get really blurred. I already played RE0,1,2,3,4 and Code Veronica as well as Survivor and beat them all, so I most likely WON'T get RE4 for the Nintendo Wii, but it is nice they are throwing that option out there. On a side note, most Wii games also have support for the Gamecube controller and the Wii Virtual Playback Controller, so if you aren't a fan of the Wii controller, it is pretty easy to avoid. The biggest problem is, a lot of games offer the ability to play the game with a different controller, but don't offer in any game support on how the controls work. A good example is Budokai Tenkigi 3 for the Nintendo Wii. All the tutorials are for the Wii controller. If you use a gamecube controller or something, you have to figure it out all on your own. I really hope to see more arcade style shooting games. I saw a few accessories online the other day for the Nintendo Wii remote. It is like a gun accessories, where you plug the controller into the remote and its like a duck hunt gun. Speaking of that didn't Nintendo announce that there was going to be a NEW Duck Hunt game? And no, not the one on "Wii Play". |
Well a lot of people seem to think games like House of the Dead are shallow and that simply is not true. The House of the Dead series always had good plots, multiple paths to follow, unlock-ables and more. Like if you were walking down a hall, you might see a door with a pad lock. If you can blow the pad lock off the door before you walk past it, your character would go that way instead of the original way. These extra paths could reveal new plot points, new equipment, characters or evens sometimes side bosses. In House of the Dead 2, you could even unlock more characters to play with.
I feel that an arcade shooter is the best way to tell a story without having to worry about a lot of nonsense. Players still get to blow away monsters and explore, but the developers won't have to worry as much about enviorment details or puzzles and stuff. I think they can still have an excellent feeling of surreal horror adventure doing it this way. Anyone not willing to at least try it could be missing out a lot. |
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Speaking of that didn't Nintendo announce that there was going to be a NEW Duck Hunt game? And no, not the one on "Wii Play". Think so but hadn't much else about it. |
If you have a PS2 that's also an option. I can't recall if it was ever released on the XBOX (I don't think so, but I've never really paid much attention to the XBOX so it might have slipped under my radar).
It's the sort of game that works best on a console. I'd also imagine the PC version is a pretty simple port. |
Even though you still mightn ot get a wii, check out the vid for Umbrella Chronicles..It looksp retty cool..
Damn, I really like the way that game is starting to look. It looks as though, it takes you through the first 3 or 4 games of resident evil.
I could definitely see Resident Evil 0,1,2 and 3. I wonder if it covers Code Veronica? This looks like a good reason just to get a Nintendo Wii now. |
Concerning Resi 4- get it on the wii, not the PC. PC'll have rubbish controls compared to the Wii version (wiimote > mouse and keyboard, esp. for aiming guns).