Not that this is associated with the thread topic at all, but I think the lockup in Firefox when launching a Java applet comes from the Virtual Machine daemon launching itself. My browser locks up while it's launching, too, but only does so if the VM isn't already running.
For someone like Echi, who obviously supports Java and probably uses it regularly, the VM is most likely running the majority of the time (maybe even set to launch at startup), as opposed to Crispy who dislikes Java and probably avoids it whenever possible, therefore rarely having the VM running until it comes time to attempt interaction with Java again.
Just an observation, not a claim to truth or falsification.
Jon88 wrote:
BitBlt + ATI card + lots of stuff with transparency = bad :( Take back what you said about ATi! >:( Just because your graphics card might be some old <font color = blue>[Monkey]</font> doesn't mean you need to take it out on ATi! >:( Back to topic, the screenshots of MUGU look horrible. I know I wouldn't want to touch it in a million years. |
Evre wrote:
For someone like Echi, who obviously supports Java and probably uses it regularly, the VM is most likely running the majority of the time (maybe even set to launch at startup), as opposed to Crispy who dislikes Java and probably avoids it whenever possible, therefore rarely having the VM running until it comes time to attempt interaction with Java again. Hehe, not realy supporting and not useing *that* frequent ;) Btw. in my posting just above yours I mentioned a 3 seconds initialiseing time for the Java VM ;) |
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Jon88 wrote: I know of someone with an even newer radeon that has the same/similar problem. |
Are there any screenshots of DUNG around? I've never seen what it looks like. I'm also curious as to what very early versions of BYOND looked like as well. I just happened to stumble across my copy of DUNG last night. I threw up some screenshots on my members page. It's the second post at the time I made this post. |
Echi wrote:
Nothing only has dissadvantages ;) But some things have more disadvantages than others. Hmm, let's say Java applications at least offer the user an additional method of security, may or may not he be useing it than... (With native code I can't tell the computer not to allow certain things to happen, it will work like a slave till the bitter end, running blind folded into any misery he might stumble accross ;)) Only advanced users who actually care about that sort of thing. Which are rare. (Advanced users being rare to start with, and people who actually care being even rarer.) And things actually still astonish you than? Oh? And I'm supposed to know this how? I just went to the Java site and downloaded the version they told me to download. It wasn't marked "beta" or "not optimised" or anything like that. It was the version that they wanted everyone to use. That means that it's fair game for criticism. In other words. I pity you for thinking that it's so obvious. Clearly you have been consumed by the Dark Side. (And you can't spell "pity" either.) =P Btw. the page that you linked me to took ~3 seconds to finish loading, ~1 second to finish downloading the Java applett from sun (it has to send a fresh 'get' for the .jar/.class file as far as I understad matters), ~3 seconds to initialise the Java VM (I confess, thats a bit dumb, but oh well, it needs to be done only once each reboot :p) and than everything worked fine and dandy. That's because it's about as lightweight an application as you can get. Anything more complicated than that is much slower. (And 4-7 seconds is still an unacceptable length of time to lock up the browser for.) |
Crispy wrote:
Oh? And I'm supposed to know this how? I just went to the Java site and downloaded the version they told me to download. It wasn't marked "beta" or "not optimised" or anything like that. It was the version that they wanted everyone to use. That means that it's fair game for criticism. You aren't supposed to know ;) I think I even mentioned that somewhere in my posting, telling you would most likely not know. Crispy wrote: I pity you for thinking that it's so obvious. Clearly you have been consumed by the Dark Side. (And you can't spell "pity" either.) =P You missunderstood me :( I meant to say I pity you that you got lead into useing that 'junk'! Not that I'd pity you for not knowing something that isn't of much interrest to you anyway... Hopefully I'm not on the 'Dark Side' though as I think I like the light more... and about spelling... yeah, you can have a never ending resource of both typos and lacking knowledge concerning english with me. (I honestly hated foreign languages in school :p) Crispy wrote: That's because it's about as lightweight an application as you can get. Anything more complicated than that is much slower. (And 4-7 seconds is still an unacceptable length of time to lock up the browser for.) I don't think the browser actually locls up during that time for me. I never tried... I think I should do that by now... and like I said, the init of the VM is a one time thing :p Think of it as if you'd boot up your computer... it's annoying, but you couldn't bypass this as well, since if you want a code to run inside a nutshell, you have to set up the nutshell first I fear. (And doing so at your computer boot up would waste resources and time as you obviously don't use Java often :p) |
You're right. The browser locked up for me as well, though only for ~1-2 seconds. (Can't use a clock while trying to hit the keyboard ad refocus the window sorry :p)
Jon88 wrote:
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:It's likely a problem with the hardware acceleration, it can happen with some Nvidia cards aswell. Simply lowering it a notch will fix the problem: Right-Click your desktop, click properties. Goto the settings tab, hit "Advanced". Go to the troubleshoot tab, move the hardware acceleration slider down a notch. |
You're right, I just had a look and they're useing a Swing client. I guess they want to save the trouble of creating some sort of GUI elements on their own.
Oh, well, I'll gie it a try when it's finished and see how fast it works for me :p
Crispy wrote:
I think Java or C are a matter of personal prefferences, or more likely even, what you are used to at first.
Nothing only has dissadvantages ;)
Crispy wrote:
*raises hand* Do I count? :p
Crispy wrote:
Hmm, let's say Java applications at least offer the user an additional method of security, may or may not he be useing it than... (With native code I can't tell the computer not to allow certain things to happen, it will work like a slave till the bitter end, running blind folded into any misery he might stumble accross ;))
Crispy wrote:
I would realy like you to check out a page for me one day and tell me if your browser still locks up.
I think I know the reasons for it, but would have to test it :p
Just page me if you want to have a try.
Crispy wrote:
And things actually still astonish you than?
1.5.0_06 means you have the 6th alpha version of the new Java generation. Or in other words... a not tested, not optimized, not everything Java :p
I confess, it's rather dumb to see this from the version numbers, but the Java development went from 1.0 to 1.1 giveing a big step with several new improvements and additional features.
1.2 was fixing the freshly occured bugs and optimized things.
1.3 basically was a little add on to 1.2
1.4 was the latest stable release that based on 1.1 and compiled the work of several years development into it.
Than Sun decided to take a new attempt and instead of calling it Java 3 or something alike, they called it 1.5 in the end :p
In other words.
I pitty you ;)
Btw. the page that you linked me to took ~3 seconds to finish loading, ~1 second to finish downloading the Java applett from sun (it has to send a fresh 'get' for the .jar/.class file as far as I understad matters), ~3 seconds to initialise the Java VM (I confess, thats a bit dumb, but oh well, it needs to be done only once each reboot :p) and than everything worked fine and dandy.