In response to Vito Stolidus
Vito Stolidus wrote:
... teens and college students did those jobs. Can they not do them again?

sure they can, but they won't because they are either lazy, or pursuing higher education to get better paying jobs. therefore immigrants fill the other positions nicely.

America *needs* immigrants, illegal or otherwise. the country would mostly collapse without the cheap labor they provide.

think of it as payback for what the 'white-man' (ie, Spain, France, Britain) did to them long ago. to qoute Robin WIlliams, 'you take away our land? we give you monkey for your back'.

i hear the Native Americans are doing well in casinos now. and Mexican brothels are more popular than ever. :D

In response to Vito Stolidus
Vito Stolidus wrote:
I can't tell if that was sarcasm... I assure you. Socailism/Communism will not help anyone's situation.

Wuld you like to live in Cuba? Who would? How about North Korea? No takers? Didn't think so.

That's like saying "Capitalism doesn't work because Mexico is poor".
In response to Elation
Can you name one Socialist country that worked? The fundamental idea is flawed. A pipe dream assuming that everyone thinks exactly the same, and desires no more power than the next guy. I'll take my failing Democracy over your flawed Socialism.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Can you name one Socialist country that worked?

England. ;)
In response to Elation
The Queen has no real power, it is a false Socialism.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
The Queen has no real power, it is a false Socialism.

What's the Queen got to do with any of it?

She's merely an old woman, a relic of some imperialistic period of British history that nobody remembers nor cares about.

Regardless, I'd like to see how you come to the conclusion that it's a 'false' socialism- especially in connection to the monarchy. =p
In response to Elation
"United Kingdom — Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy"

I cannot find any reference to England being a socialist government, although they do have socialist party members in the government, they do not run it, but are just some of many.

[edit] Yes, I was wrong about what england was before it's current "Constitutional Monarchy" government, because it was all the sense I could make out of calling the UK a Socalist country was that it must have been what it was before it's current government. [/edit]
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
sure they can, but they won't because they are either lazy, or pursuing higher education to get better paying jobs. therefore immigrants fill the other positions nicely.

Not quite. Some people are lazy, and some people are persuing higher education - not the all encompassing "they" that you use.

America *needs* immigrants, illegal or otherwise. the country would mostly collapse without the cheap labor they provide.

Nonsense, the way things are going is like using duct tape to fix a broken broom handle; it's just a stopgap measure that can't work forever.

We don't need illegal tresspassers. If you take away that nasty scourge we call welfare, I'm sure 90% of the lazy people that sit around and do nothing because of the free handout would finally get up and take those jobs back. Of course, I don't mean welfare has to be completely removed, nor all at once; rather, it should be phased out slowly until it provides just enough to keep someone alive on cheap food. Then it could help people, but it wouldn't be worth anyones time to try and ride along on it.

think of it as payback for what the 'white-man' (ie, Spain, France, Britain) did to them long ago. to qoute Robin WIlliams, 'you take away our land? we give you monkey for your back'.

What the whit man did to "them"? I didn't even understand that at first, but then I saw you mentioned native Americans in your next paragraph.

Native Americans aren't US immigrants, and Mexicans aren't native - they are mostly of Spanish descent, and you listed Spain in there with the whit men that took over too. So what way are you going with that? It doesn't seem to make much sense. Are you saying that those descended from Spain are giving Spain payback for... I don't know, I just can't follow that.
In response to Jon88
I don't see how that's relevant. Taking someones freedom away and forcing them to work for you is different than someone giving up their freedom and being punished.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
"United Kingdom — Government Type: Communist Dictatorship"

Fix'd. You do know that The Party controls everything we Brits do on the internet? I'm putting my neck out on the line here, but PLEASE- spread the word, tell the rest of the world about our plight!

It's... it's hard. We... we don't get much fre-


In response to Loduwijk
Unemployment has been steadily falling for at least two years. Every month or so, you get the new percentage sandwitched between two bad stories about the economy (Fabricated or partially true) in the news.

In response to Jon88
They aren't slaves - they're convicts.

Just call it an excercise program and turn the prison gym into more cells. </joke>

It's not like they disd not have a choice - If you announce you're going to put all new convicts to work, it's the lawbreakers' fault that they have to do it. They were forewarned.

In response to Smoko
Not what I meant. I meant paying convicts for labor (making liscense plates, etc) that they do in jail.

In response to Elation
Mexico is having problems because:
  • the government is corrupt
  • their major cities are overpopulated
  • they don't feel like helping their own poor
  • Their army is taking bribes from, and even helping, drug dealers
  • Their greatest industry is money being sent by illegals in America
  • Vicente Fox thinks the best way to solve the problem is to send their able workforce to America

    That's why. Nothing to do with capitalism.

In response to Elation
Not truly Socialist. Given, it's farther in that direction than the US, but it's not Socialism.

In response to Vito Stolidus
They do put the convicts to work. And they pay em. Hell most homeless commit crimes and get caught INTENTIONALLY, because they know they are better off in jail.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
...Mexicans aren't native - they are mostly of Spanish descent..,

some are, yes, but a large part of their heritage and historical civilization comes from the native american cultures of central america (Maya, Carib and Arawak - to name a few) with a bit of Spainard thrown in for good measure.

much of what is now Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern Califormia was populated by fairly advanced cultures until the Spainish came and drove them out (or destroyed them, as in the case of the Aztecs). The land was later owned / bought / conquered / redistributed by the newly forming governments of Mexico (Spain at the time) and the United States, and whoever was left was either driven south across the current borders, or rounded up and put in reservations.

so yes, historically, they are native. but then i find this all really amusing since all modern white-anglo-saxon, jewish, or otherwise non-native americans are immigrants anyway, and in some cases were probably illegal immigrants too. this whole thread is a bit of 'the pot calling the kettle black'.

regarding the comments surrounding my 'lazy teens' post. getting rid of the illegal immigrants and phasing out welfare *will not* get the lazy people off their butts and get jobs. if that were *really* true, they wouldn't be jobless in the first place, proving themselves capable of a hard day's work regardless of how low the wage/salary is.

but since they are content to sit on their butts and draining the coffers *far far* worse than the illegal immigrants are doing, mostly because they whine for more money to support a higher standard of living (inflated of course). atleast the illegal immigrants are willing to do work to survive, unlike many americans who are happy to sit on their butts enjoying welfare.

and before anyone starts whining about my last sentence, i *have* worked in a welfare office before in the late 80's - 60% of the applicants were perfectly capable of working, but found some method or loophole to avoid it. either they were lazy, or felt it was beneath them to take a lesser-status job, or somehow got a doctor to sign a form that exempt them from work 'oy! my left eye hurts when i look at the color blue!'. much of our time was spent weeding through the crap to find the people who truely needed the help.
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
> so yes, historically, they are native. but then i find this all really amusing since all modern white-anglo-saxon, jewish, or otherwise non-native americans are immigrants anyway, and in some cases were probably illegal immigrants too. this whole thread is a bit of 'the pot calling the kettle black'.

Ahh... umm... NO. To be illegal, you have to be breaking the law. Most of the immigrants of the past came LEGALLY through Angel Island and Ellis Island. Saying that those who came here legally (Most of the whites with immigrant backgrounds) came here illegally is a blatant, outright lie, and you know it. Some very isolated cases may be the children of illegal immigrants. In those cases, it isn't even hypocritical for them to support defending the country against the Illegals. Those children did nothing wrong.

> regarding the comments surrounding my 'lazy teens' post. getting rid of the illegal immigrants and phasing out welfare *will not* get the lazy people off their butts and get jobs. if that were *really* true, they wouldn't be jobless in the first place, proving themselves capable of a hard day's work regardless of how low the wage/salary is.

If they stop getting mailed a welfare check, they'll be faced with a choice: Get a job or starve. I think there is not a single person in the world who would choose to starve, unless you would choose it.

> but since they are content to sit on their butts and draining the coffers *far far* worse than the illegal immigrants are doing, mostly because they whine for more money to support a higher standard of living (inflated of course). atleast the illegal immigrants are willing to do work to survive, unlike many americans who are happy to sit on their butts enjoying welfare.

You just helped make the point for stopping government babying of grown people. Yes, they do whine. Instead of telling them "tough, get a job", the government increases the money they get. This creates more incentive to be lazy.

> and before anyone starts whining about my last sentence, i *have* worked in a welfare office before in the late 80's - 60% of the applicants were perfectly capable of working, but found some method or loophole to avoid it. either they were lazy, or felt it was beneath them to take a lesser-status job, or somehow got a doctor to sign a form that exempt them from work 'oy! my left eye hurts when i look at the color blue!'. much of our time was spent weeding through the crap to find the people who truely needed the help.

Okay. You just told me why removing the incentive of mediocrity that welfare presents would get those lazy bums out of their easy chairs (purchased with government money) in front of their TVs (Also purchased with government money) and into jobs. Why again are you saying that "phasing out welfare *will not* get the lazy people off their butts and get jobs."? All the evidence points to the fact that they will.

Then we have a reason to stop illegal immigration.

In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
Okay. Simple.

*Decrease the deficit! Stop paying criminals wages!*

In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
so yes, historically, they are native. but then i find this all really amusing since all modern white-anglo-saxon, jewish, or otherwise non-native americans are immigrants anyway, and in some cases were probably illegal immigrants too. this whole thread is a bit of 'the pot calling the kettle black'.

Not quite. I am not an illegal tresspasser. My ancestors might have done bad things (not technically illegal since the native Americans didn't have immigration laws that I'm aware of, but still bad), but I am not doing them. I was born here. In the same way, although I don't like those people who are tresspassing now, a few generations from now I wouldn't kick out their descendents who are, by that future time, citizens. So no, it's not a pot/kettle situation, though it would be if this were still the early 1800's and we were having this conversation.

regarding the comments surrounding my 'lazy teens' post. getting rid of the illegal immigrants and phasing out welfare *will not* get the lazy people off their butts and get jobs. if that were *really* true, they wouldn't be jobless in the first place, proving themselves capable of a hard day's work regardless of how low the wage/salary is.

I don't know what you mean by "really true", but it would get them off their lazy butts. Well, either they would get off their lazy butts or they would be homeless skin and bones people that are starving and just barely alive. Unless someone else wanted to spend their own money charitably, but that's fine - it's not my problem then.

but since they are content to sit on their butts and draining the coffers *far far* worse than the illegal immigrants are doing, mostly because they whine for more money to support a higher standard of living (inflated of course). atleast the illegal immigrants are willing to do work to survive, unlike many americans who are happy to sit on their butts enjoying welfare.

Yes, but that doesn't change the facts at hand. The lesser of two evils is not good because of comparison. I think the welfare situation should be higher priority over illegal tresspassing.
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