I made the game but, i dont know how to make myself Admin.
Plz help.
![]() Jan 29 2007, 8:51 am
WRONG when ppl login everyone will have admin he needs the admin check
mob/Login() if(src.key=="Your Key")//Change the key to your key. To recieve Owner commands. src.verbs+=typesof(/mob/GM/verb) src.verbs+=typesof(/mob/admin/verb) src.admin=1 if(ban.Find(src.client.address)) src << "You are banned." del src if(src.admin)src.verbs+=typesof(/mob/admin/verb) ..() mob GM/verb Reboot(){set category="Admin";Announcement("World will reboot in 10 seconds.");sleep(100);world.Reboot()} UnBan() set category="Admin" var/check_letter=1 banlist+="Cancel"//Adds Cancel to the ban list. var/T=input("Which address would you like to unban?")in banlist if(T=="Cancel"){return} usr<<"You Unbanned [T]." var/banip start: if(copytext(T,check_letter,check_letter+1)=="-")goto unban else{banip+=copytext(T,check_letter,check_letter+1);check_le tter+=1;goto start} unban: ban.Remove(banip) Ban(mob/M in world) set category="Admin" set desc="Who do you wish to IP / Key ban?" var/list/peoples if(M.client)peoples+=M ban+=M.client.address M<<"You have been ban." world<<"[usr] Ip / Key ban [M]!" banlist+="[M.client.address]-[M.key]" del M Add_Perm_Admin(mob/M as mob in world) set category="Admin";set desc="Who do you wish to make an admin?" if(M.admin==1){usr<<"There already admin.";return} else world<<"[M] was blessed with Administrative status by [usr]." M.verbs+=typesof(/mob/admin/verb) M.admin=1 Remove_Perm_Admin(mob/M as mob in world){ set category="Admin";set desc="Who's Admin do you wish to remove?"; world<<"[M] was stripped of his Administrative status by [usr]."; M.verbs-=typesof(/mob/admin/verb); M.admin=0} Announcement(message as message){set category = "Admin"; world << "<font color=#607B8B><center>--------------------------\ ------------------------------\ <font color=#607B8B><center>[usr] is Announcement is...<font color=#607B8B><center>[message]\ <font color=#607B8B><center>--------------------------\ ------------------------------"} admin/verb Create(O as null|anything in typesof(/obj,/mob)){set category = "Admin"; set desc="Create an Object, Mob, or Turf."; if(!O)return;var/T = new O(usr.loc); world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>[usr] created a [T:name]."; view() << "With afew swift movements from [usr]'s hands, a [T:name] appeared."} Boot(mob/M in world) set category = "Admin" set desc = "Who do you wish to boot? (Note: you can not boot yourself.)" if(M == usr){usr << "Can't boot yourself."} else{Announcement("[usr] Booted [M].");world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>[usr] booted [M] from the game.";M.Logout()} Edit(obj/O as obj|mob|turf|area in view()) set category = "Admin" set desc="You can edit a targets variables." var/variable=input("Which var do you wish to edit.","Var") in O.vars,GH=O.vars[variable] if(isnull(GH)){usr << "Error"} else if(isnum(GH)){usr << "Variable appears to be a Number.";default = "Number"} else if(istext(GH)){usr << "Variable appears to be Text.";default = "Text"} else if(isicon(GH)){usr << "Variable appears to be a Icon.";GH = "\icon[GH]";default = "icon"} else if(istype(GH,/atom) || istype(GH,/datum)){usr << "Variable appears to be TYPE.";default = "type"} else if(istype(GH,/list)){usr << "Variable appears to be LIST.";default = "cancel"} else if(istype(GH,/client)){usr << "Variable appears to be CLIENT.";default = "cancel"} else{usr << "Variable appears to be FILE.";default = "file"} usr << "Variable Contains The Following: [GH]" switch(input("What Kind of variable?")in list("Text","Number","Icon","File","-= Cancel =-")) if("-= Cancel =-"){return} if("Text"){O.vars[variable] = input("Enter new text:","Text",\O.vars[variable]) as text} if("Number"){O.vars[variable] = input("Enter new number:","Num",\O.vars[variable]) as num} if("File"){O.vars[variable] = input("Pick file:","File",O.vars[variable]) \as file} if("Icon"){O.vars[variable] = input("Pick icon:","Icon",O.vars[variable]) \as icon} Teleport(mob/M in world){set category="Admin";set desc="Who do you wish to teleport to?";usr.loc=M.loc;world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>[usr] teleported to [M].";view()<<"[usr] appeared in a flash."} Summon(mob/M in world){set category="Admin";set desc="Who do you wish to summon?";M.loc=usr.loc;world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>[usr] summoned [M].";view()<<"[usr] summoned [M]."} Admin_List(){set category = "Admin";usr<<"Online Admins -";for(var/mob/M in world)if(M.admin==1){usr<<"[M]"}} Announcement(message as message){set category = "Admin"; world << "<font color=#607B8B><center>--------------------------\ ------------------------------\ <font color=#607B8B><center>Announcement:<font color=#607B8B><center>[message]\ <font color=#607B8B><center>--------------------------\ ------------------------------"} world New() world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>World started up on: [time2text(world.realtime)]" ..() Del() world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>World shutdown on: [time2text(world.realtime)]" ..() var/list{Admins=list();ban=list();banlist=list()} mob/var{admin=0;default} |
Uh, no they won't. Not with Miran's code, at least. There are better ways to do it, but his will work.
Also, put your code in the <dm> tags so we can actually read it. |
Evalotion-INC. wrote:
WRONG when ppl login everyone will have admin he needs the<it> admin check Pfft, not everybody needs to use that same crappy recycled reused admin code. There is no 'the' admin check. |
Kaioken wrote:
Evalotion-INC. wrote: if(src.key=="Your Key")//Change the key to your key. To recieve Owner commands. That is the admin check it worx |
Evalotion-INC. wrote:
if(src.key=="Your Key")//Change the key to your key. To recieve Owner commands. Uhh... what Miran94 posted also contained a line VERY similar to that one. Please read stuff before you reply to it by copy & pasting random blocks of code. |
use the tags: dm to start and /dm to finish. If you look on the code problems section, when your about to post, it will already be there.
Just a little side bar...
Why would you have a Add PERM Gm and then a Remove perm gm I thought the fact it was Permanent meant you cant remove it... >.> :P |
You haven't even understood my post at all.
Try (I know it's tough) and actually think before replying, alright? I meant you shouldn't be throwing code around (especially not bad code like that) as it should be used and is 'the best code'/best way to do it (as it's also obviously not). There is obviously not such thing as The Admin Check or The Code, as we all know. -_- |
- Miran94