I am making an MORPG and would like to know these:

Since it multiplyer I would like to know how do I create the multiple charcters?

How do I make a stats tab and inventory exactly (I get bored sometimes reading the DM guide)?
I am confused with the how do I make mulitple characters question, but the Stats tab goes something like this:

stat(""," .::Profile::.")
Read the DM Guide. It may be boring, but it is useful if you, you know, WANT TO MAKE GAMES. And if by 'multiple players' you mean different mobs, then code new mobs in. If you mean different players being seperate, BYOND does that automatically.

Try out Zilals ZZT tutorial for beginners, for some advice on how to make an MMORPG.
What you'd want to do first is read a tutorial, and once you've got that down pact, check out Newbie Questions. It has alot of commonly asked questions answered.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I was reading on the Newbie Questions and I was doing the LoginAndLogout part and I copied everything and tried the Login code they gave me and I got an error at this line:

world << "[src] logs in."

And I got this error: proc defintion not allowed inside another proc

Can somebody help me?
In response to Akiryo
Ok thanks.
In response to DadGun
Make sure it looks something like this:
world << "[src] logs in."
In response to OpalSphere
Note that you should include ..() or at least locate the player, because unless you do you'll get da' 'black screen syndrome'.

And yeah, he needs to post that whole block of code for us to find the problem, its actually precisely on that line.