Like the topic says, how would i allow one usr to see the screen as a view of 10 and the rest to stay at normal 6?
The client object has a separate view field. It can be set to a number (6) or a string ("12x6").

In response to IainPeregrine
In response to IceBlue
IceBlue wrote:

Are you seriously asking how to set a var? 'Cause that's like the first thing you should have learned. The link provided was all you need. If you're literally unclear on how to set a var, then you need to read the DM Guide.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
No lmao i didnt see the link lol and yes var was first thing i learned..... still havent figured out saveing and loading... lol someday.
In response to IceBlue
Setting a variable to a value is straight forward:
view = 7

However, I suspect that you are having issues with where to put your code. This cannot be done as part of the object's definition; instead, you'll have to put it in a proc or a verb.
mob/verb/change_view(var/size as num)
client.view = size

If what you're looking for is to have larger view sizes for certain players, like the program's administrators, you might want to change the view size as soon as they connect to your world:
var/admins = list("iceblue","gerrymcmahon")
if(ckey in admins)
view = 10
In response to IainPeregrine
Its telling me client.view is undefined var
In response to IceBlue
Both examples I provided compile just fine on their own. I suspect that you've placed them somewhere they don't belong. I defined both of those at what is called the root of the object tree; this means that they arn't placed inside of other objects. When dealing with code seen on the forums, you have to think of it as examples that you can learn from, they are almost never snippits that you can cut and paste directly into your own program as-is.

Before you continue work on this project, you'll save yourself a lot of headaches if you go back to the guide and learn where code goes in the object tree. You'll want to pay close attention to the difference between defining an object and writing a proc or verb.

icon = 'weapons.dmi'
icon_state = "knife"
strength = 2
cutting = TRUE

proc/slash(var/mob/who as mob)