In response to Critical
"The Wii essentially plays dvds with a different file structure."

1-Then it doesent, or Nintendo would have simply said already that it could play DVD's correct?

2-A Homebrew/hack/community update should not count when comparing systems, since it is unoficial and erm ilegal.Then the 360/ps3? user could just say that they can get all the NES/SNES/N64,etc about every there console lol
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
...Example with yes..halo, the first one sold very good and the second one sold even better.can you say that with ANY mario game? a few games are like that, they get better and sell more other just dont and slowly die =P.Just becouse Mario reawaken games first doesent mean itl last forever like of the 40mil, now only <6mil are left standing(which is still a great amount when compared to most games).

Actually, yes I can. Please divert your attention to the following statistics -

Mario Bro 1, 2 and 3

Super Mario Bros. (40.23 million)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (18 million)
Super Mario Bros. 2 (10 million)

Halo 1 and 2
Halo 2 (8 million)
Halo: Combat Evolved (5 million)

Aww, look. Halo sold half as much as the third best selling NES game, and the second came no where near beating it.

So yeah, I guess Halos combined 13mil is a great amount, but can't step to Marios ~68mil. And if you were wondering, the other Mario games that weren't on the NES were ~10 mil and up :P
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
"The Wii essentially plays dvds with a different file structure."

1-Then it doesent, or Nintendo would have simply said already that it could play DVD's correct?

The DVDs with a different file structure are the GAME('-.-) if you didn't know..Why even fool people by saying it can play DVDs when they mean the games? Thats evil..
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
2-A Homebrew/hack/community update should not count when comparing systems, since it is unoficial and erm ilegal.Then the 360/ps3? user could just say that they can get all the NES/SNES/N64,etc about every there console lol

Not really. That tended to be the XBox's -only- selling point.
In response to Dead_Demon
"Aww, look. Halo sold half as much as the third best selling NES game, and the second came no where near beating it."

"So yeah, I guess Halos combined 13mil is a great amount, but can't step to Marios ~68mil. And if you were wondering, the other Mario games that weren't on the NES were ~10 mil and up :P"

Better comparison,Sunshine(5+mil) Halo1(5+mil)..wat now?
Then Halo2(8mil) to what? i dont think ANY GC game reached over 7mil...
In response to Retsuma
Mario does great still, no matter what anyone says. He's THE signature guy for Nintendo and everyone loves him. Think of Nintendo without him. =/
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
Then the 360/ps3? user could just say that they can get all the NES/SNES/N64,etc about every there console lol

Hehe... getting a XBOX 360 just to mod it to play Super Mario Bros. while you got a NES next to you with it in...

Microsoft ripoff, anyone? :D

PS: I got my PSP mainly to play SNES, Genesis and other emulators... now with the updates killing off the homebrew essentials, I can only think think of the PSP as a jumbo-size MP3 player. : /

PSS: On that note, the DS CLEARLY wins the handheld 'war' if there ever was one.
In response to Retsuma
Super Smash Bros. Melee (6 million)
Super Mario Sunshine (5.5 million)
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (3.5 million)
Mario Party 7 (1.86 million)

I guess you sort of got him there, but on that page, the XBOX only had 6 games that sold over a million, and the GC had about 20.

PS: Also on the page, total series sales:

Mario (193 million)
Halo series (14.7 million)

In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
"Aww, look. Halo sold half as much as the third best selling NES game, and the second came no where near beating it."

"So yeah, I guess Halos combined 13mil is a great amount, but can't step to Marios ~68mil. And if you were wondering, the other Mario games that weren't on the NES were ~10 mil and up :P"

Better comparison,Sunshine(5+mil) Halo1(5+mil)..wat now?
Then Halo2(8mil) to what? i dont think ANY GC game reached over 7mil...

Still though..Halo got pwnt by a "anicent" game with "horrible" graphics, super simple controls, story, and gameplay.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Still though..Halo got pwnt by a "anicent" game with "horrible" graphics, super simple controls, story, and gameplay.

You mean it pwned itself?


(I'm joking! I'm joking!)
In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
Wi-Fi isnt a type of internet its a way you can connect to computers/routers together. You can get Wi-Fi anywhere and connect it to any type of broadband/cable/dial-up. Online gameplay should be accessible everywhere.

Not only that but there's a "wired" adapter coming out pretty shortly (if not already).
In response to Zech04
To be altogether too blunt, if you take a look at the kind of people backing the Wii and the kind of people against the Wii, it becomes a little obvious which is the more mature system.

In all honesty, I'm glad that someone like you, Zech04, is on Xbox Live rather than Nintendo's online system, and someone like, say, DarkView, will be playing with me, as all of my time on Xbox Live has been spent being frustrated with idiots who don't realize that it's just a game.
In response to Vortezz
To be altogether too blunt, if you take a look at the kind of people backing the Wii and the kind of people against the Wii, it becomes a little obvious which is the more mature system.

I think Vortezz just won one Internet.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
I think Vortezz just won one Internet.

Great. Now what is he going to do with all those tubes?
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Jp wrote:
I think Vortezz just won one Internet.

Great. Now what is he going to do with all those tubes?

Use them for the horse races and interstate lotteries.
In response to Dead_Demon
Ya Wii Pwns.
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