In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Reality Check people, there is no "War", there never was. It is just some sort of imaginary crap fan boys come up with to look even more stupid then normal.

Well I agree they're not really looking at this level of the fight, Sony, Microsoft and to a lesser extent Nintendo are all competing. Look at the XBOX 360 and the PS3, they've both clearly gone to stupid levels just to walk away with the title of top specs.
I believe Microsoft have clearly stated that they're after Sony's market share this time.

Yeah and I don't think it is going to work. Microsoft might get some fans in Japan with their new title, Blue Dragon, but the Eastern part of the world still dislikes Microsoft quite a bit.

Nintendo has stated before they are not in this to become top dog and that their market strategy was to make their system cheap enough, that you'll find it SHARING a shelf with the Xbox 360 or PS3.

Their basic plan is, while those two rip one another's throats out, Nintendo kind of silently slips in.

You know what I really really hate? Those damn fan boys who squawk about how this is going to be Nintendo's last generation. You get them EVERY generation.

The fact is, sometimes Nintendo doesn't always sell the most, but they have a dedicated fan base and they almost always make money on their systems.

I once read that Nintendo didn't start to lose money on their Gamecubes until after they reached the $50.00 price point. That is really really good considering Sony loses like, what $500 per system and Microsoft a few hundred?

The truth is folks, Nintendo doesn't HAVE to sell the most, they just need to let their competitors keep making overpriced crap.
In response to Revenant Jesus
You're right
In response to Revenant Jesus
Yeah, and the "all of my gamer friends hate the Wii or got bored with it after two weeks" doesn't really cast a shadow over Nintendo's future. Nintendo's target audience for the Wii is people who look at the PS and XBox controllers and go "d00d, WTF?"... or the non-gamer equivalent, which is more like, "d00d, well I say!"

In response to Hedgemistress
I don't know what to say. I owned all 3 systems and Nintendo does in fact have a great idea on their hands. But their library is really lacking and it won't get any better until almost the end of this year.

Maybe during X-mas if I see Nintendo's Wii library has increased a few fold, I might buy a new one.

As for the Xbox 360 and PS3 controllers, I don't have a problem with them. I can understand that Nintendo wants to break the mold and do something new here, but the fact remains a lot of old school gamers are going to be attached to the classic style of game control.

Truth be told, Twilight Princess was the only game I used with the Nintendo Wii controller. All my other Wii games I played with my Gamecube controller.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Cavern wrote:
Anyways, all video game systems are the same to me, the only difference I see in any console is that their controllers are different, they come out with different games, one may have better graphics, etc.

So what you're saying is the only differences are those large differences?

The only differences he sees are those large differences...
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
So what you're saying is the only differences are those large differences?

See, that is the thing. Those things are not really large differences to me. To me, they are just differences to keep the consoles from looking exactly the same. I can careless about the power it has, the way it was made, the hard drive, the inside of it and how it looks, the memory it has. I just don't give a crap. I just want to play the friggin' game I like that goes with it. That's just me. That is what everyone should feel like. I just do not understand how someone can be so happy that their favorite console sold more. I mean they insult people and post everywhere about it. I mean who gives a crap. Just buy it because you like it and play it.
In response to Revenant Jesus
You really don't know what to say...

As for the Xbox 360 and PS3 controllers, I don't have a problem with them. I can understand that Nintendo wants to break the mold and do something new here, but the fact remains a lot of old school gamers are going to be attached to the classic style of game control.

Well, it's a side point, but "old school gamers" and "classic style of game control" applied to something with not one but -two- analog thumb sticks... uh... yeah.

I'll let that delusion rest with you, because bursting it would make me feel old. :P

Anyway... my point is... your opinion of the Wii... and the opinion of anybody who prefers the (can I say this with a straight face?) "classic, old-school" style of playing with multiple analog sticks and an ass load of buttons... does not impact Nintendo's long term prospects or plans as much as you think they might... because any of you who buys a Wii is just a bonus, icing on top of the cake.

The cake is comprised of the aforementioned people who look at the dual-analog monstrosities and go "WTF?"... which includes both people who are actually old school classic gamers (who had a single d pad and a pair of action buttons and liked it!), and people who've never played a console game in their life.

You know, the sort of people who can play Wii sports, a Mario Kart title, and maybe a couple of the separate sports titles, like Excite Truck or that golf one, over and over again, and never realize they're supposed to be bored because they already "finished" it.

It's a different mindset than you represent. And it's not that your mindset's not valid... it's just not material, so long as Nintendo successfully appeals to the other mindset.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hey I loved Wii Sports, we played it non-stop for almost a month when I picked up my Wii.

And I enjoyed Excite Truck very much.

And I used to play the original Atari, I grew up with Nintendo, I love the classics.

Are you trying to suggest that the PS1 dual shock isn't classic?

Hedge, you need to understand something, this stuff, IS GETTING OLD. Game Informer made that same observation the other day when a kid sent a letter in saying that Donkey Kong Jr. didn't appear until Donkey Kong Country.

Newer things, that are new to retro gamers, are starting to look old, we grew up with video games and they age, just like we do.

Old is old. A game that I played 10 years ago is absolutely old school to me.

Old School certainly applies to things such as a Atari 2600, or a Nintendo, but it is slowly applying to things like a Playstation and even their style of controllers. Be it their original PSX controller or their *new* dual shock controllers.

But honestly I didn't mean the whole dual analog sticks to begin with anyways. I mean just the controller, a d-pad, with a A and a B or a Joystick. I meant the controller in general, not how it is designed or what it has on it.

The concept of the classic hold in your hands, press a button is always going to be there until they are able to find a much better way to play games.

And honestly, Nintendo doesn't have perfection yet on their hands. A lot of the Wii games, they feel like the motion sensing was just thrown in, Red Steel was a huge downer. And Sonic and the secret Rings, while I enjoyed it to no end, there was a lot of issues with the way the controls where handled that I did not like.

I don't care if it is material or not, I know what Nintendo is trying to do and I know what Nintendo is aiming for. I have since ever been a long time supporter of the Nintendo Wii and I can honestly say once their library starts to add up to more games that I can say I enjoy and once they got their controls down to a dot, then I will more then likely get another Wii.
In response to Xaunux
Okay, so:

The XBox 360 has been out nearly 16 months.

The Wii has been out 4 months.

XBox 360 units sold: 11 million

Wii Units sold: 5 million.

The Xbox has been out nearly quadrouple the time, and is managing about twice the units. Where's you're logic? That ratio is undeniable. I realize things level off, but the Wii is just -now- leveling, barely, after meeting half the unit sales.

By the way, the sales are decreasing - but it's not nearly as slow as the Xbox 360 or PS3.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
You should think of it another way, the Xbox 360 has been out for 16 months and sold 11 million units.

The Nintendo Wii has been out for 4 months, give or take, and has sold half of what Microsoft has managed to do in 16 months.

Gears of War.
In response to DDSR
That is a pretty stupid post. First off because a lot of us have already stated that we do not believe there is any kind of "war" going on.

Next anyone with half a brain knows that even if there was a "war", one single game wouldn't win an entire war and that, sales is only a small part of it.

Second of all, Gears of War was a decent game, but it wasn't outstanding. The story mode was very short, the game is missing certain elements that I thought it should have had and sometimes the combat can be dodgey. And not in a good way.

Gears of War is one of those games that, when it first comes out, people love it and they play the hell out of it, but then as time passes on, less and less people play it until it is just a dusty memory.

When my friend and I first picked it up on release day, we played it hardcore for quite awhile. Since, I sold my Xbox 360 and that game and my roommate hasn't touched it in 2 or 3 months.
In response to Revenant Jesus
funny ha har aha shahaa ndha hahaaaaa
In response to Revenant Jesus
Heh. That pretty much still means to me that Nintendo has managed better results, with more competition, over a shorter period of time.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Please, stop creating new lines after every sentence. It's starting to get old.

There isn't a real war. It's a war in theory where the console gaming developers are battling to become the top in their field. Everyone wants to be more popular. Sales are everything.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Game Informer made that same observation the other day when a kid sent a letter in saying that Donkey Kong Jr. didn't appear until Donkey Kong Country.

Actually Donkey Kong Jr and Diddy Kong are two entirely different people (well, two different monkeys).
In response to DarkView
I believe he's referring to the fact that the "Donkey Kong" in Donkey Kong Country is supposed to be DKJ, according to the timeline (though whether Cranky is his father or grandfather, which would make him DK the 3rd, is subject to debate.)
In response to Revenant Jesus
I'm not trying to suggest the PS1 dual shock isn't classic... I'm outright stating it. This stuff is getting older, but that just signifies that gaming as a whole is actually just now really getting old enough for the words "old school" to have any meaning.

As I see it, the kid who didn't know that there was a 2D, eight bit Donkey Kong series that included Donkey Kong, Jr? His existence/ignorance doesn't make Donkey Kong Country or anything that came after it old school... it makes the games he's too young to know about old school.

Anyway, we both agree on the basic point that Wii's not in direct competition with the big gaming machine... as I said, the meaning of "old school" thing is a massive side point.

I just have to add that I can walk into any Wal-Mart or Target in town (and there's a loooooot of them in Omaha, NE... the normal rules of market saturation don't appear to apply here, which is freaky. We have more coffee stands per capita than Seattle) and pick up a PS3 if I wanted to. You still have to wait in line on restock day for a Wii. If you go to, you can buy a Wii from resellers through them... but they have plenty of PS3s in stock.
In response to Revenant Jesus

or Gears of War is a game that's outselling every other game in the market and being played by millions of people.
In response to DDSR
Quoted from Wikipedia:

Top 20 Console Games of All time

The 20 best selling console games, originally not bundled.

1. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES - 18 million)[25]
2. Super Mario Land (Game Boy - 14 million)[25]
3. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2 - 14 million)[118]
4. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2 - 13 million)[119]
5. Super Mario 64 (N64 - 11 million)[25]
6. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2 - 11 million)[110]
7. Grand Theft Auto III (PS2 - 11 million)[119]
8. Gran Turismo (PS1 - 10.5 million)[110]
9. Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES - 10 million)[25]
10. Final Fantasy VII (PS1 - 9.8 million, includes Final Fantasy VII International)[111]
11. Gran Turismo 2 (PS1 - 9.34 million)[110]
12. New Super Mario Bros. (DS - 8.64 million)[73]
13. Nintendogs (DS - 8.53 million approximately, 5.0 million in Europe,[88] 2.1 million in US,[89][90] 1.43 million in Japan)[91]
14. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (DS - 8.51 million)[92]
15. Mario Kart 64 (N64 - 2.24 million in Japan,[56] 6.23 million in US only,[60] approximately 8.47 million)
16. Donkey Kong Country (SNES - 8.30 million)[58]
17. Pokémon Yellow (Game Boy - 3.16 million in Japan,[56] 5.10 million in US,[59] approximately 8.26 million)
18. GoldenEye 007 (N64 - 8 million)[61]
19. Super Mario Kart (SNES - 8 million)[25]
20. Tomb Raider II (PS - 8 million)[40]


Because it has sold 3 million. Nintendogs beats it hard. Hell, even Gran Turismo 1 beat its ass to the ground.

I don't even see a XBOX or XBOX 360 game in any sort on the list.
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