![]() Nov 4 2006, 9:53 pm
All pixel artist atleast me and my friend hate that using DM we are confined to the fact we can only make 32x32 icon's, I know we could always go and make multi tiled icons but it would be so much easier to have Size adjustments with DM, it would also make it so in games multi tiled icons dont get cut in half if a part of it is moved by a command or Admin
![]() Nov 4 2006, 10:01 pm
Not happening. It would require fairly substantial engine rewrites.
Chewyy wrote:
All pixel artist atleast me and my friend hate that using DM we are confined to the fact we can only make 32x32 icon Though the DMI editor could certainly allow for a larger easel to paint on, the fact is that internally the system is still going to run on 32x32 icons, because that is how it was designed and that is how each DMI element of the BYOND suite was designed to work. Until any such allowances for the editor occur, however, you can always draw your art in some other program, and then import it into the DMI format. it would also make it so in games multi tiled icons dont get cut in half if a part of it is moved by a command or Admin With an even lightly versed programmer writing such commands, such multi-tiled icons would move as a whole, and not piece-by-piece. (as far as any viewer is concerned, anyhow) Hiead |
I believe in 4.0 they will allow the size to be increased more, but in the end it will still generate as 32x32 icons.
Can someone clarify what I'm trying to say? |
Flame Sage wrote:
I believe in 4.0 they will allow the size to be increased more, but in the end it will still generate as 32x32 icons. The DMI format has evolved into png++ -- or the png format + an embedded comment entailing DM-specific info (like directions and frames). This means that you can edit dmis in your favorite paint program. The embedded icon and map editors also loosely support "big" icons, in that you can import/export/cut/paste large frames. Internally, these are saved as 32x32 w/ special state-names for the different offsets (eg "standing 5,5"), but w/ use of a special DM library this can be made transparent to the developer. Hopefully this will make the usage of big objects easier in BYOND. While I'd love to switch to a pixel-based system to support arbitrarily-sized objects, the tile is just too fundamental to our protocol. It would require a substantial rewrite to do things correctly. |
Tom, why not just reprogram BYOND entirely?
I mean, I know this sounds really stupid, but think about it.. Because of BitBit, your are going to switch, The resources you use to BUILD byond are Windows-only, so it's hard to port to other operating systems. There are MANY things you guys want to include in BYOND, and so many limitations because of your colleage days. I'm not sure.. I think reprograming BYOND would be great (if you guys got Dan back, and paying the programers) BYOND 4 could be a complete rewrite including a Mac and Linux version! Yey =) *approves* |
Flame Sage wrote:
Tom, why not just reprogram BYOND entirely? We'd like to put out BYOND 4.0 sometime this century. |
Mike H wrote:
We'd like to put out BYOND 4.0 sometime this century. Betcha were saying that in 1999, too. =p |
Tom wrote:
While I'd love to switch to a pixel-based system to support arbitrarily-sized objects, the tile is just too fundamental to our protocol. It would require a substantial rewrite to do things correctly. My one question with this is whether it would be possible for a single sprite, larger than 32x32, to be treated as only one tile large by the engine. OpenGL should allow you easily to draw arbitrarily-sized objects centred on specific coordinates on a surface, so while it wouldn't have true large icons, it would at least be able to draw them. If someone wanted to make their large icons simulated better, they could always write their own code to tweak the tile system, just like they already do with pixel_x/y-based games. |