Dead Rising for the Xbox 360 is the best game I had ever played, there is so much to do, you will love it!!
I really do hope they make a sequel. There are over 200+ weapons and the story line is amazing. Also the replay value is very high.
So go get the game if you have a 360 and have fun! :P
It's totally worth it!!
![]() Aug 14 2006, 2:44 pm
![]() Aug 14 2006, 3:26 pm
Yeah my friend downloaded the playable demo and let me play it at his house. I put a Xbox 360 on layaway at Walmart just for that game and I hate Xbox and Microsoft!
Yes they offer it, but I can't understand why you would want it. Why would you want to put money into something you can't afford now that you might not be able to afford later, when you could just put the same money under your pillow and let it build up the same. I just boggles my mind.
You realise that at any time you decide you don't want the lay-a-way you can get all your money back.
I like the lay-a-way plan. I am given roughly two months to pay off the item and they don't rush me to pay on it every other week like K-Mart, I pay on it when i can. If after 2 months I didn't pay it all off, they put it back on the self, within those 2 months, I am given another MONTH to get all the money back I put into it before they just take the money. I don't see why you wouldn't see the sense in it. But whatever. |
I don't get it because you could just as well hold onto the money yourself. The X360 isn't going anywhere, it will still be on the shelf when you raise the money. On top of that, you might end up missing out on a good deal because you already had your money invested into that one. I realize you can get your money back, but it seems like a lot of effort when compared to holding the money yourself.
Do they not charge a fee or anything? Seems to me like they would if you are using up their storage space. I just don't see why it is better, or even worth the effort, to give them the money instead of holding onto it. I can understand putting sheets or seasonal items on lay-away because you might not be able to get it when you want it, but an X-Box is still going to be there when you raise the money. |
Danial.Beta wrote:
I don't get it because you could just as well hold onto the money yourself. The X360 isn't going anywhere, it will still be on the shelf when you raise the money. On top of that, you might end up missing out on a good deal because you already had your money invested into that one. I realize you can get your money back, but it seems like a lot of effort when compared to holding the money yourself. Because in some places a Xbox 360 might be hard to find. Ever think of that? You can't always guarantee it will be there when you have the money. At the time I put it on lay-a-way it was the only delux package they had in months in my town. On Lay-A-Way and on goods purchased simply through WalMart any sales there is a certian time you have where you can bring in the recept and get the money back on that sale. It isn't a lot of effort either, you pay them at a desk like any normal object and sign a pice of paper, thats it. And you can do it at any customer servnice desk and register now too. Do they not charge a fee or anything? Seems to me like they would if you are using up their storage space. I just don't see why it is better, or even worth the effort, to give them the money instead of holding onto it. No they don't charge you a free. I can understand putting sheets or seasonal items on lay-away because you might not be able to get it when you want it, but an X-Box is still going to be there when you raise the money. You can't always say that. Before I moved down South the stores barely even had any of the simple core 360 units for sale. |
Which is why you buy it off an online store. If your town doesn't have what you are looking for that's when you buy it off the net.
Well, then there are shipping costs, which would then cost him more.
If stores are truelly in limited supply around your house, than I can understand it, but x360s are sold at every store that sells video games around here, so they arn't hard to get. I suppose I assumed it is like that most everywhere. |
I don't see what the hell the big deal is. So I used lay-a-way. There is NO negative effect to me using it, so I don't see why we are even debaiting it.
You wanna know what I don't understand, why people would name their BYOND key "Danial.Beta" There you go, this debait is about as senseless as that comment I just made. Shut up about it. I don't always buy stuff online because if I can just get it in town, I don't have to pay shipping. And unlike some people, I have rent to pay and utilites to pay. So I don't always have money to save up for stuff like this, but when I have it on a timed account where I only have so much time it is sort of a incentive. So thats it, get over it. |
Oh yeah.. Dead Rising is a good game and the idea is great, BUT
The text is way too small, my friend has a 19in TV set and we couldn't read any of the small text. And the entire game is in wide screen. DAMN! |
Some people have difficulty saving. By putting it on lay-away you're forcing yourself to save the money without the risks involved with buying it on credit.
True, but that is what a savings account is for. But as I said in my other post, in circumstances where an item might be hard or impossible to get due to non-monetary reasons after you raise the money, it makes sense to use something like lay-away. Since this seems to be the case for Shades, that seems fine. I originally assumed that he did it because he just wanted to save his money that way, which just doesn't add up to me.
I asked a friend of mine about this situation(Well, more or less, just interested in a professional view) and his response was that the money could be put into a savings account and could build interest, but as we figured it, Shades case would earn him less then 1/100 of a cent, so to me, that was not incentive enough, I would rather stash the money someplace, but my friend insisted that the 1/100 of a cent was worth more than 0/100 of a cent. I suppose that is just an accountants view. I, personally, save in my checking account, not the wisest thing to do, but works well for me. I know this isn't aways an option for minors, as they can't just walk into a bank and start an account. I really don't want to drag this out anymore, so this is the last I am going to say on this off-topic. Dead Rising looks like a decent game, but the commercials make it look rather... outdated. Every time he hits a zombie or moves one, they just slide, no back stepping, no rag-doll movement, nothing interesting. I want my zombies to react to my punishment, not just take it in a simple and predetermined way. I suppose I won't know for sure until I play the game... which will probably be never. |
Are you trying to say I am a "minor"? I have a checking account which gets a direct deposit. I saw the Xbox360 DX pack and went for it.
And If you played Dead Rising you would know that it isn't true. Depending on what kind of weapons you use, they will react differently, from slumping to the ground, sliding back, flying through the air, ect. |
I think lay-away is meant for something the store has and the item is discontnued or theres only one more in stock.
And back on topic THIS GAME IS THE BEST!!! |