me via e-mail at [email protected]. That is the e-mail for my MSN messenger also, or my AIM is Omega Stealth2k. I have something that may be of interest to you, and your family :)
Knifo wrote:
why would my parents be uninsured? My parents had a tough time getting insurance a while back just because my brother was living with us (they didn't want him covered). He lost his license for five years due to his second DUI. My brother has since quit drinking entirely (I assume because he can't drink without thinking about driving). Maybe you ought to consider this. On another note, I'm not sure if it just around here or not, but leaving the scene of an accident (for property damage anyway) is usually a better idea than sticking around drunk. You get to sober up and lose the DUI (mandatory license suspension, possible community service, fines, classes, sometimes even needing a breathalyser installed in your car), and end up with a small fine, if anything extra apart from the cost of damage. |
Jp wrote:
Marijuana is certainly not safe. Beyond driving while under the influence of marijuana (which also happens with alcohol, more often, yes, I know), there are also significant links between marijuana use and psychosis, schizophrenia, manic-depressive, etc. Basically, marijuana is linked to a wide variety of mental illnesses. Not good. No, you're wrong. Marijuana has triggered psychosis and other mental illnesses, but only in people with a strong family tie to them - the conclusion medical professionals have come to is that had marijuana not caused the disease to surface, something else would have. |
It has nothing to do with America as a whole; it's his local law enforcement. If he is brought to court, he will undoubtedly lose his license.
Here in Texas that would be a criminal offense. Leaving the scene without at least leaving contact info is generally considered a "hit and run" and subject to penalties in most states AFAIK. We also have a 3 strike rule with DWIs in the Lonestar State.
Good thing GW got in trouble before Texas got serious about drugs and drunk driving, eh? ;-) On another note, I'm not sure if it just around here or not, but leaving the scene of an accident (for property damage anyway) is usually a better idea than sticking around drunk. You get to sober up and lose the DUI (mandatory license suspension, possible community service, fines, classes, sometimes even needing a breathalyser installed in your car), and end up with a small fine, if anything extra apart from the cost of damage. |
Crispy wrote:
digitalmouse wrote: Do you happen to have the Elixer of Common Sense+200? |
Jmurph wrote:
Here in Texas that would be a criminal offense. Leaving the scene without at least leaving contact info is generally considered a "hit and run" and subject to penalties in most states AFAIK. We also have a 3 strike rule with DWIs in the Lonestar State. I'm pretty sure it's still a criminal offense here in Florida, but it doesn't seem to have any heavy mandatory penalties like DUIs with the license suspension. Of course, I should note that I'm not speaking as a person that knows the law, I've just seen how it turns out. Also, I don't think I pointed out that I don't condone drinking and driving, I just wanted to share what seems to me like two wrongs almost make a right. |
Knifo wrote:
why would my parents be uninsured? Because if you're driving on their insurance (it is presumably their vehicle after all), they're gonna have a very difficult time finding anyone to insure them. The 3-accident record basically makes you uninsurable. I have a cousin with a 2-accident record, but to her credit neither of those were related to drunk driving at all. I sincerely doubt that's the case for you. Also, she learned from her mistakes and is a lot more careful now. Slamming an SUV into two parked cars badly enough to damage your axle is the opposite of careful. Lummox JR |
Danial.Beta wrote:
Point is, he had to have been doing more than backing out, unless he was backing down a steep icy paved driveway. Yep. That's why an otherwise responsible person with a 2-accident record doesn't go out for frivolous reasons on nights like that. Lummox JR |
Stealth 2k wrote:
Crispy wrote: I know! I'm just too crazy! Craaaaazyyyyy! |
Oh, of course. That's why you beat them with PVC tubing
Alternatively, you could, y'know, explain that what they did was wrong, why it was wrong, and what they could have done better. Punishment alone is entirely useless. |
Oh no, I'd be screaming at them all the time I beat them. Of course I don't know what I would say. In all seriousness though. I don't believe just talking to anyone when they do something wrong, especially your kids, is going to nail it into their head. They need to be punished in some form or another. Maybe not as drastic as I said, but enough to where they know, they did something wrong (And we know what kind of wrong we are talking about here, like drinking and driving, stealing or some other bullcrap), they shouldn't have did that something wrong and these are the consequences. When I was 11 I got caught stealing a CD from K-Mart. It was my fist time ever and I admitted to it right away. What did I get? A pat down from the police, put in handcuffs in front of the K-Mart until my mom picked me up, a $2,000 fine and 4 weeks house arrest. I tell you what, I never stole anything again.
Jp wrote:
Oh, of course. That's why you beat them with PVC tubing Yeah that books is a great example. Here is part of a review: pulling a breastfeeding infant's hair when he bites There is a huge difference between some drunken idiot hitting 2 cars and a child breast feeding. Those people who wrote that book are monsters. |
Ben G wrote:
the conclusion medical professionals have come to is that had marijuana not caused the disease to surface, something else would have. I just love that logic. :P You can almost hear their exasperated tone of voice as they splutter, "it would've happened anyway!!!" before lighting up again to feed their horrid, horrid addictions. |
Amen to that, Darkview.
In response to Crispy: I'm not so sure about the benefits of legalising drugs. The government replacing the criminals as the middleman between the addicts and the manufactures? That could never end well. Prohibition didn't work because America places too much emphasis on 'freedom'. They banned alcohol but didn't clamp down on other areas of society. If alcohol was banned and harsh punishments were inflicted on those found guilty, crime would be stamped out. For example, if a man or woman with children is found drunk or with the possession of alcohol, one of their children will be brutally murdered. The guilty get a free tape of their offspring's demise to play back at their own will. If someone doesn't have children, they have eyes. And for each offense, an eye will be taken from them. Then ears. Then their nose. Finally, if they continue to offend their teeth will be taken from them and their throats will be sown up to prevent further alcohol consumption. |
My gut feeling is that the Prohibition argument is a largely bogus one, because alcohol has been intertwined with human society since its inception. Ultimately way way too many people wanted badly to break the ban and on a regular basis. I don't believe the numbers or the momentum are there for marijuana.
On the other hand, for the same reasons the Prohibition argument does work rather well as a bludgeon against the entertainment industry's attempts to eliminate fair use and criminalize file sharing. Lummox JR |
You animal! =P