In response to Mega fart cannon
I made a pokemon game once upon a time. It used all the actual formulas and stat gains from the real games (which you hardly see around here, everyone makes some simple, flimsy formula). It had all the moves and their accurate power ratings and the system was (like everything else) just like the originals. It also had a nice looking menu with the pokedex, pokegear and all those such things. Also, if I remember correctly, it had all 251 Pokemon from red/blue/yellow/gold/silver. As you can see, I like keeping things by the book, and I prefer the older Gameboy Color versions.

Anyway, the only thing that wasn't exactly the same as the games it was modeled after (aside from the map, of course) was the way I showed the menu system. You might think someone like me who dislikes verb/stat panels would go all out with the hud and make that look like the game too, but no. I did it all, even the battle screen, in a statpanel.

That might not sound so impressive at first, but I found that you can do some impressive things with the statpanel, more than most people do. For instance, when in battle I showed the pictures of both your active Pokemon and the opponent one, and their health meters which drained and filled smoothly as they should, the Pokemon would blink when hit; and under yours was the list of commands, or the current battle output text if it was giving messages (such as "Bulbasaur attacks! Critical hit!") Anyway, everyone who saw it was impressed, and I was quite pleased with it.

But back on topic (well, halfway there), Pokemon has become some sort of epidemic now too? I didn't realise that was so bad, nor that it was another rip cespool.
In response to Loduwijk
Hmm...That does sound immpressive. What happened to it?
And yes, the source has been out for quite a while now.
In response to Mega fart cannon
I lost it to some unknown archive backup somewhere among my many crashes, computer switches and so on. I have switched computers twice since I made it, and both the original one and the second one died several times, and this current one once.

I might still have it somewhere, but if I do I haven't been able to find it. I've tried several times, because I've wanted to show it to some people.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
I made a pokemon game once upon a time. It used all the actual formulas and stat gains from the real games (which you hardly see around here, everyone makes some simple, flimsy formula). It had all the moves and their accurate power ratings and the system was (like everything else) just like the originals. It also had a nice looking menu with the pokedex, pokegear and all those such things. Also, if I remember correctly, it had all 251 Pokemon from red/blue/yellow/gold/silver. As you can see, I like keeping things by the book, and I prefer the older Gameboy Color versions.

Anyway, the only thing that wasn't exactly the same as the games it was modeled after (aside from the map, of course) was the way I showed the menu system. You might think someone like me who dislikes verb/stat panels would go all out with the hud and make that look like the game too, but no. I did it all, even the battle screen, in a statpanel.

That might not sound so impressive at first, but I found that you can do some impressive things with the statpanel, more than most people do. For instance, when in battle I showed the pictures of both your active Pokemon and the opponent one, and their health meters which drained and filled smoothly as they should, the Pokemon would blink when hit; and under yours was the list of commands, or the current battle output text if it was giving messages (such as "Bulbasaur attacks! Critical hit!") Anyway, everyone who saw it was impressed, and I was quite pleased with it.

But back on topic (well, halfway there), Pokemon has become some sort of epidemic now too? I didn't realise that was so bad, nor that it was another rip cespool.

if your game is that good why isn tit played or hosted?

as for pokemon dont make me laugh there is a max of 20 pokemon games...dragonball is well into the 100s and naruto is taking off
In response to Heavenshero
It's quite possible for a person to not pass out host files for their game. He did say he lost the source in another post.
In response to Heavenshero
Heavenshero wrote:
things changed everyday

There is things changed every day. The name and version number mainly.
It's because regardless of what it seems like, everyone wants original DBZ games. They start with the zeta source and then try to overhaul it.
In response to Heavenshero
Heavenshero wrote:
rai whored his games out...i have him on my msn and he needed money a while back so basically went around selling popular versions of zeta for like $5...

he now works in a fish port...

rae is a good owner as oppose to nick though (nick sucks) rae at least cares about zeta and it's players...the only thing i think is harsh is rae sold some stuff that nick had also worked on and didnt split the profit with nick...he infact left nick with the costs of running server etc etc

Aside from the fact that your taking shots without backing yourself up in the slightest, I keep it up because people still play it. I'm not out for money in anyway from it. The big deal I made about being upset with Rae was when I had supspected (correctly) that Raekwon was not Raekwon, as someone had managed to get onto his key, and was stirring up trouble when I wouldn't give him a copy of the source. That problem was resloved and it was all put to rest.

Otherwise though, Zeta has been plagued with staff problems for years. The original fiasco for which the source got out from initially, to every single instance since where someone was given more than basic moderation ability, has gone horribly wrong, hence my reluctancy to let anyone else help out in anyway with the source directly.

For me personally I had some tough stuff to deal with over the past year, that took priority over any form of normal life. So yea, attention to it has outright not been there for periods at a time, but to outright say I don't care is a pretty harsh accusation. So much as logging on gets at least half the people on at the time just spamming my name until I personally acknowledge them, and almost always it's them wanting some sort of stat boost, free stuff, or moderator abilities. When I actually do take the time to respond to them, within 24 hours they will have conviniently forgotten the discussion and the process repeats itself. Game things itself, I spent quite a while rewriting things as needed that weren't programmed with the idea of expanding upon them (prior to the current version, no other version has lasted more than a few months before a new one replaced it).

Regardless, its an odd situation. Prior to this, probably very few people who frequent this forum know I even have ties with Zeta, and to have found out you really would have had to hunt around. To be honest, the going opinion around here makes it almost something to be ashamed of, and while I'm not, I'm not exactly going to run about shouting from the balconies about it.
In response to Nick231
Nick231 wrote:
Heavenshero wrote:
rai whored his games out...i have him on my msn and he needed money a while back so basically went around selling popular versions of zeta for like $5...

he now works in a fish port...

rae is a good owner as oppose to nick though (nick sucks) rae at least cares about zeta and it's players...the only thing i think is harsh is rae sold some stuff that nick had also worked on and didnt split the profit with nick...he infact left nick with the costs of running server etc etc

Aside from the fact that your taking shots without backing yourself up in the slightest, I keep it up because people still play it. I'm not out for money in anyway from it. The big deal I made about being upset with Rae was when I had supspected (correctly) that Raekwon was not Raekwon, as someone had managed to get onto his key, and was stirring up trouble when I wouldn't give him a copy of the source. That problem was resloved and it was all put to rest.

Otherwise though, Zeta has been plagued with staff problems for years. The original fiasco for which the source got out from initially, to every single instance since where someone was given more than basic moderation ability, has gone horribly wrong, hence my reluctancy to let anyone else help out in anyway with the source directly.

For me personally I had some tough stuff to deal with over the past year, that took priority over any form of normal life. So yea, attention to it has outright not been there for periods at a time, but to outright say I don't care is a pretty harsh accusation. So much as logging on gets at least half the people on at the time just spamming my name until I personally acknowledge them, and almost always it's them wanting some sort of stat boost, free stuff, or moderator abilities. When I actually do take the time to respond to them, within 24 hours they will have conviniently forgotten the discussion and the process repeats itself. Game things itself, I spent quite a while rewriting things as needed that weren't programmed with the idea of expanding upon them (prior to the current version, no other version has lasted more than a few months before a new one replaced it).

Regardless, its an odd situation. Prior to this, probably very few people who frequent this forum know I even have ties with Zeta, and to have found out you really would have had to hunt around. To be honest, the going opinion around here makes it almost something to be ashamed of, and while I'm not, I'm not exactly going to run about shouting from the balconies about it.

we all know that rae was never hacked....your saying that the apparenty "neo rae" managed to hack his msn...byond etc etc all of his other accounts....rae came back...messed up then decided to "come back" again
even if the rae was fake..i got along with both of those raes more than i got along with you nick. Like i said before zeta is a great game but there is a dark cloud haning over the name zeta...

AS FOR BACKING MYSELF UP....nick you pissed everyone off and every time i have ever talked to you i have never ever asked for anything i have chatted to you like a real LIKE having people ass lick you, you dont listen to suggestions or help people you.

you may have guessed who it is..i doubt you care, but here's MY STORY:

trained and supported zeta for many months getting many new people to play it etc and generaly enjoying it as a good char gets deleted by a bug 80mill(back when it was hard to train) i tell nick, he says tough [expletive deleted], despite i had much proof that this character existed. I lose 30mill on a new char when there was a game bug, again nicks response "tough [expletive deleted]" and my final reason for the whole nick sucks~ my 260mill majin char (7th strongest in the game at the time) lost 20million and -10k strength and -15k deffense. meaning people with 100pl could kill me with a few punches...>.< nick for along time refused to acknowledge there was a problem and kept me waiting on being fixed for over a week even though he saw me in game and on byond everyday, he refused to fix. saying "later" or "there is no proof that your char is [expletive deleted]" when i complain to anyone they agree with me and when i am talking to an admin about nick and his behaviour i use a rather rude word to describe nick...the admins dont punish..worse words are said all the time about other players or admins..nick comes on sees me saying a nasty word and hands me a perm ban :P (which was lifted 3months later by rae...fake or not) course thats just my PERSONAL reasons for the whole nick sucking comment...there are loads of other reasons i could give but this post is long enough

the point i was making was that zeta 47 is one of the best dball games on byond with THE BEST battle system...but the whole concept is [expletive deleted] and the whole zeta name is mud on byond..people wont play original zeta games because from the minuite they join byond they zeta surrounded by a whole "ripped" surrounding...
the reason why the concept sucks, is because of peoples powerlevels...there are people who are at 800million which means if any of the older 47 players had stayed they would all be well into the billion PL mark..i myself would probably be in the Billions i gained more than what...60mill a week on wishing and i havent played due to bans etc in over a year? How do you expect new players to join a game that they cant survive for more than a second in because people focused to 1.5bill come killing and the games name is mud?

In response to Heavenshero
Heavenshero wrote:
if your game is that good why isn tit played or hosted?

Because I never released it?

I anticipate "Why didn't you release it?"

Because there was no plot and the map was tiny. There were only a few very small areas to explore, and it only took a few minutes to get to each. So the foundation was made, but I never expanded it, never actually put it to use.

Also, take a look at my track record; the only thing I have ever released is my single library. I never released any of my other dozens of projects, because they too never were expanded.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
Heavenshero wrote:
if your game is that good why isn tit played or hosted?

Because I never released it?

I anticipate "Why didn't you release it?"

Because there was no plot and the map was tiny. There were only a few very small areas to explore, and it only took a few minutes to get to each. So the foundation was made, but I never expanded it, never actually put it to use.

Also, take a look at my track record; the only thing I have ever released is my single library. I never released any of my other dozens of projects, because they too never were expanded.

thats silly..if you have made a good game...release it!
In response to Heavenshero
Heavenshero wrote:

we all know that rae was never hacked....your saying that the apparenty "neo rae" managed to hack his msn...byond etc etc all of his other accounts....rae came back...messed up then decided to "come back" again
even if the rae was fake..i got along with both of those raes more than i got along with you nick. Like i said before zeta is a great game but there is a dark cloud haning over the name zeta...

Getting a slew of accounts comprimised isn't exactly hard once you know one of someone's passwords, as most people use the same password for everything, and getting a hold of his msn address isn't exactly hard either as everybody and their mother has it anyway. And whether you choose to believe the fact or not, doesn't change him being in Denmark for 2 weeks, up until the point I confront him on the subject, where he refused to so much as answer two simple questions that were things we had talked about that he would know if it was the real Raekwon. When you couple that with the fact that 2 hours later he magically appears on an old key of his from Canada trying to figure out what the heck was going on, was able to answer the questions and went as far as to give the phone number I had used once or twice to call him a while ago. So while it's perfectly possible the entire thing is a ruse, there was absolutely no reason behind it for either of us to have done it, any BYOND staff could probably also verify if there was any sort of support query regarding it
AS FOR BACKING MYSELF UP....nick you pissed everyone off and every time i have ever talked to you i have never ever asked for anything i have chatted to you like a real LIKE having people [...], you dont listen to suggestions or help people you.

When its possible I do try to help people, and when its feasible I do listen to suggestions. I could even demonstrate it for you, I can't get on the game without getting completely bombarded with things. The help people request are usually questions that could be answered by just about anyone on, on occasions there are incidences in which an admin needs to help, and on rare occasions there is actually something that only I can really fix, and by that point the character usually ends up getting scraped and recreated.

you may have guessed who it is..i doubt you care, but here's MY STORY:

[sniped about stat lose]
It happened and when it was a significant amounts I would usually restore it no questions asked assuming the person asking for it wasn't being an idiot about it.

[snipped about bad stuff]
There was a time when any flames towards any of the moderators was not tolerated at all. To be perfectly honest I didn't really even need a reason to ban you if I didn't want to have one, That policy has since been changed to treat it equally for both players and moderators.

the point i was making was that zeta 47 is one of the best dball games on byond with THE BEST battle system...but the whole concept is shite and the whole zeta name is mud on byond..people wont play original zeta games because from the minuite they join byond they zeta surrounded by a whole "ripped" surrounding...

Zeta is actually one of the most hidden dragonball games on BYOND. It's one of the few people aren't surrounded by when your looking through the games list. It's one of 3 games that frequent the Fangames.DragonballZ channel, and its buried amongst god knows how many others when you try to search for something a person looking for a dragonball game would search for. And if people don't play the original because there are so many imitations than thats not exactly the fault of the original.

the reason why the concept sucks, is because of peoples powerlevels...there are people who are at 800million which means if any of the older 47 players had stayed they would all be well into the billion PL mark..i myself would probably be in the Billions i gained more than what...60mill a week on wishing and i havent played due to bans etc in over a year? How do you expect new players to join a game that they cant survive for more than a second in because people focused to 1.5bill come killing and the games name is mud?

People don't like having things taken away from them. I tried doing a simple reduction, the strong people were still strong, just not 10x that of the average player. A full reset would have been horrible. It came down to pissing off the hundred or so current players, or every couple new people to trickle in to decide its too hard and run off to one of the many rips out there where one class reigns supreme and they can be godlike in no time at all.
Beware of a new set of DBZeta rips, V47 rips. Its starting to occur because I heard about someone giving out an old version of V47. Though, current V47 is not the same as old V47, still can turn into a problem. Ripping is not a way to go, especially if you want to build a good DBZ game or other crap.

I myself am building my own DBZ game that is not based off of any Zeta Code. If I ripped, I would have no work to do at all. Best way to go when achieving a good DBZ is to avoid ripping. I also heard about another new set of rips, the Elysium Rips. I never played Elysium but had heard about these new rips. Though, there is downloadable source code, rips are appearing.

Remember, ripping = Unhealthy for your brain & will cause Coding Cancer/Codiritis disease as you go through very bad coding habits. About over 99.9% of the owners of rips have been inflicted with this disease.
In response to Heavenshero
You'd have players with billions of PL? Uh. Doesn't anyone else notice the infeasibility of this? Enough players with high enough numbers and they'd totally lag the place down when they tried to battle/change/do anything with those high numbers. Your player would like, become unusable. :P
In response to Elation
One of the highest ever achieved that occurred in very early V47 was like over 4 billion max PL (though lower than some other games) because of biological androids (cells) were absorbing evil buu. I can tell from the facts because I got to see this V47 of DBZeta (which came out publicly around January 2004).
In response to Bandock
Bandock wrote:
One of the highest ever achieved that occurred in very early V47 was like over 4 billion max PL (though lower than some other games) because of biological androids (cells) were absorbing evil buu. I can tell from the facts because I got to see this V47 of DBZeta (which came out publicly around January 2004).

Don't you guys realize how ridiculous you're making this sound? You're saying DBZ games on BYOND aren't that bad and then you guys talk about the massive amounts of rips, players with billions of PL, and admins/moderators that can ban you for no reason.
In response to Elation
Higher numbers don't cause lag. They do lose precision (because all numbers are stored as single-precision floating point numbers in BYOND), but they won't lag.
In response to Nick231

People don't like having things taken away from them. I tried doing a simple reduction, the strong people were still strong, just not 10x that of the average player. A full reset would have been horrible. It came down to pissing off the hundred or so current players, or every couple new people to trickle in to decide its too hard and run off to one of the many rips out there where one class reigns supreme and they can be godlike in no time at all.

a pwipe would bring in alot more players than would leave...and yes i understand why you would try a 10X Reduction and i understand why people would get pissed off...but i think a majority of zeta players would appreciate a powerwipe if you checked zeta forums, alot of people said yes and no one the end of the day who cares coz 48 is right around the corner aint it nick eh lol!

In response to Bandock
using a bug (which i reported) i managed to focus to 15billion powerlevel. (temp)

keep in mind the highest was in fact super17 and MV at this point who both had around 300-400mill

I killed super 17 with splash damage from a single ki blast..

I believe the Bug still exists as well....will i tell anyone? no :P
In response to Justin Knight
It isn't ridiculous at all...

the game we are on about is the original and it's not easy to obtain the 800mill + that people on the game now have..keep in mind it takes what...3hours to gain 1mill or an hour to gain 1.5 something like that...and thats after 100mill :P so the people who are 800mill have spent 800hours+ on their chars...

so yea...i can understand where new players joining at 150pl can get a bit put off when a 800mill comes and destroys them
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